Every Monday morning (except some holidays) at 7:30 AM we gather via Zoom to discuss the latest issues here in Colorado and beyond. With your computer or phone please be a part of the discussion.

Here is the link and passcode:

Meeting ID: 842 9470 1530

Passcode: 265885

October 19, 2024

1. Vote Now

2. Ranked Choice Voting: a Very Bad Idea (Prop 131)

3. Supreme Court to Review Child Mutilation Laws

4. CBS Caught Deceptively Editing Interview of Speaker Johnson

5. Act Blue Caught Cooking Their Books With a Fraudulent Donation Scheme

6. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

1. Vote Now

I trust you are doing all you can to vote soon and get other like-minded citizens to vote. I recommend voting for all of the Republican candidates. However, in Larimer County the District Attorney race has no Republican on the ballot. I recommend voting for the unaffiliated candidate, Dawn Downs.

Truth and Liberty voter guides are now available! Printed versions are being distributed, but online versions can be found here.

My State ballot recommendations can be found here.

2. Ranked Choice Voting: a Very Bad Idea (Prop 131)

Proposition 131 will create a jungle primary and ranked choice voting for elections in Colorado. The jungle primary puts all candidates in one big, complex primary election which is a dangerous policy that will pretty much eliminate our two major party system of governance. I say this because the main purpose of a political party is to choose their candidate for each elected office in general elections. The jungle primary eliminates this role for the parties, rendering their main purpose moot.

The power vacuum this creates will be filled by the rich and powerful. With political parties swept aside the rich and powerful will have a clear path to buy their way into office or buy the candidates of their choice without any meaningful competition from average citizens. Today those average citizens can amplify their voice though political parties. Take away this essential power of selecting candidates for general elections will have the net effect of stripping away the voices of average citizens from the political process. A jungle primary is not democratic, it is autocratic.

But wait, there is more. Ranked choice voting will disrupt the voting process in a fundamental way that allows more games to be played in our elections and the complexities of the process makes any meaningful recounts of elections virtually impossible. Also, ranked choice voting is said to guarantee the winner always wins with more than 50% of the votes. However, that is only accomplished by throwing out the first votes of enough individual ballots to artificially create a majority winner, and the ultimate winner is often not even the winner of the plurality of the votes cast in the first round of counting. Here is an article that demonstrates how ranked choice voting has been a disaster in other states that have tried it.

I am a strong NO on Proposition 131.

3. Supreme Court to Review Child Mutilation Laws

26 states have put laws in place to prevent child mutilation through irreversible gender conversion therapies. The Biden – Harris administration is asking the Supreme Court to overturn those laws.

Here is a commentary by Matt Staver of Liberty Counsel explaining why states have the authority to ban child mutilation therapies and why “talk therapy,” which is the best medical alternative, is protected under the First Amendment. “Talk therapy” has been denigrated by some states (including Colorado) by labeling it “conversion therapy” and banning that very appropriate psychiatric practice.

Please look at this. It is essential information on a topic that is getting much deserved attention, but with little understanding of the many factors involved.

4. CBS Caught Deceptively Editing Interview of Speaker Johnson

By now it is no big surprise that major media continues to put their thumb on the scale of political debate, but here is a blatant example that Speaker Johnson has shown to the country.

5. Act Blue Caught Cooking Their Books With a Fraudulent Donation Scheme

Check this out. This article explains how Harris is able to “magically” raise hundreds of millions of dollars in a matter of days when the average citizen is really not that interested in supporting her. This is an organized crime that needs to be stopped ASAP.

6. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

Every Monday morning at 7:30 AM we gather via Zoom to discuss the latest issues here in Colorado and beyond. With your computer or phone please be a part of the discussion.

Meeting ID: 842 9470 1530

Passcode: 265885

One tap mobile
+17193594580,,84294701530#,,,,*265885# US

For Life and Liberty!

Kevin Lundberg
fmr Colorado State Senator

As the executive director for the Republican Study Committee of Colorado, I am working to keep this organization a powerful voice for conservative values in the Colorado legislature. We are a non-profit 501(c)4 organization, relying on contributions (which are not tax-deductible).

Donations can be sent to:

The Republican Study Committee of Colorado, P.O. Box 378, Berthoud, CO 80513.

October 12, 2024

1. Trump Visits and Ballots Drop Next Week

2. Great Election Advice from a Pastor

3. Reliable Electric Grid?

4. Average Joe – The Movie

5. Election Interference from the FCC

6. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

1. Trump Visits and Ballots Drop Next Week

Donald Trump spoke on Friday here is Colorado to a packed crowd. It was a strategic move as Colorado has not been in play for this year’s presidential calculations, or is it? If nothing else it makes the Democrat strategists nervous as they might think they need to expand their outreach to all the states, stretching their resources beyond their current plans. We shall see, but it is an interesting move in a very dynamic political season.

I also found two other details interesting. The first is Trump recognized a couple of dozen people, but no one from the state party. Hmm… The other is he was much more supportive of Colorado than his first visit as a presidential candidate, back in 2016. In that 2016 speech he spent much of his time (at the Western Conservative Summit) scolding Colorado Republicans for not getting on board with his campaign.

And ballots will be mailed out next week. The election is now here. I trust you are doing all you can to vote soon and get other like-minded citizens to vote. I recommend voting for the Republican candidates. However, in Larimer County the District Attorney race has no Republican on the ballot. I recommend voting for the unaffiliated candidate, Dawn Downs.

Truth and Liberty voter guides are now available! Printed versions are being distributed, but online versions can be found here.

My State ballot recommendations can be found here.

2. Great Election Advice from a Pastor

Here is a good sermon on the book of John, but a few seconds before the 20:00 mark the pastor also gives some challenging comments on the current election for about 6:00 minutes. Please watch it if you can.

3. Reliable Electric Grid?

I have published much about my concern that our electric grid is in great peril, given the policies put in place here in Colorado by Polis and the Biden/Harris administration. However, there are some positive ideas out there that could head us in the right direction if they are implemented. Here is one report on what could be used to strengthen our grid system.

4. Average Joe – The Movie

This is a movie about Coach Joe Kennedy who dared to pray after his high school team’s games… at the 50 yard line.

I have only seen the trailer so far, but I know the story and those who argued this case before the Supreme Court. I am sure it is a powerful message that all should see. To learn where it is playing here in Colorado click here.

5. Election Interference from the FCC?

Here are two stories on how the Federal Communications Commission is playing a dangerous game that looks like serious election interference on the part of a federal government agency. You decide. Click here and here.

6. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

Every Monday morning at 7:30 AM we gather via Zoom to discuss the latest issues here in Colorado and beyond. With your computer or phone please be a part of the discussion.

Meeting ID: 842 9470 1530

Passcode: 265885

One tap mobile
+17193594580,,84294701530#,,,,*265885# US

For Life and Liberty!

Kevin Lundberg
fmr Colorado State Senator

As the executive director for the Republican Study Committee of Colorado, I am working to keep this organization a powerful voice for conservative values in the Colorado legislature. We are a non-profit 501(c)4 organization, relying on contributions (which are not tax-deductible).

Donations can be sent to:

The Republican Study Committee of Colorado, P.O. Box 378, Berthoud, CO 80513.

October 5, 2024

1. Colorado’s Political Prisoner

2. LookUp Celebration is Today and Tomorrow

3. Vice Presidential Debate

4. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

1. Colorado’s Political Prisoner

Tina Peters, Colorado’s Political Prisoner

I was shocked when I heard the sentence Tina Peters received this week. I knew the judge had conducted her trial with significant animus and disregard for a fair and unbiased trial, but after his reckless conduct during the trial I didn’t expect him to literally throw the book at her for the sentence. After what I call a show trial and a nine year prison sentence Tina Peters has now become Colorado’s political prisoner. This is a shameful abuse of our judicial system.

It should shock any thinking citizen to realize that the judge essentially said he is throwing this Gold Star Mom into prison, rather than a probation penalty because she refuses to acquiesce to the judge’s opinion that she is an unrepentant “election denier.” His meaning to that phrase appears to be someone who refuses to say that the elections in Colorado are accurate and fair. In other words, because she doesn’t comply to his opinion that there are no significant problems with Colorado’s election system she must be severely punished for thinking and speaking her mind.

Whatever happened to the First Amendment and freedom of conscience? This judge is sending a not so subtle message to all who dare to look at the facts and make their own opinions that it will not be tolerated. Tina was convicted on technical details of trivial issues that the prosecution cooked up to try to get her on something. At a bare minimum the judge should have recognized that and made the sentence a light probation, if at all. But his harsh words to her and even harsher sentence revealed a venom he holds against this woman of courage and conviction who refuses to submit to his opinion of Colorado’s election systems.

BTW, by my definition an election denier is not someone who questions the accuracy of our election processes. An election denier is someone who refuses to look at all of the facts, to consider the possibility that bad actors will take advantage of weak links in the system to bend the results to their desires. Election deniers are not engaged in calls for full transparency of all election systems or meaningful dialogue on these issues. Election deniers far too often throw out phrases like “gold standard” and think that should settle it.

I will not relitigate Tina’s prosecution here, but I assure the reader that I have been following Tina’s situation very closely since 2021 and I am convinced she has been in the right since she first became aware of serious potential problems with Colorado’s election systems. The Secretary of State, Mesa County district attorney, Colorado attorney general and I suspect the entire electronic voting industry have been trying to silence her and make her a sacrificial lamb to prop up an election system that has served them well. This is a dark day for Colorado’s judicial system and a bad omen for what we might expect from Colorado’s election system in the next few weeks.

Tina Peters, as the clerk and recorder for Mesa County, took her responsibility seriously to preserve the voting records in her county (which in Colorado is required for at least 26 months). For all of her hard work and best of intentions this judge is sending her to prison for nine years.

Colorado voters take heed. Those who count our votes will not tolerate anyone seriously questioning their hidden, secret systems. For years they insisted that their machines were not capable of any wireless connections but were then caught red-handed when expert observations confirmed that wireless connections were very common on their machines and the software was programmed to use those connections. Now in Colorado they have made it illegal for county clerks or any outside experts to examine the hardware and software of their systems. 

As a voting citizen, until they open up their systems and be fully transparent with the voting public and allow hand counts and recounts of the paper ballots, I will not be satisfied with their hollow assurances.

For Tina Peters, my prayers are with her. I pray she will be protected and encouraged during this severe trial and I pray she will be granted justice through an appeal and ultimately vindicated for her courage and honesty for standing up for what she knows to be right and true.

2. LookUp Celebration is Today and Tomorrow

Make this special event a priority and invite a friend.

3. Vice Presidential Debate

What a contrast in style, content and values! Here is a good analysis from the Daily Caller

4. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

Every Monday morning at 7:30 AM we gather via Zoom to discuss the latest issues here in Colorado and beyond. With your computer or phone please be a part of the discussion.

Meeting ID: 842 9470 1530

Passcode: 265885

One tap mobile
+17193594580,,84294701530#,,,,*265885# US

For Life and Liberty!

Kevin Lundberg
fmr Colorado State Senator

As the executive director for the Republican Study Committee of Colorado, I am working to keep this organization a powerful voice for conservative values in the Colorado legislature. We are a non-profit 501(c)4 organization, relying on contributions (which are not tax-deductible).

Donations can be sent to:

The Republican Study Committee of Colorado, P.O. Box 378, Berthoud, CO 80513.

September 28, 2024

1. LookUp Celebration is Next Week

2. State Ballot Questions I Recommend

3. Survey of Christian Voters Just Released

4. An Energy Solution for the Looming Energy Crisis

5. Shocking Reminder of J6 Hostages

6. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

1. LookUp Celebration is Next Week

With ballots here in Colorado a few short weeks away, it is good to get engaged.

I will be the speaker at the Ouray Lincoln Day dinner today, September 28. I look forward to this opportunity to share some of my observations on this election season with many friends on the Western slope.

The Larimer GOP “Liberty and Lead” event has been postponed to sometime next Spring.

Don’t forget about the Celebration with Will Graham in Loveland on October 5 and 6! Make this special event a priority and invite a friend.

2. State Ballot Questions I Recommend

The Blue Book is out and it has a daunting 14 statewide ballot questions.

Here are my recommendations:

Amendment G: Modify Property Tax Exemption for Veterans with Disabilities – Yes

Amendment H: Judicial Discipline Procedures and Confidentiality – Yes

Amendment I: Constitutional Bail Exception for First Degree Murder – Yes

Amendment J: Repealing the Definition of Marriage in the Constitution – No

Amendment K: Modify Election Deadlines – No

Amendment 79: Constitutional Right to Abortion – No

Amendment 80: Constitutional Right to School Choice – neutral

This one needs some explanation. I rarely oppose any school choice options, but I am troubled by the final sentence in this constitutional question: “Each K-12 child has the right to school choice.” This constitutional wording may in some cases grant the authority for school choice to the child instead of the parents. I consider this wording to be problematic, and therefore I am taking a neutral position for my public recommendations.

Proposition JJ: Retain Additional Sports Betting Tax Revenue – No

Proposition KK: Firearms and Ammunition Excise Tax – No

Proposition 127: Prohibit Bobcat, Lynx, and Mountain Lion Hunting – No

Proposition 128: Parole Eligibility for Crimes of Violence – Yes

Proposition 129: Establishing Veterinary Professional Associates – Yes

Proposition 130: Funding for Law Enforcement – Yes

Proposition 131: Establishing All-Candidate Primary and Ranked Choice Voting General Elections – No

This measure is very dangerous and disruptive. It does not give individual citizens more electoral power, it pretty much eliminates what effect political parties may have on elections and empowers the very rich who can buy their way onto the ballot. Ranked choice voting also makes hand counting and any reasonable election audits impossible.

3. Survey of Christian Voters Just Released

Click Here for the results of a nationwide survey and analysis of the attitudes and expectations of voters who attend church. The bottom line is too many christians are staying home and too many churches are not paying enough attention to what is happening in this election season.

This comprehensive poll was released this week. It is a sobering reminder that the church and too many christians in the US are partly to blame for much of the increasing secularization in our country.

4. An Energy Solution for the Looming Energy Crisis

With government policies in place to choke off the electrical grid and replace most of it with unpredictable and super expensive renewable systems we are headed to a brick wall.

However, the technology already exists to get out of this intractable problem and some countries are starting to figure it out, but US policy still has it’s head in the sand (or somewhere much worse). Read this article for more information.

5. Shocking Reminder of J6 Hostages

Our government continues to persecute political prisoners. Here is a first hand report from someone who is still being held in the US version of the Soviet Gulags.

6. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

Every Monday morning at 7:30 AM we gather via Zoom to discuss the latest issues here in Colorado and beyond. With your computer or phone please be a part of the discussion.

Meeting ID: 842 9470 1530

Passcode: 265885

One tap mobile
+17193594580,,84294701530#,,,,*265885# US

For Life and Liberty!

Kevin Lundberg
fmr Colorado State Senator

As the executive director for the Republican Study Committee of Colorado, I am working to keep this organization a powerful voice for conservative values in the Colorado legislature. We are a non-profit 501(c)4 organization, relying on contributions (which are not tax-deductible).

Donations can be sent to:

The Republican Study Committee of Colorado, P.O. Box 378, Berthoud, CO 80513.

September 21, 2024

1. Events I Recommend

2. More on The Debate

3. Is Act Blue Cooking the Books?

4. Kentucky Governor Joins Trans Craze

5. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

1. Events I Recommend:

With ballots here in Colorado a few short weeks away, it is good to get engaged.

very special event in Severance is later today (Saturday, September 21).

I will be the speaker at the Ouray Lincoln Day dinner next Saturday, September 28.

But if you are not up for a five hour or so drive from the Northern Front Range there is the Larimer GOP “Liberty and Lead” event.

And don’t forget about the Celebration with Will Graham in Loveland on October 5 and 6!

Last week I led with a story on the presidential debate and called it a draw. At this point I am not so sure, as the fallout from all of the deceit Harris displayed is coming to light as well as the extreme measures ABC took to skew the event.

Initially I didn’t notice their shrewd manipulation of the set to make Harris seem bigger and more composed than Trump. They made a smaller, but identical podium to Trump’s podium and then zoomed in to give the impression that she was of the same proportions as Trump when they lined them up side by side (which was the angle for nearly all of the debate time). When they briefly showed a wide shot it was often at a weird, high angle that gave the impression that her relative size was only due to her being far away from the camera, as it looked like a shot from a fisheye lense.

This camera angle and set design reminded me of a demonstration picture I have in my ancient college psychology textbook which shows how the lines and proportions of a room can be manipulated to make people look very different sizes in a picture than they are in real life. They also mounted Trump’s mic a bit lower than it should have been, forcing him to lean down into the mic. That gave him a more threatening posture, which contributed to a more negative presentation. At the other podium Harris was able to reach the mic with a better posture, giving her a subtle edge in her presentation.

Here is an article that sheds additional light on how this “debate” was rigged against Trump.

3. Is ActBlue Cooking the Books?

ActBlue, the big fundraising system for the left has been raising hundreds of millions for their candidates, but some evidence is emerging that they are possibly laundering much of that cash rather than simply collecting it from legitimate donors. I have had it explained to me that millions have been raised through monetary gift cards, which cannot be traced to the original donor.

Republican Wisconsin Rep. Bryan Steil on Wednesday called on five states to launch probes into ActBlue. Read more here.

4. Kentucky Governor Joins Trans Craze

Apparently, not to be out done by Polis’ extreme policies, Gov. Beshear has issued an executive order banning what he calls “conversion therapy.” His order essentially does what Colorado’s ban does, prohibiting any licensed counselor from pointing out to a minor that their desire to be the opposite sex, or some other imagined “reality” might not be a very good idea. Only Beshear did it by executive order, totally bypassing the legislature.

He is wrong for two reasons. The first is his flawed concept of what is mistakenly called “conversion therapy.” The second is thinking he makes the laws. I suggest he go back to civics 101 and figure out the distinct differences between the legislative and executive branches of government.

6. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

Every Monday morning at 7:30 AM we gather via Zoom to discuss the latest issues here in Colorado and beyond. With your computer or phone please be a part of the discussion.

Meeting ID: 842 9470 1530

Passcode: 265885

One tap mobile
+17193594580,,84294701530#,,,,*265885# US

For Life and Liberty!

Kevin Lundberg
fmr Colorado State Senator

As the executive director for the Republican Study Committee of Colorado, I am working to keep this organization a powerful voice for conservative values in the Colorado legislature. We are a non-profit 501(c)4 organization, relying on contributions (which are not tax-deductible).

Donations can be sent to:

The Republican Study Committee of Colorado, P.O. Box 378, Berthoud, CO 80513.

September 14, 2024

1. The Debate

2. Events this Coming Week

3. Is the Green New Deal (GND) a Big Deal?

4. Charlie Kirk at CU

5. Amendment 79

6. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

1. The Debate

I call the the presidential debate this week a draw. As I see it Harris won on style points. Trump won on substance and accuracy. In a way Harris came out on top because the expectation was for her to implode and she didn’t. If you didn’t know about the “facts” she cited, she sounded somewhat reasonable. If you knew anything about any of the “facts” which were claimed by Harris and her team (the ABC moderators) you would know their ‘facts” were largely false.

Either she was totally misinformed or she is a master of deceit. I cannot imagine how anyone can spend over three years in the vice-president’s office without knowing the basic facts and details of the office. Hence she does not qualify as simply being misinformed.

Consider this spoof on a song taken from the Ed Sullivan show from many years ago…

For a more detailed comparison of the actual policies of Trump and Harris check this out

And here is a concise (and accurate) description of some debate highlights.

I hope the Trump campaign will prepare a series of campaign ads showing what Harris had said at the debate about a wide variety of issues and compare it to what she has said in other venues. I think it will go a long way in pointing out her duplicity and her true, very very dangerous agenda.

BTW, The Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 keeps coming up. The Harris team have yet to give any accurate description of or accurate example from the Book for Project 2025. If you want to check this out for yourself, here is a link to a pdf version of the entire book.

2. Events this Coming Week

Don’t forget about these events this coming week:

For free admission when signing up use the code LCRP

3. Is the Green New Deal (GND) a Big Deal?

Is the green new deal (GND) a big deal? Absolutely. Here is a story about the future of electric rates under the requirements of the GND.

Here is another important commentary on Colorado’s energy future

4. Charlie Kirk at CU

Charlie Kirk was at CU in Boulder this week. He spent nearly 2 1/2 hours debating with students at an open forum. Several hundred students showed up for this candid exchange of ideas. He calls it his Prove Me Wrong tour. Charlie Kirk and Turning Point USA are making a tremendous impact across the country.

5. Amendment 79

Here in Colorado the very radical pro-abortion amendment finally has its name for the ballot, Amendment 79. A real champion for life, Lloyd Benes submitted to me the following observations on Amendment 79:

Vote NO on Amendment 79 (Right to Abortion)

Mail-in Ballots arrive Oct 11 and include Amendment 79, which vastly expands abortion rights. This amendment raises the question: how far will abortion expansion go before we oppose it? If not now, when?

1. Do we wait till women start dying from unlicensed and uninspected abortion clinics?

2. Do we wait until sex traffickers can freely coerce women into abortions without prosecution?

3. Do we wait until our taxpayer funds are used to pay for abortions?

4. Parental Notification: Do we wait until our teenage daughters have serious physical and mental consequences from abortions we weren’t notified about?  

5. Do we wait till hundreds more women abort healthy viable babies because they feel out of options?  

Passing Amendment 79 would lead to all five of these terrible outcomes. Vote NO on Amendment 79.

Join a ZOOM call every Wednesday at 4:30 PM and help fight the amendment at …

6. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

Every Monday morning at 7:30 AM we gather via Zoom to discuss the latest issues here in Colorado and beyond. With your computer or phone please be a part of the discussion.

Meeting ID: 842 9470 1530

Passcode: 265885

One tap mobile
+17193594580,,84294701530#,,,,*265885# US

For Life and Liberty!

Kevin Lundberg
fmr Colorado State Senator

As the executive director for the Republican Study Committee of Colorado, I am working to keep this organization a powerful voice for conservative values in the Colorado legislature. We are a non-profit 501(c)4 organization, relying on contributions (which are not tax-deductible).

Donations can be sent to:

The Republican Study Committee of Colorado, P.O. Box 378, Berthoud, CO 80513.

September 7, 2024

1. Candidate Rally

2. Government issued digital currency

3. Indoctrination in Colorado Schools

4. CU Law School

5. Reagan

6. Netanyahu and CCU

7. Prayer for Will Graham Look Up Celebration

8. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

1. Candidate Rally

For details go the the Larimer County GOP website:

2. Government issued digital currency

Central Bank digital currency (CBDC) is becoming a reality in many countries. This is not a headline in the US, yet. But when it is it will probably be too late to stand against it. Please read this story from Liberty Counsel. It is a real eye opener.

3. Indoctrination in Colorado Schools

I briefly touched on this topic last week, but it has become a breaking story that is spreading around the country like wildfire, as it should, concerning the newly implemented social studies standards here in Colorado. It comes from a bill I highlighted back in 2019, HB19-1192. This is a major shift in the Colorado curriculum in our government schools. Parents need to know that this indoctrination is being implemented all across the state.

Here is the story from the Daily Signal. This is a key part to Polis’ strategy to mainstream LGBT values into our public schools, and ultimately the next generation.

4. CU Law School

Speaking of indoctrination in Colorado public institutions, the University of Colorado’s law school received national attention for their latest indoctrination course. It is exploring what they call ‘Authoritarian Christianist Nationalism.’

5. Reagan

Have you seen the movie, Reagan? It is worth watching for many reasons. Here are some astute observations from from one of the main actors of the film.

6. Netanyahu and CCU

Colorado Christian University recently received a note of commendation from the prime minister of Israel. Here are the details from The Jerusalem Post. As a trustee for the school I wanted you to know about this distinction.

7. Prayer for Will Graham Look Up Celebration

Mark your calendar for the special program planned for the Blue Arena in Loveland on October 5 and 6. In preparation for this celebration the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association is holding a prayer event next Thursday, September 12 at Foundations church in Loveland. For more information click here.

8. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

Every Monday morning at 7:30 AM we gather via Zoom to discuss the latest issues here in Colorado and beyond. With your computer or phone please be a part of the discussion.

Meeting ID: 842 9470 1530

Passcode: 265885

One tap mobile
+17193594580,,84294701530#,,,,*265885# US

For Life and Liberty!

Kevin Lundberg
fmr Colorado State Senator

As the executive director for the Republican Study Committee of Colorado, I am working to keep this organization a powerful voice for conservative values in the Colorado legislature. We are a non-profit 501(c)4 organization, relying on contributions (which are not tax-deductible).

Donations can be sent to:

The Republican Study Committee of Colorado, P.O. Box 378, Berthoud, CO 80513.

August 31, 2024

1. Property Tax Special Session

2. GOP Leadership Fight

3. Others Noticed: Polis Loose With Facts

4. What is Happening in Our Schools?

5. What is Happening in Our Cities?

6. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

1. Property Tax Special Session

The legislature’s special session was held this week with two bills passing. HB24b-1003 was concerning extending and expanding the agricultural personal property exemption. HB24b-1001 was the real reason for the session, giving modest property tax relief in exchange for the proponents cancelling the two initiatives that had qualified for the 2024 ballot which would have given more significant property tax relief.

What struck me as most telling in the discussions leading up to this conclusion was that little attention was given to the actual impact property taxes have on property owners (in a time of excessive inflation and very tight budgets for most citizens). However, much hand wringing was given to how the legislature could hold all of the schools and local governments harmless. This “deal” was designed to virtually guarantee ever increasing tax revenues and give taxpayers as little relief as they could possibly contrive.

Maybe it was all the tax cutting proponents could get, but from my perspective the “deal” did not recognize that government should not have ever increasing revenues at the expense of tightly strapped citizens. Remember, this is not cutting taxes, it is barely slowing down the growth of taxes on the heels of the most extraordinary leap in property taxes the citizens of Colorado have ever seen.

2. GOP Leadership Fight

Today the controversy of who is running the Colorado GOP takes a new turn with a meeting of the State Central Committee (SCC) scheduled to convene at 9:00 AM in Castle Rock. Last week another SCC meeting was held, conducted by the competing group who proceeded to remove the state elected officials, elect their own slate, and take a vote to cancel today’s SCC meeting. Today the original elected officials (who were “removed” last Saturday) will proceed with the scheduled SCC meeting. Is that clear? Aside from the lawsuits that are now proliferating, that pretty much sums up how it is going.

I have been attempting to publicly stay out of this debate because my role as chairman of the lawsuit committee is my highest priority. In my opinion the number one long-term objective for the state party should be getting rid of Colorado’s unconstitutional open primary system.

I do not see any quick resolution to this current controversy over the leadership but the party cannot afford to abandon or fumble our lawsuit challenging the open primary in Colorado (along with actively opposing the recently approved ranked choice voting initiative on the 2024 ballot). We filed the lawsuit 13 months ago and expect the actual trial next spring. This cannot be put on hold. We must see this through for the good of the Colorado GOP and the integrity of our primary elections.

BTW, contributions for the lawsuit can be made at

3. Others Noticed: Polis Loose With Facts

Last week I reported on Polis’ DNC speech where he couldn’t get any of his facts right. Others noticed, here is another story on that gaffe.

4. What is Happening in Our Schools?

I ran across two articles about what is being taught in public schools. One is about Colorado schools, the other about the Democrat candidate for vice-president. This is, unfortunately, not new news. There are far too many examples of how far left the public school system has become.

5. What is Happening in Our Cities?

And… Aurora has been in the national news this week, and it isn’t good. At least one gang from Venezuela has apparently decided to take their crime syndicate to Colorado. After hearing comments from Mayors Johnston (Denver) and Coffman (Aurora) I am not so sure local government and law enforcement are up to the task. The Mayors (particularly Johnston) were so anxious to help out the “newcomers” (Mayor Johnston’s term, not mine) that they don’t appear to be adequately protecting the citizens in these two major Colorado cities.

6. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

Every Monday morning at 7:30 AM we gather via Zoom to discuss the latest issues here in Colorado and beyond. With your computer or phone please be a part of the discussion.

Meeting ID: 842 9470 1530

Passcode: 265885

One tap mobile
+17193594580,,84294701530#,,,,*265885# US

For Life and Liberty!

Kevin Lundberg
fmr Colorado State Senator

As the executive director for the Republican Study Committee of Colorado, I am working to keep this organization a powerful voice for conservative values in the Colorado legislature. We are a non-profit 501(c)4 organization, relying on contributions (which are not tax-deductible).

Donations can be sent to:

The Republican Study Committee of Colorado, P.O. Box 378, Berthoud, CO 80513.

August 24, 2024

1. Property Tax Special Session

2. Polis and Project 2025

3. Why Didn’t the Ds Make “Climate Change” a Bigger Part of Their Convention?

4. RFK for Trump!

5. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

1. Property Tax Special Session

The special session of the legislature begins on Monday. It is only focused on property taxes. Some might say property tax relief, but that would be an over-simplification of the issue. Property tax relief could mean a simple solution: roll back the present tax rates and put caps on future property tax growth (as the two ballot initiatives do address). However, as I am reading the “tea leaves,” the real goal is to craft legislation that gives the appearance of tax relief without any meaningful tax reductions, thus letting the hundreds of taxing districts keep all of the funds they have so quickly become accustomed to spending.

This is also a far too convenient photo op for the majority party and their governor (who are responsible for this excessive tax burden) to look like “tax cutters” right before an election. -Such a deal!

I prefer the original tax cutting initiatives. which precipitated this session. Let the people vote on real tax relief. BTW, here and here is more information on this subject.

2. Polis and Project 2025

I have had a copy of Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 book for several months. It is a wealth of information and recommendations for the next presidential administration. It is not a part of the Trump campaign. As a matter of fact, it is the twelfth edition of this document that the Heritage Foundation has been publishing every four years since 1980. Here is a column published this week in the Wall Street Journal and written by a close friend of mine, Charles Heatherly, who edited the first and third editions of this book. BTW, the actual title is Mandate for Leadership.

I never expected the left to latch onto this book like they have, and here we have Governor Polis supposedly reading from this oversized prop of the book in a brief speech he gave at the DNC. He went into specific details, so I decided to do a little fact checking:

First he called it “Donald Trump’s roadmap to ban abortion in all 50 states.” This is not true on several levels. Donald Trump has explicitly said he and his campaign have no connection with Project 2025. After the Dobbs decision the policies concerning abortion are left up to the individual states. Trump cannot and has made no statements that he would seek a national policy banning abortions. Further, even though Project 2025 is decidedly pro-life (as am I) I find nothing in the book urging a national ban on abortions.

Polis then cites page 562 saying that “…Donald Trump could use an obscure law…to single-handedly ban abortion in all 50 states, even putting doctors in jail…” In fact page 562 cites two laws (US 18 Code, Sections 1461 and 1462) that prohibit distribution of abortion pills and other abortifacients through the US mail. There is nothing about any other methods of abortion outside of what can be delivered by the US Postal Service and no specific mention of doctors at all.

Polis: “Page 486 puts limits on contraception.” I read this page very carefully, there is no mention of contraceptives at all. Polis goes on: “Page 450 threatens access to IVF.” Here again, there is no mention of IVF on page 450. The closest it comes is the paragraph title at the top of the page:”Goal #1: Protecting Life, Conscience, and Bodily Integrity.” -How that can be interpreted to be a threat to IVF is anyone’s guess.

Polis then says that on page 455 “…the states have to report miscarriages to the Trump administration.” Here Polis gets a little closer to a semblance of accuracy because the word miscarriage is actually found on the page. However, it is only because the subject is to ensure that abortion data is more accurately reported and miscarriages are to “…never be conflated with abortion.”

Polis then wraps up his specific report on the book saying that on page “…451 the only legitimate family (here he uses air quotes, implying he is using the exact words) is a married mother and father, where only the father works.” Here is actually what the page starts with: “Families comprised of a married mother, father, and their children are the foundation of a well-ordered nation and healthy society.” Later in the page it covers the problems that are found in fatherless families, but never suggesting that only dad can or should be employed. Nowhere can any of the charges Polis levels against page 451 be found, unless what he truly despises is the concept of a married mother, father and their children.

To twist the subject on this page into the tortured statement Polis repeats is essentially to lie about what the book is saying.

I am not necessarily accusing the governor of Colorado of intentionally lying to the American Public. It is quite possible that he simply read the script on the teleprompter and didn’t bother to check the facts for himself. But I do insist that the entire four days of the DNC was designed to be pure propaganda, without any respect for the truth.

If there is a theme for the Harris campaign that is it. Play to the polls and try to fool the people all the time (more on that in the next article).

3. Why Didn’t the Ds Make “Climate Change” a Bigger Part of Their Convention?

If they think this is an “existential threat” to the planet, shouldn’t it be a big part of their political plan?

It turns out that polling is way more important to the Harris campaign than any old “existential threat” to the planet. Read more here.

4. RFK for Trump!

Friday was a good day for the Trump campaign. We finally got past the DNC and Robert F. Kennedy jr. endorsed Trump. Just like some other well known and former Democrats have said: “I didn’t leave the party, the party left me.”

Only time will tell if this helps to fortify the Trump campaign, but RFK jr. has come to the reality that he cannot win the presidency and to stay fully engaged in the race would tacitly support Harris by dividing the vote, which only feeds the government beast that RFK jr has been fighting against.

Here is his introduction at the Trump rally in Arizona.

5. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

Every Monday morning at 7:30 AM we gather via Zoom to discuss the latest issues here in Colorado and beyond. With your computer or phone please be a part of the discussion.

Meeting ID: 842 9470 1530

Passcode: 265885

One tap mobile
+17193594580,,84294701530#,,,,*265885# US

For Life and Liberty!

Kevin Lundberg
fmr Colorado State Senator

As the executive director for the Republican Study Committee of Colorado, I am working to keep this organization a powerful voice for conservative values in the Colorado legislature. We are a non-profit 501(c)4 organization, relying on contributions (which are not tax-deductible).

Donations can be sent to:

The Republican Study Committee of Colorado, P.O. Box 378, Berthoud, CO 80513.

August 17, 2024

1. Tina Peters is a Warrior for Truth

2. Special Session for Property Tax Relief

3. Speaker Johnson Visits Loveland

4. John Strand in Berthoud

5. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

1. Tina Peters is a warrior for truth, and this week the Mesa County court convicted her of seven out of the ten charges they cooked up to throw at her. Yet still she is standing for the truth, regardless of the consequences.

It was a kangaroo court, bent on getting a conviction to justify their coverup of election fraud. As an example of how they stretched the law to get a conviction, most of the charges had to do with “attempting to influence a public servant.” These were where Tina was, as the Mesa County clerk, asking her staff and other government employees to help preserve the election records by making a copy of the election records on the county election computer before the software was “updated,” which also destroyed thousands of records. The law required her to keep all election records for 26 months after any election.

However, rather than give a lengthy description of what happened at the trial, here is a program from her own show on Frank Speech. Due to the trial there is a guest host, but Tina comes on at about the 33 minute mark to describe what happened in her own words. Please watch that second half of the program from 33 minutes. It is important that we know the facts from a first hand perspective.

2. Special Session for Property Tax Relief

The governor just called a special session for more property tax relief in exchange for the proponents dropping property tax initiatives scheduled to go on the ballot. Color me skeptical, as this is the same governor who promoted HH last year and also couldn’t get it right in the regular session this year. And how convenient, to declare a special session ostensibly cutting taxes right before a general election. It looks like great press for his team at the best possible moment.

I hope the proponents of the current initiatives do not give up their initiatives too soon. Colorado deserves real property tax relief, not another round of legislative juggling with complex laws to obfuscate their desire to keep taxes as high as possible.

And here is some historical perspective. I was in California in 1980 when their famous Prop 13 went into effect, slashing property taxes to the bone. There was a great outcry from all of the affected government agencies, but the net effect was more freedom for the citizens and local governments learned how to do more with less. California did not implode, California prospered!

I rarely come across a tax cut I don’t like. I repeat, I hope the proponents hold on to their initiatives unless they get much more than a small piece of the pie. If the legislature is true to the form they have been following for the last few years, they will be giving as little as they can to the citizens and growing government as fast as they possibly can.

Click here for more details on the special session.

3. Speaker Johnson Visits Loveland

On Friday the Speaker of the US House of Representatives came to promote Gabe Evans’ campaign for the 8th CD. Speaker Johnson said this race is a top priority for the House and praised Gabe’s abilities and very real possibility of winning this critical race.

I have been following Mike Johnson for a couple of years and was thrilled to be there to see him up close. His values, style and determination are what we need to work with (President) Trump and a Republican majority in the House AND Senate.

4. John Strand in Berthoud

This week I also had the privilege of having a private discussion with John Strand, who was recently released from Federal prison. His charge was nullified by the Supreme Court decision that declared the Department of Justice was abusing the law when they prosecuted John and many other J6 “hostages.” That is the term John uses for the 1500 citizens who have been charged and convicted of greatly exaggerated charges, largely because they saw fraud in the election systems in 2020 and were not silent.

John was in the Berthoud area briefly, visiting family and they graciously allowed me to join their celebration of John’s release. John wrote a book while in prison (not yet published) and is devoting his time to be a voice for the many hundreds of patriots who are still being held hostage by our government in jails and prisons. I usually refer to them as political prisoners. For more information go to

5. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

Every Monday morning at 7:30 AM we gather via Zoom to discuss the latest issues here in Colorado and beyond. With your computer or phone please be a part of the discussion.

Meeting ID: 842 9470 1530

Passcode: 265885

One tap mobile
+17193594580,,84294701530#,,,,*265885# US

For Life and Liberty!

Kevin Lundberg
fmr Colorado State Senator

As the executive director for the Republican Study Committee of Colorado, I am working to keep this organization a powerful voice for conservative values in the Colorado legislature. We are a non-profit 501(c)4 organization, relying on contributions (which are not tax-deductible).

Donations can be sent to:

The Republican Study Committee of Colorado, P.O. Box 378, Berthoud, CO 80513.

August 10, 2024

1. Not Enough Signatures, But We Will Be Back

2. ‘Anti-Parent’ VP Pick Tim Walz

3. CISA Assures US: Nothing to See Here… Move Along

4. Trump’s Faith

5. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

1. Not Enough Signatures, But We Will Be Back!

Thank you to all who worked so hard to activate citizens and start the 100,000+ conversations we had to protect kids in Colorado! fell short for the 2024 ballot, but we are ready to start the next round, leveraging all the engaged citizens who now understand better what’s at stake. The effort to put two initiatives on the this year’s ballot has birthed a movement to mobilize Colorado citizens to protect children and families. This election cycle is just round one. Please join our team at

2. ‘Anti-Parent’ VP Pick Tim Walz

Who is Tim Walz? As all of America digs into this question, here the Daily Signal sheds some light on his attitude and actions concerning parents and kids. This article quotes many parents, including Erin Lee, the mom in our documentary, Art Club.

3. CISA Assures US: Nothing to See Here… Move Along

CISA, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency is assuring us that even though we should expect elections systems to be attacked during the 2024 election, it will have no impact on the security or integrity of the elections. Hmmm… that seems a bit presumptuous and somewhat suspicious. It sounds to me like hollow assurances of “nothing to see here, move along.”

CISA, which is a part of Homeland Security and was supposed to be created to be a watchdog over bad actors on the internet has actually been a purveyor of misinformation themselves, by my observations. Years ago I ran across some graphic cartoons they produced that tried to label anything that was not government approved opinions as “misinformation.” This recent announcement looks like more of the same.

As we move closer to the actual election keep your eyes wide open and don’t be fooled by anyone who insists there is nothing to be seen. Until our elections are truly transparent and straightforward (like paper ballots counted in local precincts on election day) we should ask all relevant questions and demand claims made by election officials are fully explained.

4. Trump’s Faith

Here is an interesting video on Facebook of Trump describing his faith in Jesus Christ and God’s hand in our world.

5. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

Every Monday morning at 7:30 AM we gather via Zoom to discuss the latest issues here in Colorado and beyond. With your computer or phone please be a part of the discussion.

Meeting ID: 842 9470 1530

Passcode: 265885

One tap mobile
+17193594580,,84294701530#,,,,*265885# US

For Life and Liberty!

Kevin Lundberg
fmr Colorado State Senator

As the executive director for the Republican Study Committee of Colorado, I am working to keep this organization a powerful voice for conservative values in the Colorado legislature. We are a non-profit 501(c)4 organization, relying on contributions (which are not tax-deductible).

Donations can be sent to:

The Republican Study Committee of Colorado, P.O. Box 378, Berthoud, CO 80513.

August 3, 2024

1. What Has Happened to the Olympics?

2. PKC Petitions Are…

3. Transform Colorado Meetings in Northern Colorado

4. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

1. What Has Happened to the Olympics?

It used to be the Summer Olympics were a break from the politics of a presidential election year, where we could set aside our political arguments and root for the USA home teams. No more, now it has become a woke indoctrination festival. Starting with an outrageous opening ceremony where a pagan parody of DaVinci’s painting of the Last Supper mocked Christianity. Now we learn that the athletes are prohibited from any “religious demonstrations,” and despite assurances that men will not be allowed in women’s competitions, somehow men are still allowed to beat up women boxers because of their toothless ban of men in women’s sports.

Here is a good analysis that CCU Chancellor, Dr. Don Sweeting gave to NewsMax2 TV.

2. PKC Petitions Are…

…now in and being counted by our team. Thank you to all who have pitched into this worthy cause. We expect to know soon if we have enough signatures to submit to the Secretary of State for the 2024 ballot, but whether or not we make the ballot this year, Protect Kids Colorado has made many citizens here in Colorado more aware of how the transgender ideology has swept through our public schools. We have also identified an army of people who are committed to this worthy cause.

About 60 supporters came out for our final petition notary event and PKC party!

Here is a good article on our effort published yesterday by KUNC.

3. Transform Colorado Meetings in Northern Colorado

Transform Colorado has scheduled several special meetings to be held in August with renowned author and historian Bill Federer. Meeting locations in Northern Colorado on August 6 and 7 include Brighton, Greeley, Estes Park and Longmont. For details and to reserve a space click here.

4. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

Every Monday morning at 7:30 AM we gather via Zoom to discuss the latest issues here in Colorado and beyond. With your computer or phone please be a part of the discussion.

Meeting ID: 842 9470 1530

Passcode: 265885

One tap mobile
+17193594580,,84294701530#,,,,*265885# US

For Life and Liberty!

Kevin Lundberg
fmr Colorado State Senator

As the executive director for the Republican Study Committee of Colorado, I am working to keep this organization a powerful voice for conservative values in the Colorado legislature. We are a non-profit 501(c)4 organization, relying on contributions (which are not tax-deductible).

Donations can be sent to:

The Republican Study Committee of Colorado, P.O. Box 378, Berthoud, CO 80513.

July 27, 2024

1. Final days for PKC petitions

2. John Strand Released from Federal Prison!

3. Supreme Court Orders New York to Answer Missouri’s Election Suit

4. Wil Graham in Northern Colorado

5. Transform Colorado Meetings in August

6. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

1. Final days for PKC petitions

July 31 is the deadline for getting all of the petitions back to Protect Kids Colorado (PKC). We will not know if the sufficient number of signatures has been met until we have a chance to process them, but we are certain that PKC has already made tens of thousands Colorado citizens more acutely aware of what is happening in our public schools and as determined as ever to protect our kids from the dangers of the transgender ideology.

2. John Strand Released from Federal Prison!

Over the last year I have often reported on John Strand who was falsely imprisoned for being at the Capitol on January 6, 2021. Due to a recent Supreme Court decision he has now been released. Here is his brief statement on X.

3. Supreme Court Orders New York to Answer Missouri’s Election Suit

Little news has been assigned to this development, but it is worth giving this some of our attention. The state of Missouri is suing the state of New York for election interference due to the excessive lawfare New York has conducted against Donald Trump.

Many expected the Supreme Court to dismiss the case, as most courts have refused to deal with any election integrity issues. However, as the Supreme Court has original jurisdiction with suits between states, they have not dismissed the initial filing, but have ordered New York to answer the initial complaint.

It is uncertain what the court will do with arguments, but it is to their credit that they are proceeding with the process. Stay tuned

4. Wil Graham in Northern Colorado next October

I am excited to announce that Northern Colorado is the only American location chosen this year by the Billy Graham Evangelical Association (BGEA) for a Look Up Celebration with Will Graham, Billy’s grandson. The main event will take place Oct. 5-6, 2024, 6:00 pm, at The Ranch in Loveland and will include live music and speakers.  There will also be a KidzFest on Saturday morning at 10 am at The Ranch. The intent is to bring a friend who needs to hear the gospel. 

A number of events will lead up to the main event, including free Christian Life and Witness classes at various locations in August and September, a Pastors Conference on August 22 in Longmont, a teen-focused event called Pursuit, and a night of worship and prayer on September 12. Keep an eye on their website for further details and sign-ups. 

5. Transform Colorado Meetings in August

Transform Colorado is helping educate citizens in Colorado with information about upcoming elections. They have published voter guides for many districts in the state. They also have scheduled several special meetings to be held in August with renowned author and historian Bill Federer. Meeting locations in Northern Colorado on August 6 and 7 include Brighton, Greeley, Estes Park and Longmont. For details and to reserve a space click here.

6. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

Every Monday morning at 7:30 AM we gather via Zoom to discuss the latest issues here in Colorado and beyond. With your computer or phone please be a part of the discussion.

Meeting ID: 842 9470 1530

Passcode: 265885

One tap mobile
+17193594580,,84294701530#,,,,*265885# US

For Life and Liberty!

Kevin Lundberg
fmr Colorado State Senator

As the executive director for the Republican Study Committee of Colorado, I am working to keep this organization a powerful voice for conservative values in the Colorado legislature. We are a non-profit 501(c)4 organization, relying on contributions (which are not tax-deductible).

Donations can be sent to:

The Republican Study Committee of Colorado, P.O. Box 378, Berthoud, CO 80513.

July 20, 2024

1. A Bullet Changed Trump’s Trajectory

2. Protect Kids Colorado Has Less Than Two Weeks

3. One Nation Under God

4. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

1. A Bullet Changed Trump’s Trajectory

With a near miss from an assassin’s bullet President Trump then stood back up with courage, an attitude of gratefulness and a renewed determination to lead our nation to better days of peace and prosperity.

That poignant moment last Saturday changed the political landscape forever. While Biden’s presidency and candidacy continued to implode Donald Trump changed his rhetoric in an effort to embrace all Americans. He even chided the RNC crowd when they booed at the mention of Nancy Pelosi, telling them to not react with the boos. In his speech at the Republican National Convention (RNC) he said that he cannot effectively govern for just half of the country, we must once again see ourselves as Americans first: “one nation under God.”

There is still much time for further developments before the election, but the stage seems to be set for a significant realignment of power and policies in our national government. At the national level the Republican party is more unified and energized than it has been for many years and after the malaise of the past few years I believe the people of this country are ready to roll up their sleeves and get back to the work of building up our great nation.

Rep. Bill Taylor, a friend of mine and member of the South Carolina legislature gave his reactions in this short video, which I recommend watching.

2. Protect Kids Colorado Has Less Than Two Weeks

The race down the final stretch is here. Less than two weeks left to collect the needed signatures to secure a spot on the ballot for these important ballot questions. Here is my letter to church leaders:

Dear Church Leader,

I have been in the fight to protect our families and children for many years. Recently I made a documentary, Art Club (, about the transgender ideology that is working its way into our public schools here in Colorado. Just this year the legislature passed and the governor signed a bill into law that requires all public schools, including charter schools to use any non-legal name that a student adopts. This is a not so subtle way of forcing all public schools to engage in pushing the transgender ideology onto our kids.

In my 16 years in the Colorado legislature I saw this coming, but now it has arrived: the schools are actively promoting transgenderism and most often hiding it from parents (see This is why I helped start Protect Kids Colorado and now we have two initiatives to give the people of Colorado the opportunity to stand up and stop this dangerous trend.

Will you stand with us?

Protect Kids Colorado is a broad coalition of grassroots citizens working to put these initiatives on the November 2024 election ballot. Below is a brief description of the initiatives, with the full language in the attached documents:



We must collect 125,000 valid signatures before July 31 and are asking for your help to meet this goal.

Can these petitions be circulated at your church?
Will you make an announcement from the pulpit and encourage all registered Colorado voters to sign the petitions?

Now is the time, we must protect our kids, and we need all hands on deck.

Is there someone in your church who can be the circulator for the petitions or do you need us to help collect signatures at your church? Please respond to me as soon as you can, we only have a few weeks left to get this done!

Kevin Lundberg

Former Colorado State Senator and Chairman of Protect Kids Colorado

3. One Nation Under God

A remarkable theme in all of the speeches and presentations at the RNC was a clear reliance on God’s guidance and protection. There has always been some lip service given at RNC conventions to the reality of God’s control in our nation, but this year the theme was more evident and more sincere. It will be telling to see how that theme may compare to the attitude on display at the Democrat convention.

It is also telling to compare the way different world leaders responded to the President Trump shooting. The more left leaning the world leader, the less likely they are to mention prayers or acknowledge God in their missives. See for yourself by clicking here.

4. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

Every Monday morning at 7:30 AM we gather via Zoom to discuss the latest issues here in Colorado and beyond. With your computer or phone please be a part of the discussion.

Meeting ID: 842 9470 1530

Passcode: 265885

One tap mobile
+17193594580,,84294701530#,,,,*265885# US

For Life and Liberty!

Kevin Lundberg
fmr Colorado State Senator

As the executive director for the Republican Study Committee of Colorado, I am working to keep this organization a powerful voice for conservative values in the Colorado legislature. We are a non-profit 501(c)4 organization, relying on contributions (which are not tax-deductible).

Donations can be sent to:

The Republican Study Committee of Colorado, P.O. Box 378, Berthoud, CO 80513.

July 13, 2024

1. The Big Stories of the Week

2. Protect Kids Colorado Has Less Than Three Weeks

3. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

1. The Big Stories of the Week

So much to cover this week! Biden’s campaign is imploding and the Democrats are scrambling to salvage their political prospects. Everyone is discussing it and nobody knows where this will end up. Stay tuned, it might get very interesting and I am sure there will be some unexpected turns.

Here in Colorado the GOP state leadership is in the middle of a crisis of their own and it is hard to say where that is headed as well. However, for individual Colorado GOP candidates my counsel is make your own plan and work your own plan. As a candidate from many elections it was rare when I could point to any significant support from the state party. State legislative races are very local politics. Don’t worry about state, or national issues. Meet the people in your district. Run a good, clean campaign and you will win or lose because of how you connect with and relate to your district. 

The big story I am concentrating on this week happened in Milwaukee at the national GOP platform committee meeting. This is always the big event lasting several days leading up to the GOP national convention, to be held next week. It is where the GOP platform is ironed out by the delegates from all 50 states as the policy standards for the GOP for the next four years.

However, this year it was just a rubber stamp meeting, lasting less than the first morning. No amendments were allowed to be considered and discussion was kept to an absolute minimum. The document that came out of this meeting was not produced by the Republican delegates, it was created behind closed doors as a tool for the presidential campaign. 

The document is very brief and specific protections for the unborn and the Second Amendment were stripped out.

I find this quite concerning and earnestly hope and pray this is just the product of overly zealous staffers and consultants. Since the actual platform committee members were locked out of the process of developing the document it should be treated as such, only a tool for the current campaign and nothing more.

For the perspective from some key members of the platform committee click here and here. If you agree with my analysis here is a letter the the Family Research Council prepared that you can sign onto.

2. Protect Kids Colorado Has Less Than Three Weeks

With little more than two weeks left to collect the signatures for the Protect Kids Colorado initiatives it is all hands on deck. There is still time to lend a hand, but just barely. Go to for more information. Please help us finish strong!

As a footnote to the initiatives, here is an interesting story about taking the women’s sports issue to the Supreme Court.

3. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

Every Monday morning at 7:30 AM we gather via Zoom to discuss the latest issues here in Colorado and beyond. With your computer or phone please be a part of the discussion.

Meeting ID: 842 9470 1530

Passcode: 265885

One tap mobile
+17193594580,,84294701530#,,,,*265885# US

For Life and Liberty!

Kevin Lundberg
fmr Colorado State Senator

As the executive director for the Republican Study Committee of Colorado, I am working to keep this organization a powerful voice for conservative values in the Colorado legislature. We are a non-profit 501(c)4 organization, relying on contributions (which are not tax-deductible).

Donations can be sent to:

The Republican Study Committee of Colorado, P.O. Box 378, Berthoud, CO 80513.

July 6, 2024

1. Time for Prayer and Fasting?

2. Protecting Kids in 25 States

3. Hand Counting Ballots in Wyoming?

4. Winter and EVs

5. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

1. Time for Prayer and Fasting?

Tennessee’s legislature and governor have called the people of Tennessee to a month of prayer and fasting. Read more about it here. The lawmakers are calling for citizens to “humbly ask for forgiveness” and that “the Lord Jesus heal our land and remove the violence, human trafficking, addiction, and corruption.”

In past generations such proclamations were common, but today it is rare. And, not coincidentally, it is more needed today that just about any other time in American history. It is time that we individually and corporately acknowledge the Supreme Ruler of the Universe (as God is referred to in the preamble to the Colorado constitution).

2. Protecting Kids in 25 States

Here is an interesting graphic of the states that have banned the trans child mutilation practices that have proliferated across our land.

Colorado’s governor and legislature are, of course, on the other side of this issue. They still allow the chemicals and surgeries that experiment with and ultimately mutilate children through the transgender craze. Protect Kids Colorado has been leading the charge in our state against the trans ideology with our initiatives which address some other trans issues (but we could not get the medicalization of minors subject through the Title Board).

I share this graphic to say that much is happening to counter the trans ideology and we here in Colorado should not give up. Across the nation we see progress, but it will take more work to get it done here. The graphic comes from an article on the NPR website. You can find their (biased) article here.

3. Hand Counting Ballots in Wyoming?

Here is more good news. There is serious talk in Wyoming of eliminating all election machine errors by eliminating the machines. Read all about it here.

4. Winter and EVs

It may be July, but winter is just around the corner and some government policies are aimed at eliminating our ability to thrive in sub-zero conditions. Consider this.

5. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

Every Monday morning at 7:30 AM we gather via Zoom to discuss the latest issues here in Colorado and beyond. With your computer or phone please be a part of the discussion.

Meeting ID: 842 9470 1530

Passcode: 265885

One tap mobile
+17193594580,,84294701530#,,,,*265885# US

For Life and Liberty!

COLORADO NATIVE   |   P.O. Box 378, Berthoud, CO 80513
