Take Back Our Country, Before it’s Too Late
We are the party of common sense, rooted in liberty loving, small government, family friendly, America First, God-given principles. The other party, dominated by the Biden/Polis regime, has become the party of leftist Wokeism. As Arkansas Governor Sanders aptly put it, “The dividing line in America is no longer between right or left. The choice is between normal or crazy.” The Party of Lincoln is the party of everyday, normal, hard-working citizens who love our kids, love God and love this great nation.
Challenge the Unconstitutional Open Primary
Let Republicans and Democrats pick their own candidates in their primary elections. The Republican Party must challenge the unconstitutional open primary in federal court as soon as possible.
Support the Grassroots
Rather than a top down management, we need a bottom up style for the Colorado Republican Party. The most important people in our party are individual Colorado citizens who are locally engaged with vital issues in their communities. We the People should be in charge.
Fix Colorado’s Broken Election System
Do everything possible to make Colorado’s elections transparent, secure, and accurate. It is essential that the Citizens of Colorado have justifiable confidence in our elections.
Defend and Fortify the Caucus System
We must rebuild our caucus system into a robust, grassroots force of local citizen engagement. Make the caucus a celebration of our God-given freedoms across the state of Colorado. Once every two years we have the opportunity to “reboot” our system, starting with local caucuses. This must be a top priority, to reinvigorate the Colorado GOP and renew our inalienable liberties for all of Colorado and boldly stand against any who want to end or diminish the caucuses.
Build a New Unity Around the Party’s Solid Principles
As government grows, liberties diminish. As government is held to its proper and limited role, the citizens prosper. These values, first expressed in the Declaration of Independence, are the core of the solid principles of our party. We must firmly stand for these values. If we do, honest, hard-working Colorado citizens will rally to our cause.
At the national level we have a great party platform that spells out these principles. Under my leadership we will build a Colorado-specific party platform to boldly proclaim our solid principles. It will also serve as a touchstone for our candidates and a rallying point for all liberty-loving Colorado citizens.