Every Monday morning (except some holidays) at 7:30 AM we gather via Zoom to discuss the latest issues here in Colorado and beyond. With your computer or phone please be a part of the discussion.

Here is the link and passcode:

Meeting ID: 842 9470 1530

Passcode: 265885

July 27, 2024

1. Final days for PKC petitions

2. John Strand Released from Federal Prison!

3. Supreme Court Orders New York to Answer Missouri’s Election Suit

4. Wil Graham in Northern Colorado

5. Transform Colorado Meetings in August

6. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

1. Final days for PKC petitions

July 31 is the deadline for getting all of the petitions back to Protect Kids Colorado (PKC). We will not know if the sufficient number of signatures has been met until we have a chance to process them, but we are certain that PKC has already made tens of thousands Colorado citizens more acutely aware of what is happening in our public schools and as determined as ever to protect our kids from the dangers of the transgender ideology.

2. John Strand Released from Federal Prison!

Over the last year I have often reported on John Strand who was falsely imprisoned for being at the Capitol on January 6, 2021. Due to a recent Supreme Court decision he has now been released. Here is his brief statement on X.

3. Supreme Court Orders New York to Answer Missouri’s Election Suit

Little news has been assigned to this development, but it is worth giving this some of our attention. The state of Missouri is suing the state of New York for election interference due to the excessive lawfare New York has conducted against Donald Trump.

Many expected the Supreme Court to dismiss the case, as most courts have refused to deal with any election integrity issues. However, as the Supreme Court has original jurisdiction with suits between states, they have not dismissed the initial filing, but have ordered New York to answer the initial complaint.

It is uncertain what the court will do with arguments, but it is to their credit that they are proceeding with the process. Stay tuned

4. Wil Graham in Northern Colorado next October

I am excited to announce that Northern Colorado is the only American location chosen this year by the Billy Graham Evangelical Association (BGEA) for a Look Up Celebration with Will Graham, Billy’s grandson. The main event will take place Oct. 5-6, 2024, 6:00 pm, at The Ranch in Loveland and will include live music and speakers.  There will also be a KidzFest on Saturday morning at 10 am at The Ranch. The intent is to bring a friend who needs to hear the gospel. 

A number of events will lead up to the main event, including free Christian Life and Witness classes at various locations in August and September, a Pastors Conference on August 22 in Longmont, a teen-focused event called Pursuit, and a night of worship and prayer on September 12. Keep an eye on their website for further details and sign-ups. 

5. Transform Colorado Meetings in August

Transform Colorado is helping educate citizens in Colorado with information about upcoming elections. They have published voter guides for many districts in the state. They also have scheduled several special meetings to be held in August with renowned author on historical expert Bill Federer. Meeting locations in Northern Colorado on August 6 and 7 include Brighton, Greeley, Estes Park and Longmont. For details and to reserve a space click here.

6. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

Every Monday morning at 7:30 AM we gather via Zoom to discuss the latest issues here in Colorado and beyond. With your computer or phone please be a part of the discussion.

Meeting ID: 842 9470 1530

Passcode: 265885

One tap mobile
+17193594580,,84294701530#,,,,*265885# US

For Life and Liberty!

Kevin Lundberg
fmr Colorado State Senator

As the executive director for the Republican Study Committee of Colorado, I am working to keep this organization a powerful voice for conservative values in the Colorado legislature. We are a non-profit 501(c)4 organization, relying on contributions (which are not tax-deductible).

Donations can be sent to:

The Republican Study Committee of Colorado, P.O. Box 378, Berthoud, CO 80513.

July 20, 2024

1. A Bullet Changed Trump’s Trajectory

2. Protect Kids Colorado Has Less Than Two Weeks

3. One Nation Under God

4. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

1. A Bullet Changed Trump’s Trajectory

With a near miss from an assassin’s bullet President Trump then stood back up with courage, an attitude of gratefulness and a renewed determination to lead our nation to better days of peace and prosperity.

That poignant moment last Saturday changed the political landscape forever. While Biden’s presidency and candidacy continued to implode Donald Trump changed his rhetoric in an effort to embrace all Americans. He even chided the RNC crowd when they booed at the mention of Nancy Pelosi, telling them to not react with the boos. In his speech at the Republican National Convention (RNC) he said that he cannot effectively govern for just half of the country, we must once again see ourselves as Americans first: “one nation under God.”

There is still much time for further developments before the election, but the stage seems to be set for a significant realignment of power and policies in our national government. At the national level the Republican party is more unified and energized than it has been for many years and after the malaise of the past few years I believe the people of this country are ready to roll up their sleeves and get back to the work of building up our great nation.

Rep. Bill Taylor, a friend of mine and member of the South Carolina legislature gave his reactions in this short video, which I recommend watching.

2. Protect Kids Colorado Has Less Than Two Weeks

The race down the final stretch is here. Less than two weeks left to collect the needed signatures to secure a spot on the ballot for these important ballot questions. Here is my letter to church leaders:

Dear Church Leader,

I have been in the fight to protect our families and children for many years. Recently I made a documentary, Art Club (, about the transgender ideology that is working its way into our public schools here in Colorado. Just this year the legislature passed and the governor signed a bill into law that requires all public schools, including charter schools to use any non-legal name that a student adopts. This is a not so subtle way of forcing all public schools to engage in pushing the transgender ideology onto our kids.

In my 16 years in the Colorado legislature I saw this coming, but now it has arrived: the schools are actively promoting transgenderism and most often hiding it from parents (see This is why I helped start Protect Kids Colorado and now we have two initiatives to give the people of Colorado the opportunity to stand up and stop this dangerous trend.

Will you stand with us?

Protect Kids Colorado is a broad coalition of grassroots citizens working to put these initiatives on the November 2024 election ballot. Below is a brief description of the initiatives, with the full language in the attached documents:



We must collect 125,000 valid signatures before July 31 and are asking for your help to meet this goal.

Can these petitions be circulated at your church?
Will you make an announcement from the pulpit and encourage all registered Colorado voters to sign the petitions?

Now is the time, we must protect our kids, and we need all hands on deck.

Is there someone in your church who can be the circulator for the petitions or do you need us to help collect signatures at your church? Please respond to me as soon as you can, we only have a few weeks left to get this done!

Kevin Lundberg

Former Colorado State Senator and Chairman of Protect Kids Colorado

3. One Nation Under God

A remarkable theme in all of the speeches and presentations at the RNC was a clear reliance on God’s guidance and protection. There has always been some lip service given at RNC conventions to the reality of God’s control in our nation, but this year the theme was more evident and more sincere. It will be telling to see how that theme may compare to the attitude on display at the Democrat convention.

It is also telling to compare the way different world leaders responded to the President Trump shooting. The more left leaning the world leader, the less likely they are to mention prayers or acknowledge God in their missives. See for yourself by clicking here.

4. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

Every Monday morning at 7:30 AM we gather via Zoom to discuss the latest issues here in Colorado and beyond. With your computer or phone please be a part of the discussion.

Meeting ID: 842 9470 1530

Passcode: 265885

One tap mobile
+17193594580,,84294701530#,,,,*265885# US

For Life and Liberty!

Kevin Lundberg
fmr Colorado State Senator

As the executive director for the Republican Study Committee of Colorado, I am working to keep this organization a powerful voice for conservative values in the Colorado legislature. We are a non-profit 501(c)4 organization, relying on contributions (which are not tax-deductible).

Donations can be sent to:

The Republican Study Committee of Colorado, P.O. Box 378, Berthoud, CO 80513.

July 13, 2024

1. The Big Stories of the Week

2. Protect Kids Colorado Has Less Than Three Weeks

3. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

1. The Big Stories of the Week

So much to cover this week! Biden’s campaign is imploding and the Democrats are scrambling to salvage their political prospects. Everyone is discussing it and nobody knows where this will end up. Stay tuned, it might get very interesting and I am sure there will be some unexpected turns.

Here in Colorado the GOP state leadership is in the middle of a crisis of their own and it is hard to say where that is headed as well. However, for individual Colorado GOP candidates my counsel is make your own plan and work your own plan. As a candidate from many elections it was rare when I could point to any significant support from the state party. State legislative races are very local politics. Don’t worry about state, or national issues. Meet the people in your district. Run a good, clean campaign and you will win or lose because of how you connect with and relate to your district. 

The big story I am concentrating on this week happened in Milwaukee at the national GOP platform committee meeting. This is always the big event lasting several days leading up to the GOP national convention, to be held next week. It is where the GOP platform is ironed out by the delegates from all 50 states as the policy standards for the GOP for the next four years.

However, this year it was just a rubber stamp meeting, lasting less than the first morning. No amendments were allowed to be considered and discussion was kept to an absolute minimum. The document that came out of this meeting was not produced by the Republican delegates, it was created behind closed doors as a tool for the presidential campaign. 

The document is very brief and specific protections for the unborn and the Second Amendment were stripped out.

I find this quite concerning and earnestly hope and pray this is just the product of overly zealous staffers and consultants. Since the actual platform committee members were locked out of the process of developing the document it should be treated as such, only a tool for the current campaign and nothing more.

For the perspective from some key members of the platform committee click here and here. If you agree with my analysis here is a letter the the Family Research Council prepared that you can sign onto.

2. Protect Kids Colorado Has Less Than Three Weeks

With little more than two weeks left to collect the signatures for the Protect Kids Colorado initiatives it is all hands on deck. There is still time to lend a hand, but just barely. Go to for more information. Please help us finish strong!

As a footnote to the initiatives, here is an interesting story about taking the women’s sports issue to the Supreme Court.

3. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

Every Monday morning at 7:30 AM we gather via Zoom to discuss the latest issues here in Colorado and beyond. With your computer or phone please be a part of the discussion.

Meeting ID: 842 9470 1530

Passcode: 265885

One tap mobile
+17193594580,,84294701530#,,,,*265885# US

For Life and Liberty!

Kevin Lundberg
fmr Colorado State Senator

As the executive director for the Republican Study Committee of Colorado, I am working to keep this organization a powerful voice for conservative values in the Colorado legislature. We are a non-profit 501(c)4 organization, relying on contributions (which are not tax-deductible).

Donations can be sent to:

The Republican Study Committee of Colorado, P.O. Box 378, Berthoud, CO 80513.

July 6, 2024

1. Time for Prayer and Fasting?

2. Protecting Kids in 25 States

3. Hand Counting Ballots in Wyoming?

4. Winter and EVs

5. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

1. Time for Prayer and Fasting?

Tennessee’s legislature and governor have called the people of Tennessee to a month of prayer and fasting. Read more about it here. The lawmakers are calling for citizens to “humbly ask for forgiveness” and that “the Lord Jesus heal our land and remove the violence, human trafficking, addiction, and corruption.”

In past generations such proclamations were common, but today it is rare. And, not coincidentally, it is more needed today that just about any other time in American history. It is time that we individually and corporately acknowledge the Supreme Ruler of the Universe (as God is referred to in the preamble to the Colorado constitution).

2. Protecting Kids in 25 States

Here is an interesting graphic of the states that have banned the trans child mutilation practices that have proliferated across our land.

Colorado’s governor and legislature are, of course, on the other side of this issue. They still allow the chemicals and surgeries that experiment with and ultimately mutilate children through the transgender craze. Protect Kids Colorado has been leading the charge in our state against the trans ideology with our initiatives which address some other trans issues (but we could not get the medicalization of minors subject through the Title Board).

I share this graphic to say that much is happening to counter the trans ideology and we here in Colorado should not give up. Across the nation we see progress, but it will take more work to get it done here. The graphic comes from an article on the NPR website. You can find their (biased) article here.

3. Hand Counting Ballots in Wyoming?

Here is more good news. There is serious talk in Wyoming of eliminating all election machine errors by eliminating the machines. Read all about it here.

4. Winter and EVs

It may be July, but winter is just around the corner and some government policies are aimed at eliminating our ability to thrive in sub-zero conditions. Consider this.

5. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

Every Monday morning at 7:30 AM we gather via Zoom to discuss the latest issues here in Colorado and beyond. With your computer or phone please be a part of the discussion.

Meeting ID: 842 9470 1530

Passcode: 265885

One tap mobile
+17193594580,,84294701530#,,,,*265885# US

For Life and Liberty!

Kevin Lundberg
fmr Colorado State Senator

As the executive director for the Republican Study Committee of Colorado, I am working to keep this organization a powerful voice for conservative values in the Colorado legislature. We are a non-profit 501(c)4 organization, relying on contributions (which are not tax-deductible).

Donations can be sent to:

The Republican Study Committee of Colorado, P.O. Box 378, Berthoud, CO 80513.

June 29, 2024

1. Major SCOTUS Decisions

2. Presidential Debate

3. Primary Results

4. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

1. Major SCOTUS Decisions

This was a big week for decisions from the Supreme Court. Here are three articles, from various political perspectives on three of the big cases handed down this week.

2. Presidential Debate

Many reports on the debate between Biden and Trump ignore the obvious. Biden made the worst performance of his political career. Many of the articles I reviewed tried to only discuss the words that were exchanged between the two men. However, Biden’s inability to even speak clearly and give logical arguments, let alone complete sentences, demonstrated to the world that his ability to govern has diminished to a hollow shell of whatever abilities he once possessed. It was painfully obvious that he is not up to running for office, or to even continue to serve in office.

Here is one report that did cover that most obvious fact of the night.

3. Primary Results

Last Tuesday was primary election day for Colorado and one special election to select a candidate to fill out Rep. Buck’s CD4 seat in Congress. Congratulations to Greg Lopez for winning the CD4 special election. The four Republican primary elections with strong competition resulted with Jeff Hurd winning in CD3, Lauren Boebert winning CD4, Jeff Crank in CD5 and Gabe Evans in CD8. Here in Larimer County Ben Aste won the Republican primary for the 3rd district County Commissioner race.

For a report on all the primary races click here.

4. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

Every Monday morning at 7:30 AM we gather via Zoom to discuss the latest issues here in Colorado and beyond. With your computer or phone please be a part of the discussion.

Meeting ID: 842 9470 1530

Passcode: 265885

One tap mobile
+17193594580,,84294701530#,,,,*265885# US

For Life and Liberty!

Kevin Lundberg
fmr Colorado State Senator

As the executive director for the Republican Study Committee of Colorado, I am working to keep this organization a powerful voice for conservative values in the Colorado legislature. We are a non-profit 501(c)4 organization, relying on contributions (which are not tax-deductible).

Donations can be sent to:

The Republican Study Committee of Colorado, P.O. Box 378, Berthoud, CO 80513.

June 22, 2024

1. Have You Signed the PKC Petitions?

2. Victor Davis Hanson on California

3. The Primary Wraps up in Four Days

4. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

1. Have You Signed the PKC Petitions?

With just a little more than a month to go, the Protect Kids Colorado petition project is in gear all across Colorado. Have you signed them? Are you a circulator for them? We are finding that churches and large events are quite productive for collecting the signatures. If your church is not actively engaged in this effort to protect kids and parents rights in public schools, please talk to your church leadership. There is still time, but just barely. For more information go to the website:

2. Victor Davis Hanson on California

Victor Davis Hanson is always right on target with his observations and this article deserves careful attention for anyone in Colorado. Yes, this is about California, but as California goes, thanks to Polis and company, so goes Colorado. Reading this article on a mobile device seems to work better than a computer (the ads get in the way of the text), but it is still worth the read as Mr Hanson explains how California has been ruined by the socialists who have destroyed a state that was once the envy of the nation. Click here to read all about it.

3. The Primary Wraps up in Four Days

If you haven’t already, don’t forget to vote!

Several people have asked for my recommendations for the primary ballot. My recommendation is yes, please vote. However, I have not endorsed anyone who is in a competitive race. I am a member of the Larimer GOP executive board and our bylaws prohibit board members from endorsing in competitive Republican primary races. In my opinion this is a good policy, which I am following. So, again, my recommendation is do your homework and vote accordingly.

4. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

Every Monday morning at 7:30 AM we gather via Zoom to discuss the latest issues here in Colorado and beyond. With your computer or phone please be a part of the discussion.

Meeting ID: 842 9470 1530

Passcode: 265885

One tap mobile
+17193594580,,84294701530#,,,,*265885# US

For Life and Liberty!

Kevin Lundberg
fmr Colorado State Senator

As the executive director for the Republican Study Committee of Colorado, I am working to keep this organization a powerful voice for conservative values in the Colorado legislature. We are a non-profit 501(c)4 organization, relying on contributions (which are not tax-deductible).

Donations can be sent to:

The Republican Study Committee of Colorado, P.O. Box 378, Berthoud, CO 80513.

June 15, 2024

1. My Email Service is Going Out of Business!

2. Rep. Hageman’s Great Idea for Boulder

3. PKC Initiatives in Full Swing

4. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

1. My Email Service is Going Out of Business!

I have been able to salvage the email addresses, but it may be a rocky path to get everything converted over to a new and more reliable email service. My new email provider might require you to affirm a request to send you future email reminders. PLEASE BE PATIENT AND IF SUCH A REQUEST COMES YOUR WAY PLEASE RESPOND TO THEIR SUBSCRIPTION REQUEST AS SOON AS YOU CAN.

I want to continue to make this communication as accurate and as available as possible. Help me tell others about the Lundberg Report and don’t forget, it is always published on my website, whether or not you get the email reminder.

2. Rep. Hageman’s Great Idea for Boulder

Here is a brilliant idea to flush out the hypocrisy found in the city of Boulder. Wyoming Congresswoman Harriet Hageman, in a speech to the Wyoming Mining Association gave a mocking response to the green-agenda, global-warming extremists.

She said: “How about we start with a pilot project like Boulder, Colorado? Let’s take out all their gas stations, let’s take out all their gas stoves, all their water heaters, all the pavement and return them to dirt roads, right?”

Read all about her speech here.

3. PKC Initiatives in Full Swing is collecting signatures for our two initiatives all over the state. If you have petitions, please get them filled up and returned as soon as possible. We only have a little more than a month left to get this done.

Here is a picture of Erin Lee running a petition table at the CHEC annual conference.

4. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

Every Monday morning at 7:30 AM we gather via Zoom to discuss the latest issues here in Colorado and beyond. With your computer or phone please be a part of the discussion.

Meeting ID: 842 9470 1530

Passcode: 265885

One tap mobile
+17193594580,,84294701530#,,,,*265885# US

For Life and Liberty!

Kevin Lundberg
fmr Colorado State Senator

As the executive director for the Republican Study Committee of Colorado, I am working to keep this organization a powerful voice for conservative values in the Colorado legislature. We are a non-profit 501(c)4 organization, relying on contributions (which are not tax-deductible).

Donations can be sent to:

The Republican Study Committee of Colorado, P.O. Box 378, Berthoud, CO 80513.

GOP Open Primary Lawsuit Needs Your Help

This is a short video I prepared about the GOP challenge to Colorado’s open primary. Please watch this three minute report and help us pass this around. Particularly we need to get this out to the caucuses this coming week (next Thursday) and the county assemblies that will be held later this month. Also, please share the link on social media and any other way you have to connect with friends and neighbors.

The link is

Open primary lawsuit fund update. On April 6, at the Colorado GOP state assembly, over $26,000 was raised for the lawsuit. More is needed, but this is a tremendous show of support for the effort. To help in this effort go to

June 8, 2024

1. D-Day + 80 Years

2. Volunteers needed to Check Ballots in Douglas County

3. Has Biden’s Border Policy Changed?

4. Open letter to Joe Biden

5. Governor’s Record on Bills for 2024 Session

6. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

1. D-Day + 80 Years

Eighty years ago last thursday was D-Day, the beginning of the end of World War II.

There are thousands of stories that came out of that fateful day and the one I have been focused on was commemorated with proclamations and state flags from several states, which were honored last Thursday in a little French village called Ravenoville. This picture is what I prepared, with the assistance of Rep. Holtorf’s office, for that ceremony. Details can be found in my May 25 report.

This was where US paratroopers jumped out of their transport planes right after midnight, the beginning of D-Day. Imagine the courage it took to jump into that black night, knowing you were behind the German lines, a small group of soldiers whose job was to confuse the enemy and disrupt their supply lines to the front.

That group of US soldiers ended up taking their stand in a small French village and they held their ground until the invasion force had worked its way through the barrages on the beaches and other German fortifications.

D-Day should never be forgotten.

Final note: Here is a link to a related story on the paratroopers in D-Day.

2. Volunteers needed to Check Ballots in Douglas County

Heidi Ganahl asked me to pass this on to you. Please consider participating.

Hi everyone!  After the Governor’s race, we noticed some oddities in the numbers from Douglas County (my home county). We need your help from home, whenever you have time, to review ballot images from the 2022 election/Douglas County.

It’s online and ready to dig in.

We have thousands of ballot images from Douglas County that have taken us 18 months and thousands of dollars to obtain from the Clerk’s office, but we need your help to review them.  The process is simple…

First, you need a computer or tablet.  We can’t make the images small enough to be readable on a phone, so a bigger screen is necessary.

Second, go to and watch the short training video, then click the “Apply” button to create your account.  Then check your email for your confirmation and go back to to get started!  

Each ballot is looked at by at least 2 different people.  You will never see the same ballot twice, but someone else will look at that same ballot and if your selections agree, it is saved.  If not, someone else takes a look.  If the 3 of you can’t agree, it is sent to administration. 

Thanks so much! Heidi 720-591-7264

2. Has Biden’s Border Policy Changed?

The President announced a change in his border policies, supposedly getting tough (finally) with the flood of people coming through our southern border, but was it any more than political window dressing in an election year? Here is a good article that digs deeper into this situation.

3. Open letter to Joe Biden

And speaking of Joe Biden, Jim Dobson has issued an open letter to the President, inviting others to add their names as well. Here are the details.

4. Governor’s Record on Bills for 2024 Session

Yesterday was the deadline for the governor to sign, veto or allow bills to become law without his signature. Listed below are the bills I highlighted, both good and bad. With few exceptions the good bills died and a large percentage of the bad bills became law, all with the governor’s signature. Only one bill in my list was vetoed (HB-1080).

It is breathtaking to consider how many of our freedoms have been compromised by these new laws. Take some time to view this list and never believe anyone who says that Polis is a moderate Democrat. He is the most extreme, hard-left politician to run (or should I say ruin) Colorado.

It’s an election year, we need to do all we can to change the leaders in Colorado.

Good Bills

HCR24-1005 Parents’ Bill of Rights This is a resolution to refer to the people this constitutional addition. I helped write this bill, which was heard in House State Affairs last Monday. There was great testimony presented for several hours, but it was still killed, PLV.

HB24-1022 Publish Bill Drafts Online before Session This will help the citizens to get a better view of upcoming bills. Died on Calendar

HB24-1023 Civil Forfeiture Reform This is a system that needs much reform. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1026 Local Government Tax Payers’ Bill of Rights Prior Voter Approval Requirement Getting back to what TABOR is intended to require. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1029 Prohibit Foreign Ownership Agriculture & Natural Resources The title says it all. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1041 Streamline Filing Sales & Use Tax Returns Doesn’t do much, but every little bit helps. Signed into law.

HB24-1065 Reduction of State Income Tax Rate Lowers rate from 4.4% to 4.0%. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1106 Require Information about Abortion Pill Reversal Would require this information to be available with chemical abortion products. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1128 Enforcement of Federal Immigration Law This bill would return Colorado law to a more sane approach to immigration law. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1142 Reduce Income Tax Social Security Benefits Reducing taxes is a good idea. Signed by governor

HB24-1145 Modify Voter Registration Page on Secretary of State Website Gives the voter the option to vote in person rather than receive a mail ballot. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1166 Expand Homestead Exemptions Some additional property tax relief. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1224 Personhood of Living Unborn Human Child Good bill, little chance of surviving. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1279 Vote Tracking Number Elections Creates some election security. Killed in first committee, PLV.

SB24-092 Cost Effective Energy Codes Finally, common sense legislation that recognizes that laws may cost the individual citizen more than the law is worth. Killed in first committee, PLV.

SB24-098 Safety Clause Use Review This is a great idea! It requires all safety clauses on bills to be reviewed for their appropriateness. Killed in first committee, PLV.

SB24-144 Real Property Valuation Limits property assessment to no more than 6% per year. Killed in first committee, PLV.

Good Bill, Maybe

SB24-228 TABOR Refund Mechanisms Here is an interesting last minute bill that might be good, but don’t think it is a tax reduction, it looks more like a shell game to me. The title says the real story, it is not lowering taxes, just switching up the way taxes are collected. TABOR requires refunds for money collected beyond the TABOR limits (which have been unconstitutionally increased through the decades of TABOR). This bill shifts the refund mechanism through lower taxes, but it looks to me like the lower tax rates are only temporary, so long as the TABOR refunds are required.

Bottom line is this. Polis will claim it is a tax reduction, but that is not so. It is only an alternative TABOR refund mechanism. Signed by governor

Bad bills

HB24-1014 Deceptive Trade Practice Significant Impact Standard As I read this bill it is an open door for lawsuits. It eliminates the requirement that a deceptive trade lawsuit “significantly impacts the public.” Killed in Senate

HB24-1017 Bill of Rights for Foster Youth This bill will cut out foster families who are not supporting the transgender ideology. Signed by governor.

HB24-1028 Overdose Prevention Centers Drug injection sites are back. Killed in Senate Committee.

HB24-1039 Non-Legal Name Changes This one forces all public schools to play the pronoun game with their students and it sets up a task force to come up with a policy that will ultimately hide such transitioning from “non-supportive” parents. Signed by governor.

HB24-1040 Gender-Affirming Health-Care Provider Study This is a “study” designed to encourage and increase the number of medical facilities that transition kids with life changing drugs and mutilation surgeries. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1057 Prohibit Algorithmic Devices Used for Rent Setting This is one more slap at landlords. It won’t change much, but it is a typical nanny government bill. Killed by both Houses adhering to their versions

HB24-1061 Marijuana Industry & Social Equity “Social equity” is a very dangerous, and, ironically, inequitable concept. It is also a concept Polis is integrating into our state government systems and this is one more step in that direction. Killed in committee.

HB24-1071 Name Change to Conform with Gender Identity The bill states that when incarcerated a person can change their legal name to conform with their new “gender identity.” signed by governor.

HB24-1075 Analysis of Universal Health-Care Payment System Here we go again, this could become the worst bill of the year. This system would have cost several times the general fund budget ($50 billion+) and it would inevitably put in place more rationing of medical care, while diminishing the quality of available care. If you doubt this, just look at the Canadian medical system. It made it through the House but died on the calendar in the Senate.

HB24-1080 Youth Sports Personnel Requirements More mandatory reporters on the way… Vetoed

HB24-1083 Construction Professional Insurance Coverage Transparency Makes contractor AND subcontractors disclose workers comp insurance. This is nanny government creating much more red tape and therefore higher costs for everyone. Died on calendar.

HB24-1124 Discrimination in Places of Public Accomodation This makes nonprofit organizations subject to Colorado’s discrimination laws. It looks like a way to force nonprofit organizations to capitulate to the LBGT ideology. Signed by governor

HB24-1150 False Slates of Electors Several provisions in this bill, but it looks like it is trying to fortify the enforcement of the National Popular Vote, if that ever becomes a reality. Signed by governor.

HB24-1163 Pet Animal Registration System Will require all pets to be registered with the state and an additional fee will be levied as well. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1169 Repeal Divest from Companies with Israel Prohibitions Law Another slap at Israel. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1170 Rights for Youth Division of Youth Services Facilities More transgender ideology in state statute. Signed by governor

HB24-1174 Concealed Carry Permits & Training Turns over concealed carry instruction to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation. This will make concealed carry permits more difficult to obtain and renew. Signed by governor

HB24-1175 Local Governments Rights to Property for Affordable Housing This is called socialism, where the government is given extra power to own and control more property. Signed by governor

HB24-1229 Presumptive Eligibility for Long-Term Care Will allow all illegal aliens long-term care. Signed by governor

HB24-1245 Fair Labor Practice Requirements for Broadband Projects Favor unions for government projects. Died on calendar.

HB24-1270 Firearm Liability Insurance Requirement Requires specific liability insurance for all gun owners. Died on calendar.

HB24-1280 Welcome, Reception, & Integration Grant Program More sanctuary state laws. Signed by governor

HB24-1292 Prohibit Certain Weapons Used in Mass Shootings Among many other prohibitions, bans the sale or transfer of most, if not all types of AR rifles. Killed in Senate committee.

HB24-1296 Modifications to the Colorado Open Records Act Pretty much guts Colorado’s open records act. This is a big step backward in government transparency. Killed Senate committee.

HB24-1310 School Safety Measures Another gun control bill. This one repeals the current law allowing schools to authorize conceal carry by school employees and sets up a new one with more stringent rules. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1330 Air Quality Permitting More regulations and restrictions on the oil an gas industry. Died on calendar.

HB24-1338 Cumulative Impacts & Environmental Justice The title of this bill is “Concerning measures to advance environmental justice by reducing cumulative impacts of air pollution.” This will become a dangerous weapon that government will have to bludgeon any business they deem as violating whatever environmental justice means, at that time… Signed by governor

HB24-1339 Disproportionately Impact Community Air Pollution More “Green New Deal” policies are on their way. Died on calendar.

HB24-1341 State Vehicle Idling Standard How dare you think that it is a good idea to warm up your car on a bitterly cold morning? Signed by governor.

HB24-1346 Energy & Carbon Management Regulation More control on our daily lives to chase their fictitious fear of carbon dioxide Signed by governor

HB24-1348 Secure Firearm Storage in a Vehicle requires that guns in unattended vehicles be locked up in a trunk or hard case, effectively disarming citizens in their cars. Signed by governor

HB24-1349 Firearms & Ammunition Excise Tax creates a new tax on guns and ammunition. At least (thanks to TABOR) it will require a vote of the people to go into effect. Signed by governor

HB24-1353 Firearms Dealer Requirements & Permit Creates a required state firearms permit for all firearms dealers. As of this writing the governor’s action is not listed on the legislative website.

HB24-1363 Charter Schools Accountability This is a complicated bill that looks like it was written to make it more difficult to run a charter school and give local school districts the ability to shut down charter schools. Killed in Committee.

HB24-1366 Sustainable Local Government Community Planning Incorporates global warming nonsense into all local government planning. Died on calendar.

HB24-1367 Repeal Severance Tax Exemption for Stripper Wells More attacks on Oil and Gas industry. Died on calendar.

HB24-1375 Wild Carnivores & Livestock Nonlethal Coexistence This may require a new bill category: stupid bills. Among other things it creates “native-carnivore coexistence officers” within the department of wildlife. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1459 Birth Equity Concerning protections for birthing persons. Say what? I guess the legislature cannot say woman anymore. Or maybe they do not know what is woman is? Signed by governor

SB24-014 Seal of Climate Literacy Diploma Endorsement I past over this one at first, but after a second look I realize this is a big corruption of our schools. It is giving special honors to any student who buys into the climate alarmism, and gives them this special distinction if they become actively involved in this destructive hoax. Signed by governor

SB24-053 Racial Equity Study This is the first step toward the reparations madness. Signed by governor

SB24-059 Children’s Behavioral Health Statewide System of Care This looks like a huge bureaucracy to monitor and manage all minors in Colorado, just waiting to be created… Killed in House committee.

SB24-065 Mobile Electronic Devices & Motor Vehicle Driving Banning hands on mobile phone use for all drivers in Colorado. Signed by governor

SB24-084 Attorney General Duties to Prevent Mis- & Dis-information It is quite appropriate that this is numbered 84, as in the book by George Orwell: 1984. Whatever happened to the First Amendment? Signed by governor

SB24-094 Safe Housing for Residential Tenants Here is another bill to make people feel good, but in reality it drives up the cost of renting and depresses the number of houses that are available to rent (because it makes being a landlord that much more difficult). Signed by governor

SB24-123 Waste Tire Management Enterprise One more “enterprise” to work around TABOR. Signed by governor

SB24-131 Prohibiting Carrying Firearms in Sensitive Spaces Prohibits carrying firearms in virtually any public space. This is a clear violation of Article II, section 3 of the Colorado constitution: “The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person, and property, or aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called in question; but nothing herein contained shall be construed to justify the practice of carrying concealed weapons.” This is because it will be impossible to defend one’s “person” (not to mention one’s family) if any one cannot bear arms in public. Signed by governor

SB24-159 Mod to Energy & Carbon Management Processes Designed to shut down the oil and gas industry in Colorado by prohibiting any new drilling permits after December 31, 2029. This is economic and scientific insanity! This bill would end the largest, most productive industry in Colorado. It would also drive up the costs of what energy might be left for the people of Colorado to incredible levels. Killed in committee

SB24-165 Air Quality Improvements It is aimed at shutting down or restricting Oil and gas operations in the North Front Range and restrict some transportation from May through September in 2025 and for all following years. Killed in Senate.

SB24-166 Air Quality Enforcement Significantly increases penalties for violations of the ultra strict emission standards in Colorado law. Killed in Senate.

SB24-182 Immigrant Identification Document Issuance It repeals the law that required someone to live in Colorado for at least two years to receive an identification document under the “Colorado Road and Community Safety Act” if that individual is not lawfully present in the United States. Signed by governor

SB24-189 Gender-Related Bias-Motivated Crimes More trans, woke terminology and policies… This adds transgender to the potential hate crimes list. Signed by governor

SB24-195 Protect Vulnerable Road Users The title alone smells fishy. This bill actually authorizes CDOT and the state patrol to use automated vehicle identification systems on all roads in Colorado. These are the systems that automatically catch any violation of road rules and allow the driver to be automatically fined for the infraction. This potentially sounds like Big Brother on steroids. Signed by governor

SB24-200 Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion in Child Welfare Incorporates “equity, diversity, & inclusion” principles into child welfare policies. Need I say more? Signed by governor

SB24-214 Implement State Climate Goals The title says enough. Signed by governor.

SB24-229 Ozone Mitigation Measures More heavy hand control of oil and gas. This adds licensing requirements for oil and gas, more monitoring and stiffer penalties to the industry. Signed by governor

SB24-230 Oil & Gas Production Fees These “fees” are a punitive tax on oil and gas production to fund transit projects. This is a tax, which makes it an illegal act of legislation without a vote of the people. It is part of a “deal” the big players in oil and gas made to supposedly get the governor off their back. They have been trying that game for decades and all it has gotten them is the most expensive state in the Union for oil and gas production. BTW, ultimately We the People pay for this cost of living increase which this new tax creates. Signed by governor

5. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

Every Monday morning at 7:30 AM we gather via Zoom to discuss the latest issues here in Colorado and beyond. With your computer or phone please be a part of the discussion.

Meeting ID: 842 9470 1530

Passcode: 265885

One tap mobile
+17193594580,,84294701530#,,,,*265885# US

For Life and Liberty!

Kevin Lundberg
fmr Colorado State Senator

As the executive director for the Republican Study Committee of Colorado, I am working to keep this organization a powerful voice for conservative values in the Colorado legislature. We are a non-profit 501(c)4 organization, relying on contributions (which are not tax-deductible).

Donations can be sent to:

The Republican Study Committee of Colorado, P.O. Box 378, Berthoud, CO 80513.

GOP Open Primary Lawsuit Needs Your Help

This is a short video I prepared about the GOP challenge to Colorado’s open primary. Please watch this three minute report and help us pass this around. Particularly we need to get this out to the caucuses this coming week (next Thursday) and the county assemblies that will be held later this month. Also, please share the link on social media and any other way you have to connect with friends and neighbors.

The link is

Open primary lawsuit fund update. On April 6, at the Colorado GOP state assembly, over $26,000 was raised for the lawsuit. More is needed, but this is a tremendous show of support for the effort. To help in this effort go to

June 1, 2024

1. Guilty!

2. Is The Trans-Industrial Complex Collapsing?

3. Looming Electrical Power Shortages

4. Governor Has One More Week to Sign or Veto

5. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

1. Guilty!

No, I am not writing about the feckless jury verdict against Donald Trump. I followed this case from the beginning and I assure you, it was a severe miscarriage of justice. The actual misdemeanor charges, which were way beyond the statute of limitations, were manipulated by the corrupt district attorney to elevate them to a felony and the even more corrupt judge blatantly did everything he could to deny the jury all of the evidence and therefore guarantee a guilty verdict.

The guilty parties are the district attorney, judge and everyone else who created this rampant destruction of our judicial system. All across the country every judge and other officer of the court needs to clean up this mess before the credibility of their (our) justice system is completely gone. The kangaroo court in Manhattan should be condemned by every responsible citizen and person in the judicial system. To accept the Trump verdict as anything more than a ham-fisted attempt to steal an election is to doom our judicial process to the ranks of tin-badge, third-world despots,

As for Trump’s prospects for this year’s election, this Manhattan Travesty may have guaranteed him a landslide victory in November if We the People stand up and demand better for our country. 

Now, what does “stand up and demand better” mean? It is not to simply rush to the streets and protest the verdict, it means roll up our sleeves and get to work. As responsible citizens in a constitutional republic we can only keep it if we actively use it.

At every level of government we must insist on better. If you haven’t already, get involved. Contribute to candidates who will defend our Constitution. Spend time with their campaigns. Plug into other efforts to fix what is broken in our civil government systems.

For my part I am working on two vital initiatives here in Colorado. With a broad coalition of people across the state we started Protect Kids Colorado and now, with only two months to go, we are working hard to collect 200,000 signatures to put these issues on the November ballot. We need many more people to step up and help us. I can’t think of a better way to react to the Manhattan Travesty than to pitch in with us at Protect Kids Colorado.

We need hundreds more citizens to step up to make this happen. Carry the petitions to collect signatures at your church, in your neighborhood, with your family and other gatherings. You can also help coordinate petition circulation in your area or work with us behind the scenes with tracking, delivering and collecting of petitions. If you can help with the behind the scenes work send me an email: and I will get you started. Finally, pass this on to others who may also want to save our republic. 

Please volunteer today. Our constitutional republic may not survive if you don’t become a part of the solution today.

Go to our website right now at Finally, here is a great article on our initiatives from Joy Overbeck.

2. Is The Trans-Industrial Complex Collapsing?

As a followup to the first topic listed above, click here for a telling article on the implosion of the trans ideology around the western world, but Biden and Polis have yet to figure it out. Arm yourself with the facts, and help us put these timely initiatives before the voters in 2024.

3. Looming Electrical Power Shortages

This article from the Cornwall Alliance on Government policies threatening our electrical systems is worth considering. Policies here in Colorado and at the national level must change or our state and nation will not be able to meet the day-to-day needs of electricity in a very short time.

4. Governor Has One More Week to Sign or Veto

I am not listing all of the good and bad bills from the legislative session this week. There is too much happening elsewhere to spend much time on that now. The governor has 30 days following the legislative session to decide what to do with all of the bills that were passed. That gives him next week to wrap it up. I plan on reporting on that after the dust settles… For a list of the bills I have been tracking scroll down to last week’s report.

5. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

Every Monday morning at 7:30 AM we gather via Zoom to discuss the latest issues here in Colorado and beyond. With your computer or phone please be a part of the discussion.

Meeting ID: 842 9470 1530

Passcode: 265885

One tap mobile
+17193594580,,84294701530#,,,,*265885# US

For Life and Liberty!

Kevin Lundberg
fmr Colorado State Senator

As the executive director for the Republican Study Committee of Colorado, I am working to keep this organization a powerful voice for conservative values in the Colorado legislature. We are a non-profit 501(c)4 organization, relying on contributions (which are not tax-deductible).

Donations can be sent to:

The Republican Study Committee of Colorado, P.O. Box 378, Berthoud, CO 80513.

GOP Open Primary Lawsuit Needs Your Help

This is a short video I prepared about the GOP challenge to Colorado’s open primary. Please watch this three minute report and help us pass this around. Particularly we need to get this out to the caucuses this coming week (next Thursday) and the county assemblies that will be held later this month. Also, please share the link on social media and any other way you have to connect with friends and neighbors.

The link is

Open primary lawsuit fund update. On April 6, at the Colorado GOP state assembly, over $26,000 was raised for the lawsuit. More is needed, but this is a tremendous show of support for the effort. To help in this effort go to

May 25, 2024

1. Protect Kids Colorado Needs Your Help Now!

2. Non-citizens Voting in D.C

3. Honoring a D-Day Hero

4. Governor‘s Veto Pen has Ink!

5. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

1. Protect Kids Colorado Needs Your Help Now!

We have hundreds of petitions in the hands of petition circulators all across the state but we are just getting started, and only have a little over two months to get this wrapped up. We need your help now! A big need right now is people behind the scenes keeping track of the circulators and all the other bookkeeping tasks we have for a project this size.

If you can help, even for only one day please text Erin at 813-909-6130. This is a big job and we need you to get it done right. For more information on our initiatives go to

2. Non-citizens Voting in D.C

Here is a story about a growing trend that makes no sense whatsoever. More and more cities are allowing non-citizens to vote in local elections and in the District of Columbia they even have a program to help illegal aliens get a piece of the action. These dangerous policies create more uncertainty in our elections, particularly with the millions of additional illegals crossing our borders since Biden took over. If our country is to survive this has to stop.

3. Honoring a D-Day Hero

It was my privilege to help prepare a tribute for a World War II hero from Colorado. He was part of a group of paratroopers who dropped in behind the German lines as the first wave of the D-Day invasion. Next month, on the 80th anniversary of D-Day there will be a permanent tribute unveiled in France to those brave men and their states.

Included in that memorial will be a tribute to John A. Giarratano from Pueblo County here in Colorado. This week I sent a Colorado flag, with a certificate that it had been flown over the state capitol and a proclamation from the governor. It actually took several months to get full cooperation from the governor’s office. Finally, with only a few days to spare, they provided the proclamation and the package is now on its way to the final destination in Ravenoville, France.

Here is the text for the proclamation:

Whereas, on the night of June 5-6, 1944 more than 6,500 elite
paratroopers of the 101st Airborne Division – the first of the first –
spearheaded the American airborne assault on the Cotentin Peninsula
in Normandy, France with the critical missions of securing four
causeways leading inland from the beach codenamed ‘Utah’ and
neutralizing enemy resistance in advance of the amphibious landings at
dawn on D-Day morning by 4th Infantry Division; and

Whereas, a great many of the paratroopers were mis-dropped from
their designated drop zones, before dawn a small group led by Major
John P. Stopka, 502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment, attacked and
captured a strategically sited and important German garrison
headquarters and strongpoint at Marmion Farm, on the outskirts of
Ravenoville village; and

Whereas, Major Stopka took the decision to hold the farm until relief
arrived from Utah Beach, thereby denying enemy movement against
the northern shoulder of the 101st assault area and the critical exits;

Whereas, throughout D-Day other mis-dropped paratroopers from
mixed elements of the 101st, even some from the 82nd Airborne,
arrived at the farm thereby strengthening the American defense
against “…repeated enemy counter-attacks…” the paratroopers held
firm until relieved on the early morning of June 7, 1944 by lead
elements of 4th Infantry Division; and

Whereas, on June 6, 2012 the Eternal Heroes’ Memorial was
inaugurated in Ravenoville Honoring the “Raveno Boys” whose heroic
stand made a significant contribution to the success of the amphibious

landings on Utah Beach and ultimately the Allied invasion of Normandy
on D-Day; and

Whereas, among their number was a gallant son of Colorado: John A.
Giarratano, Pueblo County;

Now Therefore, I, Jared Polis, Governor of the State of Colorado,
do hereby proclaim June 6-7, 2024 as: Eternal Heroes’ Memorial Days in
Memoriam of the Colorado “Raveno Boy”

For more information on these heros click here.

4. Governor‘s Veto Pen has Ink!

Last week the governor actually vetoed six bills. One was on my bad bill list (HB 1080). I applaud him for that small step, but most of the worst bills of this very bad session are getting his signature. Make no mistake about it. This governor is the most radical leader we have ever had. Ever! He has put into law huge “fee” increases and signed billions in new fees into existence. He is still pushing the trans agenda in our public schools and transforming our state government with this woke ideology. Global warming is a tired and very discredited notion but Polis promotes big programs that are costing the taxpayers billions of dollars for little or no gain. He has yet to veto one gun grabbing bill. Don’t forget that this is also the governor who issued scores of “executives orders” during the COVID scare. I have watched many governors come and go, but Polis is the worst, leaving lasting scars all across our once beautiful and prosperous state.

Those bills he did veto are: SB-150, HB-1307, HB-260, HB-1080, HB-1010 and HB-1008

I will continue to list the bills I have targeted in my report as the governor has yet to sign, veto or allow to become law without his signature many of the worst bills from this session. Judging from the large number still unsigned, it could be a while before we know exactly how many of the worst bills of the session became law.

Please note that the bad bill list is not exhaustive, these are just the worst ones I have snagged.

BTW, PLV means party line vote.

Good Bills

HCR24-1005 Parents’ Bill of Rights This is a resolution to refer to the people this constitutional addition. I helped write this bill, which was heard in House State Affairs last Monday. There was great testimony presented for several hours, but it was still killed, PLV.

HB24-1022 Publish Bill Drafts Online before Session This will help the citizens to get a better view of upcoming bills. Died on Calendar

HB24-1023 Civil Forfeiture Reform This is a system that needs much reform. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1026 Local Government Tax Payers’ Bill of Rights Prior Voter Approval Requirement Getting back to what TABOR is intended to require. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1029 Prohibit Foreign Ownership Agriculture & Natural Resources The title says it all. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1041 Streamline Filing Sales & Use Tax Returns Doesn’t do much, but every little bit helps. Signed into law.

HB24-1065 Reduction of State Income Tax Rate Lowers rate from 4.4% to 4.0%. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1106 Require Information about Abortion Pill Reversal Would require this information to be available with chemical abortion products. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1128 Enforcement of Federal Immigration Law This bill would return Colorado law to a more sane approach to immigration law. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1142 Reduce Income Tax Social Security Benefits Reducing taxes is a good idea. Passed Senate

HB24-1145 Modify Voter Registration Page on Secretary of State Website Gives the voter the option to vote in person rather than receive a mail ballot. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1166 Expand Homestead Exemptions Some additional property tax relief. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1224 Personhood of Living Unborn Human Child Good bill, little chance of surviving. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1279 Vote Tracking Number Elections Creates some election security. Killed in first committee, PLV.

SB24-092 Cost Effective Energy Codes Finally, common sense legislation that recognizes that laws may cost the individual citizen more than the law is worth. Killed in first committee, PLV.

SB24-098 Safety Clause Use Review This is a great idea! It requires all safety clauses on bills to be reviewed for their appropriateness. Killed in first committee, PLV.

SB24-144 Real Property Valuation Limits property assessment to no more than 6% per year. Killed in first committee, PLV.

Good Bill, Maybe

SB24-228 TABOR Refund Mechanisms Here is an interesting last minute bill that might be good, but don’t think it is a tax reduction, it looks more like a shell game to me. The title says the real story, it is not lowering taxes, just switching up the way taxes are collected. TABOR requires refunds for money collected beyond the TABOR limits (which have been unconstitutionally increased through the decades of TABOR). This bill shifts the refund mechanism through lower taxes, but it looks to me like the lower tax rates are only temporary, so long as the TABOR refunds are required.

Bottom line is this. Polis will claim it is a tax reduction, but that is not so. It is only an alternative TABOR refund mechanism. Signed by governor

Bad bills

HB24-1014 Deceptive Trade Practice Significant Impact Standard As I read this bill it is an open door for lawsuits. It eliminates the requirement that a deceptive trade lawsuit “significantly impacts the public.” Killed in Senate

HB24-1017 Bill of Rights for Foster Youth This bill will cut out foster families who are not supporting the transgender ideology. Signed by governor.

HB24-1028 Overdose Prevention Centers Drug injection sites are back. Killed in Senate Committee.

HB24-1039 Non-Legal Name Changes This one forces all public schools to play the pronoun game with their students and it sets up a task force to come up with a policy that will ultimately hide such transitioning from “non-supportive” parents. Signed by governor.

HB24-1040 Gender-Affirming Health-Care Provider Study This is a “study” designed to encourage and increase the number of medical facilities that transition kids with life changing drugs and mutilation surgeries. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1057 Prohibit Algorithmic Devices Used for Rent Setting This is one more slap at landlords. It won’t change much, but it is a typical nanny government bill. Killed by both Houses adhering to their versions

HB24-1061 Marijuana Industry & Social Equity “Social equity” is a very dangerous, and, ironically, inequitable concept. It is also a concept Polis is integrating into our state government systems and this is one more step in that direction. Killed in committee.

HB24-1071 Name Change to Conform with Gender Identity The bill states that when incarcerated a person can change their legal name to conform with their new “gender identity.” signed by governor.

HB24-1075 Analysis of Universal Health-Care Payment System Here we go again, this could become the worst bill of the year. This system would have cost several times the general fund budget ($50 billion+) and it would inevitably put in place more rationing of medical care, while diminishing the quality of available care. If you doubt this, just look at the Canadian medical system. It made it through the House but died on the calendar in the Senate.

HB24-1080 Youth Sports Personnel Requirements More mandatory reporters on the way… Vetoed

HB24-1083 Construction Professional Insurance Coverage Transparency Makes contractor AND subcontractors disclose workers comp insurance. This is nanny government creating much more red tape and therefore higher costs for everyone. Died on calendar.

HB24-1124 Discrimination in Places of Public Accomodation This makes nonprofit organizations subject to Colorado’s discrimination laws. It looks like a way to force nonprofit organizations to capitulate to the LBGT ideology. Sent to the governor

HB24-1150 False Slates of Electors Several provisions in this bill, but it looks like it is trying to fortify the enforcement of the National Popular Vote, if that ever becomes a reality. Signed by governor.

HB24-1163 Pet Animal Registration System Will require all pets to be registered with the state and an additional fee will be levied as well. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1169 Repeal Divest from Companies with Israel Prohibitions Law Another slap at Israel. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1170 Rights for Youth Division of Youth Services Facilities More transgender ideology in state statute. Sent to the governor

HB24-1174 Concealed Carry Permits & Training Turns over concealed carry instruction to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation. This will make concealed carry permits more difficult to obtain and renew. Sent to governor.

HB24-1175 Local Governments Rights to Property for Affordable Housing This is called socialism, where the government is given extra power to own and control more property. Passed Senate.

HB24-1229 Presumptive Eligibility for Long-Term Care Will allow all illegal aliens long-term care. Sent to the governor

HB24-1245 Fair Labor Practice Requirements for Broadband Projects Favor unions for government projects. Died on calendar.

HB24-1270 Firearm Liability Insurance Requirement Requires specific liability insurance for all gun owners. Died on calendar.

HB24-1280 Welcome, Reception, & Integration Grant Program More sanctuary state laws. Passed Senate, PLV.

HB24-1292 Prohibit Certain Weapons Used in Mass Shootings Among many other prohibitions, bans the sale or transfer of most, if not all types of AR rifles. Killed in Senate committee.

HB24-1296 Modifications to the Colorado Open Records Act Pretty much guts Colorado’s open records act. This is a big step backward in government transparency. Killed Senate committee.

HB24-1310 School Safety Measures Another gun control bill. This one repeals the current law allowing schools to authorize conceal carry by school employees and sets up a new one with more stringent rules. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1330 Air Quality Permitting More regulations and restrictions on the oil an gas industry. Died on calendar.

HB24-1338 Cumulative Impacts & Environmental Justice The title of this bill is “Concerning measures to advance environmental justice by reducing cumulative impacts of air pollution.” This will become a dangerous weapon that government will have to bludgeon any business they deem as violating whatever environmental justice means, at that time… Sent to the governor

HB24-1339 Disproportionately Impact Community Air Pollution More “Green New Deal” policies are on their way. Died on calendar.

HB24-1341 State Vehicle Idling Standard How dare you think that it is a good idea to warm up your car on a bitterly cold morning? Signed by governor.

HB24-1346 Energy & Carbon Management Regulation More control on our daily lives to chase their fictitious fear of carbon dioxide Sent to the governor

HB24-1348 Secure Firearm Storage in a Vehicle requires that guns in unattended vehicles be locked up in a trunk or hard case, effectively disarming citizens in their cars. Signed by governor

HB24-1349 Firearms & Ammunition Excise Tax creates a new tax on guns and ammunition. At least (thanks to TABOR) it will require a vote of the people to go into effect. Passed Senate, PLV.

HB24-1353 Firearms Dealer Requirements & Permit Creates a required state firearms permit for all firearms dealers. Passed Senate.

HB24-1363 Charter Schools Accountability This is a complicated bill that looks like it was written to make it more difficult to run a charter school and give local school districts the ability to shut down charter schools. Killed in Committee.

HB24-1366 Sustainable Local Government Community Planning Incorporates global warming nonsense into all local government planning. Died on calendar.

HB24-1367 Repeal Severance Tax Exemption for Stripper Wells More attacks on Oil and Gas industry. Died on calendar.

HB24-1375 Wild Carnivores & Livestock Nonlethal Coexistence This may require a new bill category: stupid bills. Among other things it creates “native-carnivore coexistence officers” within the department of wildlife. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1459 Birth Equity Concerning protections for birthing persons. Say what? I guess the legislature cannot say woman anymore. Or maybe they do not know what is woman is? Passed Senate, PLV.

SB24-014 Seal of Climate Literacy Diploma Endorsement I past over this one at first, but after a second look I realize this is a big corruption of our schools. It is giving special honors to any student who buys into the climate alarmism, and gives them this special distinction if they become actively involved in this destructive hoax. Sent to governor.

SB24-053 Racial Equity Study This is the first step toward the reparations madness. Passed House , PLV.

SB24-059 Children’s Behavioral Health Statewide System of Care This looks like a huge bureaucracy to monitor and manage all minors in Colorado, just waiting to be created… Killed in House committee.

SB24-065 Mobile Electronic Devices & Motor Vehicle Driving Banning hands on mobile phone use for all drivers in Colorado. Passed House.

SB24-084 Attorney General Duties to Prevent Mis- & Dis-information It is quite appropriate that this is numbered 84, as in the book by George Orwell: 1984. Whatever happened to the First Amendment? Sent to the governor

SB24-094 Safe Housing for Residential Tenants Here is another bill to make people feel good, but in reality it drives up the cost of renting and depresses the number of houses that are available to rent (because it makes being a landlord that much more difficult). Sent to the governor

SB24-123 Waste Tire Management Enterprise One more “enterprise” to work around TABOR. Sent to the governor

SB24-131 Prohibiting Carrying Firearms in Sensitive Spaces Prohibits carrying firearms in virtually any public space. This is a clear violation of Article II, section 3 of the Colorado constitution: “The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person, and property, or aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called in question; but nothing herein contained shall be construed to justify the practice of carrying concealed weapons.” This is because it will be impossible to defend one’s “person” (not to mention one’s family) if any one cannot bear arms in public. Sent to governor.

SB24-159 Mod to Energy & Carbon Management Processes Designed to shut down the oil and gas industry in Colorado by prohibiting any new drilling permits after December 31, 2029. This is economic and scientific insanity! This bill would end the largest, most productive industry in Colorado. It would also drive up the costs of what energy might be left for the people of Colorado to incredible levels. Killed in committee

SB24-165 Air Quality Improvements It is aimed at shutting down or restricting Oil and gas operations in the North Front Range and restrict some transportation from May through September in 2025 and for all following years. Killed in Senate.

SB24-166 Air Quality Enforcement Significantly increases penalties for violations of the ultra strict emission standards in Colorado law. Killed in Senate.

SB24-182 Immigrant Identification Document Issuance It repeals the law that required someone to live in Colorado for at least two years to receive an identification document under the “Colorado Road and Community Safety Act” if that individual is not lawfully present in the United States. Passed House.

SB24-189 Gender-Related Bias-Motivated Crimes More trans, woke terminology and policies… This adds transgender to the potential hate crimes list. Passed House, PLV.

SB24-195 Protect Vulnerable Road Users The title alone smells fishy. This bill actually authorizes CDOT and the state patrol to use automated vehicle identification systems on all roads in Colorado. These are the systems that automatically catch any violation of road rules and allow the driver to be automatically fined for the infraction. This potentially sounds like Big Brother on steroids. Passed House, PLV.

SB24-200 Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion in Child Welfare Incorporates “equity, diversity, & inclusion” principles into child welfare policies. Need I say more? Passed House, PLV.

SB24-214 Implement State Climate Goals The title says enough. Signed by governor.

SB24-229 Ozone Mitigation Measures More heavy hand control of oil and gas. This adds licensing requirements for oil and gas, more monitoring and stiffer penalties to the industry. Sent to the governor

SB24-230 Oil & Gas Production Fees These “fees” are a punitive tax on oil and gas production to fund transit projects. This is a tax, which makes it an illegal act of legislation without a vote of the people. It is part of a “deal” the big players in oil and gas made to supposedly get the governor off their back. They have been trying that game for decades and all it has gotten them is the most expensive state in the Union for oil and gas production. BTW, ultimately We the People pay for this cost of living increase which this new tax creates. Sent to governor.

3. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

Every Monday morning at 7:30 AM we gather via Zoom to discuss the latest issues here in Colorado and beyond. With your computer or phone please be a part of the discussion.

Meeting ID: 842 9470 1530

Passcode: 265885

One tap mobile
+17193594580,,84294701530#,,,,*265885# US

For Life and Liberty!

Kevin Lundberg
fmr Colorado State Senator

As the executive director for the Republican Study Committee of Colorado, I am working to keep this organization a powerful voice for conservative values in the Colorado legislature. We are a non-profit 501(c)4 organization, relying on contributions (which are not tax-deductible).

Donations can be sent to:

The Republican Study Committee of Colorado, P.O. Box 378, Berthoud, CO 80513.

May 18, 2024

1. Protect Kids Colorado Needs Your Help Now!

We now have less than three months to collect all of the required signatures.

2. General Session is Done, but the Governor Isn’t

3. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

1. Protect Kids Colorado Needs Your Help Now!

It took about six months to get title for our initiatives, which means we now have less than three months to collect all of the required signatures. I am already overwhelmed with all of the people who are jumping in to help, but we also need you to join in this movement. It is vital that we protect our kids from the dangerous gender ideology that is now rampant in our public schools. If you are not yet convinced, check out our documentary, Art Club.

To carry a petition to your friends, sign up at However, we also need several behind the scenes people to help with the organization, distribution and collection of the petitions. If this is an area you can be a part of please text Erin at 813-909-6130. She needs several helping hands to take care of the many details for this statewide operation.

Another way to help us launch this movement is with paying for our expenses. To donate go to

Finally, pass this on to others. We have very little time to complete this task, but there is such universal concern for protecting our kids that most Colorado citizens just need to know about our effort to respond positively. Put this on your social media, bring this to the attention of your church, talk about it to your friends and family. Help us get the word out in every way you can!

2. General Session is Done, but the Governor Isn’t

705 bills were introduced, which I am sure is a record. I identified 56 bad bills and 17 good bills. Two good bills were approved. 32 bad bills were passed by the House and the Senate. It was not a good year for smaller government, lower taxes or freedom. I will continue to list these in my report as the governor has yet to sign, veto or allow them to become law without his signature. Judging from the large number still unsigned, it could be a while before we know exactly how many of the worst bills of the session became law.

Please note that the bad bill list is not exhaustive, these are just the worst ones I have snagged.

BTW, PLV means party line vote.

Good Bills

HCR24-1005 Parents’ Bill of Rights This is a resolution to refer to the people this constitutional addition. I helped write this bill, which was heard in House State Affairs last Monday. There was great testimony presented for several hours, but it was still killed, PLV.

HB24-1022 Publish Bill Drafts Online before Session This will help the citizens to get a better view of upcoming bills. Died on Calendar

HB24-1023 Civil Forfeiture Reform This is a system that needs much reform. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1026 Local Government Tax Payers’ Bill of Rights Prior Voter Approval Requirement Getting back to what TABOR is intended to require. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1029 Prohibit Foreign Ownership Agriculture & Natural Resources The title says it all. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1041 Streamline Filing Sales & Use Tax Returns Doesn’t do much, but every little bit helps. Signed into law.

HB24-1065 Reduction of State Income Tax Rate Lowers rate from 4.4% to 4.0%. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1106 Require Information about Abortion Pill Reversal Would require this information to be available with chemical abortion products. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1128 Enforcement of Federal Immigration Law This bill would return Colorado law to a more sane approach to immigration law. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1142 Reduce Income Tax Social Security Benefits Reducing taxes is a good idea. Passed Senate

HB24-1145 Modify Voter Registration Page on Secretary of State Website Gives the voter the option to vote in person rather than receive a mail ballot. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1166 Expand Homestead Exemptions Some additional property tax relief. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1224 Personhood of Living Unborn Human Child Good bill, little chance of surviving. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1279 Vote Tracking Number Elections Creates some election security. Killed in first committee, PLV.

SB24-092 Cost Effective Energy Codes Finally, common sense legislation that recognizes that laws may cost the individual citizen more than the law is worth. Killed in first committee, PLV.

SB24-098 Safety Clause Use Review This is a great idea! It requires all safety clauses on bills to be reviewed for their appropriateness. Killed in first committee, PLV.

SB24-144 Real Property Valuation Limits property assessment to no more than 6% per year. Killed in first committee, PLV.

Good Bill, Maybe

SB24-228 TABOR Refund Mechanisms Here is an interesting last minute bill that might be good, but don’t think it is a tax reduction, it looks more like a shell game to me. The title says the real story, it is not lowering taxes, just switching up the way taxes are collected. TABOR requires refunds for money collected beyond the TABOR limits (which have been unconstitutionally increased through the decades of TABOR). This bill shifts the refund mechanism through lower taxes, but it looks to me like the lower tax rates are only temporary, so long as the TABOR refunds are required.

Bottom line is this. Polis will claim it is a tax reduction, but that is not so. It is only an alternative TABOR refund mechanism. Signed by governor

Bad bills

HB24-1014 Deceptive Trade Practice Significant Impact Standard As I read this bill it is an open door for lawsuits. It eliminates the requirement that a deceptive trade lawsuit “significantly impacts the public.” Killed in Senate

HB24-1017 Bill of Rights for Foster Youth This bill will cut out foster families who are not supporting the transgender ideology. Signed by governor.

HB24-1028 Overdose Prevention Centers Drug injection sites are back. Killed in Senate Committee.

HB24-1039 Non-Legal Name Changes This one forces all public schools to play the pronoun game with their students and it sets up a task force to come up with a policy that will ultimately hide such transitioning from “non-supportive” parents. Signed by governor.

HB24-1040 Gender-Affirming Health-Care Provider Study This is a “study” designed to encourage and increase the number of medical facilities that transition kids with life changing drugs and mutilation surgeries. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1057 Prohibit Algorithmic Devices Used for Rent Setting This is one more slap at landlords. It won’t change much, but it is a typical nanny government bill. Killed by both Houses adhering to their versions

HB24-1061 Marijuana Industry & Social Equity “Social equity” is a very dangerous, and, ironically, inequitable concept. It is also a concept Polis is integrating into our state government systems and this is one more step in that direction. Killed in committee.

HB24-1071 Name Change to Conform with Gender Identity The bill states that when incarcerated a person can change their legal name to conform with their new “gender identity.” signed by governor.

HB24-1075 Analysis of Universal Health-Care Payment System Here we go again, this could become the worst bill of the year. This system would have cost several times the general fund budget ($50 billion+) and it would inevitably put in place more rationing of medical care, while diminishing the quality of available care. If you doubt this, just look at the Canadian medical system. It made it through the House but died on the calendar in the Senate.

HB24-1080 Youth Sports Personnel Requirements More mandatory reporters on the way… Vetoed

HB24-1083 Construction Professional Insurance Coverage Transparency Makes contractor AND subcontractors disclose workers comp insurance. This is nanny government creating much more red tape and therefore higher costs for everyone. Died on calendar.

HB24-1124 Discrimination in Places of Public Accomodation This makes nonprofit organizations subject to Colorado’s discrimination laws. It looks like a way to force nonprofit organizations to capitulate to the LBGT ideology. Sent to the governor

HB24-1150 False Slates of Electors Several provisions in this bill, but it looks like it is trying to fortify the enforcement of the National Popular Vote, if that ever becomes a reality. Signed by governor.

HB24-1163 Pet Animal Registration System Will require all pets to be registered with the state and an additional fee will be levied as well. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1169 Repeal Divest from Companies with Israel Prohibitions Law Another slap at Israel. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1170 Rights for Youth Division of Youth Services Facilities More transgender ideology in state statute. Sent to the governor

HB24-1174 Concealed Carry Permits & Training Turns over concealed carry instruction to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation. This will make concealed carry permits more difficult to obtain and renew. Sent to governor.

HB24-1175 Local Governments Rights to Property for Affordable Housing This is called socialism, where the government is given extra power to own and control more property. Passed Senate.

HB24-1229 Presumptive Eligibility for Long-Term Care Will allow all illegal aliens long-term care. Sent to the governor

HB24-1245 Fair Labor Practice Requirements for Broadband Projects Favor unions for government projects. Died on calendar.

HB24-1270 Firearm Liability Insurance Requirement Requires specific liability insurance for all gun owners. Died on calendar.

HB24-1280 Welcome, Reception, & Integration Grant Program More sanctuary state laws. Passed Senate, PLV.

HB24-1292 Prohibit Certain Weapons Used in Mass Shootings Among many other prohibitions, bans the sale or transfer of most, if not all types of AR rifles. Killed in Senate committee.

HB24-1296 Modifications to the Colorado Open Records Act Pretty much guts Colorado’s open records act. This is a big step backward in government transparency. Killed Senate committee.

HB24-1310 School Safety Measures Another gun control bill. This one repeals the current law allowing schools to authorize conceal carry by school employees and sets up a new one with more stringent rules. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1330 Air Quality Permitting More regulations and restrictions on the oil an gas industry. Died on calendar.

HB24-1338 Cumulative Impacts & Environmental Justice The title of this bill is “Concerning measures to advance environmental justice by reducing cumulative impacts of air pollution.” This will become a dangerous weapon that government will have to bludgeon any business they deem as violating whatever environmental justice means, at that time… Sent to the governor

HB24-1339 Disproportionately Impact Community Air Pollution More “Green New Deal” policies are on their way. Died on calendar.

HB24-1341 State Vehicle Idling Standard How dare you think that it is a good idea to warm up your car on a bitterly cold morning? Signed by governor.

HB24-1346 Energy & Carbon Management Regulation More control on our daily lives to chase their fictitious fear of carbon dioxide Sent to the governor

HB24-1348 Secure Firearm Storage in a Vehicle requires that guns in unattended vehicles be locked up in a trunk or hard case, effectively disarming citizens in their cars. Sent to the governor

HB24-1349 Firearms & Ammunition Excise Tax creates a new tax on guns and ammunition. At least (thanks to TABOR) it will require a vote of the people to go into effect. Passed Senate, PLV.

HB24-1353 Firearms Dealer Requirements & Permit Creates a required stat firearms permit for all firearms dealers. Passed Senate.

HB24-1363 Charter Schools Accountability This is a complicated bill that looks like it was written to make it more difficult to run a charter school and give local school districts the ability to shut down charter schools. Killed in Committee.

HB24-1366 Sustainable Local Government Community Planning Incorporates global warming nonsense into all local government planning. Died on calendar.

HB24-1367 Repeal Severance Tax Exemption for Stripper Wells More attacks on Oil and Gas industry. Died on calendar.

HB24-1375 Wild Carnivores & Livestock Nonlethal Coexistence This may require a new bill category: stupid bills. Among other things it creates “native-carnivore coexistence officers” within the department of wildlife. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1459 Birth Equity Concerning protections for birthing persons. Say what? I guess the legislature cannot say woman anymore. Or maybe they do not know what is woman is? Passed Senate, PLV.

SB24-014 Seal of Climate Literacy Diploma Endorsement I past over this one at first, but after a second look I realize this is a big corruption of our schools. It is giving special honors to any student who buys into the climate alarmism, and gives them this special distinction if they become actively involved in this destructive hoax. Sent to governor.

SB24-053 Racial Equity Study This is the first step toward the reparations madness. Passed House , PLV.

SB24-059 Children’s Behavioral Health Statewide System of Care This looks like a huge bureaucracy to monitor and manage all minors in Colorado, just waiting to be created… Killed in House committee.

SB24-065 Mobile Electronic Devices & Motor Vehicle Driving Banning hands on mobile phone use for all drivers in Colorado. Passed House.

SB24-084 Attorney General Duties to Prevent Mis- & Dis-information It is quite appropriate that this is numbered 84, as in the book by George Orwell: 1984. Whatever happened to the First Amendment? Sent to the governor

SB24-094 Safe Housing for Residential Tenants Here is another bill to make people feel good, but in reality it drives up the cost of renting and depresses the number of houses that are available to rent (because it makes being a landlord that much more difficult). Sent to the governor

SB24-123 Waste Tire Management Enterprise One more “enterprise” to work around TABOR. Sent to the governor

SB24-131 Prohibiting Carrying Firearms in Sensitive Spaces Prohibits carrying firearms in virtually any public space. This is a clear violation of Article II, section 3 of the Colorado constitution: “The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person, and property, or aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called in question; but nothing herein contained shall be construed to justify the practice of carrying concealed weapons.” This is because it will be impossible to defend one’s “person” (not to mention one’s family) if any one cannot bear arms in public. Sent to governor.

SB24-159 Mod to Energy & Carbon Management Processes Designed to shut down the oil and gas industry in Colorado by prohibiting any new drilling permits after December 31, 2029. This is economic and scientific insanity! This bill would end the largest, most productive industry in Colorado. It would also drive up the costs of what energy might be left for the people of Colorado to incredible levels. Killed in committee

SB24-165 Air Quality Improvements It is aimed at shutting down or restricting Oil and gas operations in the North Front Range and restrict some transportation from May through September in 2025 and for all following years. Killed in Senate.

SB24-166 Air Quality Enforcement Significantly increases penalties for violations of the ultra strict emission standards in Colorado law. Killed in Senate.

SB24-182 Immigrant Identification Document Issuance It repeals the law that required someone to live in Colorado for at least two years to receive an identification document under the “Colorado Road and Community Safety Act” if that individual is not lawfully present in the United States. Passed House.

SB24-189 Gender-Related Bias-Motivated Crimes More trans, woke terminology and policies… This adds transgender to the potential hate crimes list. Passed House, PLV.

SB24-195 Protect Vulnerable Road Users The title alone smells fishy. This bill actually authorizes CDOT and the state patrol to use automated vehicle identification systems on all roads in Colorado. These are the systems that automatically catch any violation of road rules and allow the driver to be automatically fined for the infraction. This potentially sounds like Big Brother on steroids. Passed House, PLV.

SB24-200 Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion in Child Welfare Incorporates “equity, diversity, & inclusion” principles into child welfare policies. Need I say more? Passed House, PLV.

SB24-214 Implement State Climate Goals The title says enough. Passed House, PLV.

SB24-229 Ozone Mitigation Measures More heavy hand control of oil and gas. This adds licensing requirements for oil and gas, more monitoring and stiffer penalties to the industry. Sent to the governor

SB24-230 Oil & Gas Production Fees These “fees” are a punitive tax on oil and gas production to fund transit projects. This is a tax, which makes it an illegal act of legislation without a vote of the people. It is part of a “deal” the big players in oil and gas made to supposedly get the governor off their back. They have been trying that game for decades and all it has gotten them is the most expensive state in the Union for oil and gas production. BTW, ultimately We the People pay for this cost of living increase which this new tax creates. Sent to governor.

3. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

Every Monday morning at 7:30 AM we gather via Zoom to discuss the latest issues here in Colorado and beyond. With your computer or phone please be a part of the discussion.

Meeting ID: 842 9470 1530

Passcode: 265885

One tap mobile
+17193594580,,84294701530#,,,,*265885# US

For Life and Liberty!

Kevin Lundberg
fmr Colorado State Senator

As the executive director for the Republican Study Committee of Colorado, I am working to keep this organization a powerful voice for conservative values in the Colorado legislature. We are a non-profit 501(c)4 organization, relying on contributions (which are not tax-deductible).

Donations can be sent to:

The Republican Study Committee of Colorado, P.O. Box 378, Berthoud, CO 80513.

May 11, 2024

1. Protect Kids Colorado is Now Collecting Signatures

2. Gun Bills Dominated 2024 Session

3. Marriage Definition Will Be on Colorado Ballot

4. 2024 General Session is Finally Over

5. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

1. Protect Kids Colorado is Now Collecting Signatures

With the Colorado legislature, dominated by the hard left, We the People have to take substantive legislation into our own hands. Hence Protect Kids Colorado is working hard to protect women’s sports in public schools and parent’s right to know if their children are experiencing gender incongruence in public schools. To help now go to

2. Gun Bills Dominated 2024 Session

The left in the legislature were attacking freedom in many areas this year, but the Second Amendment took the brunt of this assault. Here is the list of gun-control bills introduced in 2024:

3. Marriage Definition Will Be on Colorado Ballot

Given the extreme left policies of this year’s legislature it is not a surprize that they concocted a constitutional amendment for the November ballot to strip away the marriage definition that the people put into Colorado constitutional law less than 20 years ago. But in the Senate, where they needed one Republican vote to get the required 2/3 majority to prevail, I was shocked to see six Republicans support this resolution. Fully half of the Republican Senate caucus helped the extreme left in their campaign to eliminate this essential definition of marriage that we placed in our constitution in 2006.

Those six Republican senators are Senators Gardner, Kirkmeyer, Lundeen, Rich, Simpson, and Smallwood.

4. 2024 General Session is Finally Over

705 bills were introduced, which I am sure is a record. I identified 56 bad bills and 17 good bills. Two good bills were approved. 32 bad bills survived. It was not a good year for smaller government, lower taxes or freedom.

Please note that the bad bill list is not exhaustive, these are just the worst ones I have snagged.

To see the most recently introduced bills, read the list from the bottom up.

BTW, PLV means party line vote.

Good Bills

HCR24-1005 Parents’ Bill of Rights This is a resolution to refer to the people this constitutional addition. I helped write this bill, which was heard in House State Affairs last Monday. There was great testimony presented for several hours, but it was still killed, PLV.

HB24-1022 Publish Bill Drafts Online before Session This will help the citizens to get a better view of upcoming bills. Died on Calendar

HB24-1023 Civil Forfeiture Reform This is a system that needs much reform. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1026 Local Government Tax Payers’ Bill of Rights Prior Voter Approval Requirement Getting back to what TABOR is intended to require. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1029 Prohibit Foreign Ownership Agriculture & Natural Resources The title says it all. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1041 Streamline Filing Sales & Use Tax Returns Doesn’t do much, but every little bit helps. Signed into law.

HB24-1065 Reduction of State Income Tax Rate Lowers rate from 4.4% to 4.0%. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1106 Require Information about Abortion Pill Reversal Would require this information to be available with chemical abortion products. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1128 Enforcement of Federal Immigration Law This bill would return Colorado law to a more sane approach to immigration law. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1142 Reduce Income Tax Social Security Benefits Reducing taxes is a good idea. Passed Senate

HB24-1145 Modify Voter Registration Page on Secretary of State Website Gives the voter the option to vote in person rather than receive a mail ballot. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1166 Expand Homestead Exemptions Some additional property tax relief. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1224 Personhood of Living Unborn Human Child Good bill, little chance of surviving. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1279 Vote Tracking Number Elections Creates some election security. Killed in first committee, PLV.

SB24-092 Cost Effective Energy Codes Finally, common sense legislation that recognizes that laws may cost the individual citizen more than the law is worth. Killed in first committee, PLV.

SB24-098 Safety Clause Use Review This is a great idea! It requires all safety clauses on bills to be reviewed for their appropriateness. Killed in first committee, PLV.

SB24-144 Real Property Valuation Limits property assessment to no more than 6% per year. Killed in first committee, PLV.

Good Bill, Maybe

SB24-228 TABOR Refund Mechanisms Here is an interesting last minute bill that might be good, but don’t think it is a tax reduction, it looks more like a shell game to me. The title says the real story, it is not lowering taxes, just switching up the way taxes are collected. TABOR requires refunds for money collected beyond the TABOR limits (which have been unconstitutionally increased through the decades of TABOR). This bill shifts the refund mechanism through lower taxes, but it looks to me like the lower tax rates are only temporary, so long as the TABOR refunds are required.

Bottom line is this. Polis will claim it is a tax reduction, but that is not so. It is only an alternative TABOR refund mechanism. Passed House

Bad bills

HB24-1014 Deceptive Trade Practice Significant Impact Standard As I read this bill it is an open door for lawsuits. It eliminates the requirement that a deceptive trade lawsuit “significantly impacts the public.” Killed in Senate

HB24-1017 Bill of Rights for Foster Youth This bill will cut out foster families who are not supporting the transgender ideology. Signed by governor.

HB24-1028 Overdose Prevention Centers Drug injection sites are back. Killed in Senate Committee.

HB24-1039 Non-Legal Name Changes This one forces all public schools to play the pronoun game with their students and it sets up a task force to come up with a policy that will ultimately hide such transitioning from “non-supportive” parents. Signed by governor.

HB24-1040 Gender-Affirming Health-Care Provider Study This is a “study” designed to encourage and increase the number of medical facilities that transition kids with life changing drugs and mutilation surgeries. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1057 Prohibit Algorithmic Devices Used for Rent Setting This is one more slap at landlords. It won’t change much, but it is a typical nanny government bill. Killed by both Houses adhering to their versions

HB24-1061 Marijuana Industry & Social Equity “Social equity” is a very dangerous, and, ironically, inequitable concept. It is also a concept Polis is integrating into our state government systems and this is one more step in that direction. Killed in committee.

HB24-1071 Name Change to Conform with Gender Identity The bill states that when incarcerated a person can change their legal name to conform with their new “gender identity.” signed by governor.

HB24-1075 Analysis of Universal Health-Care Payment System Here we go again, this could become the worst bill of the year. This system will cost several times the general fund budget ($50 billion+) and it will inevitably put in place more rationing of medical care, while diminishing the quality of available care. If you doubt this, just look at the Canadian medical system. Died on calendar.

HB24-1080 Youth Sports Personnel Requirements More mandatory reporters on the way… Passed Senate.

HB24-1083 Construction Professional Insurance Coverage Transparency Makes contractor AND subcontractors disclose workers comp insurance. This is nanny government creating much more red tape and therefore higher costs for everyone. Died on calendar.

HB24-1124 Discrimination in Places of Public Accomodation This makes nonprofit organizations subject to Colorado’s discrimination laws. It looks like a way to force nonprofit organizations to capitulate to the LBGT ideology. Passed Senate.

HB24-1150 False Slates of Electors Several provisions in this bill, but it looks like it is trying to fortify the enforcement of the National Popular Vote, if that ever becomes a reality. Signed by governor.

HB24-1163 Pet Animal Registration System Will require all pets to be registered with the state and an additional fee will be levied as well. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1169 Repeal Divest from Companies with Israel Prohibitions Law Another slap at Israel. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1170 Rights for Youth Division of Youth Services Facilities More transgender ideology in state statute. Passed Senate, PLV.

HB24-1174 Concealed Carry Permits & Training Turns over concealed carry instruction to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation. This will make concealed carry permits more difficult to obtain and renew. Sent to governor.

HB24-1175 Local Governments Rights to Property for Affordable Housing This is called socialism, where the government is given extra power to own and control more property. Passed Senate.

HB24-1229 Presumptive Eligibility for Long-Term Care Will allow all illegal aliens long-term care. Passed Senate.

HB24-1245 Fair Labor Practice Requirements for Broadband Projects Favor unions for government projects. Died on calendar.

HB24-1270 Firearm Liability Insurance Requirement Requires specific liability insurance for all gun owners. Died on calendar.

HB24-1280 Welcome, Reception, & Integration Grant Program More sanctuary state laws. Passed Senate, PLV.

HB24-1292 Prohibit Certain Weapons Used in Mass Shootings Among many other prohibitions, bans the sale or transfer of most, if not all types of AR rifles. Killed in Senate committee.

HB24-1296 Modifications to the Colorado Open Records Act Pretty much guts Colorado’s open records act. This is a big step backward in government transparency. Killed Senate committee.

HB24-1310 School Safety Measures Another gun control bill. This one repeals the current law allowing schools to authorize conceal carry by school employees and sets up a new one with more stringent rules. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1330 Air Quality Permitting More regulations and restrictions on the oil an gas industry. Died on calendar.

HB24-1338 Cumulative Impacts & Environmental Justice The title of this bill is “Concerning measures to advance environmental justice by reducing cumulative impacts of air pollution.” This will become a dangerous weapon that government will have to bludgeon any business they deem as violating whatever environmental justice means, at that time… Passed Senate.

HB24-1339 Disproportionately Impact Community Air Pollution More “Green New Deal” policies are on their way. Died on calendar.

HB24-1341 State Vehicle Idling Standard How dare you think that it is a good idea to warm up your car on a bitterly cold morning? Signed by governor.

HB24-1346 Energy & Carbon Management Regulation More control on our daily lives to chase their fictitious fear of carbon dioxide Passed Senate, PLV.

HB24-1348 Secure Firearm Storage in a Vehicle requires that guns in unattended vehicles be locked up in a trunk or hard case, effectively disarming citizens in their cars. Passed Senate.

HB24-1349 Firearms & Ammunition Excise Tax creates a new tax on guns and ammunition. At least (thanks to TABOR) it will require a vote of the people to go into effect. Passed House, PLV.

HB24-1353 Firearms Dealer Requirements & Permit Creates a required stat firearms permit for all firearms dealers. Passed Senate.

HB24-1363 Charter Schools Accountability This is a complicated bill that looks like it was written to make it more difficult to run a charter school and give local school districts the ability to shut down charter schools. Killed in Committee.

HB24-1366 Sustainable Local Government Community Planning Incorporates global warming nonsense into all local government planning. Died on calendar.

HB24-1367 Repeal Severance Tax Exemption for Stripper Wells More attacks on Oil and Gas industry. Died on calendar.

HB24-1375 Wild Carnivores & Livestock Nonlethal Coexistence This may require a new bill category: stupid bills. Among other things it creates “native-carnivore coexistence officers” within the department of wildlife. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1459 Birth Equity Concerning protections for birthing persons. Say what? I guess the legislature cannot say woman anymore. Or maybe they do not know what is woman is? Passed Senate, PLV.

SB24-014 Seal of Climate Literacy Diploma Endorsement I past over this one at first, but after a second look I realize this is a big corruption of our schools. It is giving special honors to any student who buys into the climate alarmism, and gives them this special distinction if they become actively involved in this destructive hoax. Sent to governor.

SB24-053 Racial Equity Study This is the first step toward the reparations madness. Passed Senate , PLV.

SB24-059 Children’s Behavioral Health Statewide System of Care This looks like a huge bureaucracy to monitor and manage all minors in Colorado, just waiting to be created… Killed in House committee.

SB24-065 Mobile Electronic Devices & Motor Vehicle Driving Banning hands on mobile phone use for all drivers in Colorado. Passed House.

SB24-084 Attorney General Duties to Prevent Mis- & Dis-information It is quite appropriate that this is numbered 84, as in the book by George Orwell: 1984. Whatever happened to the First Amendment? Passed House.

SB24-094 Safe Housing for Residential Tenants Here is another bill to make people feel good, but in reality it drives up the cost of renting and depresses the number of houses that are available to rent (because it makes being a landlord that much more difficult). Passed House.

SB24-123 Waste Tire Management Enterprise One more “enterprise” to work around TABOR. Passed Senate, PLV.

SB24-131 Prohibiting Carrying Firearms in Sensitive Spaces Prohibits carrying firearms in virtually any public space. This is a clear violation of Article II, section 3 of the Colorado constitution: “The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person, and property, or aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called in question; but nothing herein contained shall be construed to justify the practice of carrying concealed weapons.” This is because it will be impossible to defend one’s “person” (not to mention one’s family) if any one cannot bear arms in public. Sent to governor.

SB24-159 Mod to Energy & Carbon Management Processes Designed to shut down the oil and gas industry in Colorado by prohibiting any new drilling permits after December 31, 2029. This is economic and scientific insanity! This bill would end the largest, most productive industry in Colorado. It would also drive up the costs of what energy might be left for the people of Colorado to incredible levels. Killed in committee

SB24-165 Air Quality Improvements It is aimed at shutting down or restricting Oil and gas operations in the North Front Range and restrict some transportation from May through September in 2025 and for all following years. Killed in Senate.

SB24-166 Air Quality Enforcement Significantly increases penalties for violations of the ultra strict emission standards in Colorado law. Killed in Senate.

SB24-182 Immigrant Identification Document Issuance

It repeals the law that required someone to live in Colorado for at least two years to receive an identification document under the “Colorado Road and Community Safety Act” if that individual is not lawfully present in the United States. Passed House.

SB24-189 Gender-Related Bias-Motivated Crimes More trans, woke terminology and policies… This adds transgender to the potential hate crimes list. Passed House, PLV.

SB24-195 Protect Vulnerable Road Users The title alone smells fishy. This bill actually authorizes CDOT and the state patrol to use automated vehicle identification systems on all roads in Colorado. These are the systems that automatically catch any violation of road rules and allow the driver to be automatically fined for the infraction. This potentially sounds like Big Brother on steroids. Passed House, PLV.

SB24-200 Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion in Child Welfare Incorporates “equity, diversity, & inclusion” principles into child welfare policies. Need I say more? Passed House, PLV.

SB24-214 Implement State Climate Goals The title says enough. Passed Senate, PLV.

SB24-229 Ozone Mitigation Measures More heavy hand control of oil and gas. This adds licensing requirements for oil and gas, more monitoring and stiffer penalties to the industry. Passed Senate, PLV.

SB24-230 Oil & Gas Production Fees These “fees” are a punitive tax on oil and gas production to fund transit projects. This is a tax, which makes it an illegal act of legislation without a vote of the people. It is part of a “deal” the big players in oil and gas made to supposedly get the governor off their back. They have been trying that game for decades and all it has gotten them is the most expensive state in the Union for oil and gas production. BTW, ultimately We the People pay for this cost of living increase which this new tax creates. Sent to governor.

5. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

Every Monday morning at 7:30 AM we gather via Zoom to discuss the latest issues here in Colorado and beyond. With your computer or phone please be a part of the discussion.

Meeting ID: 842 9470 1530

Passcode: 265885

One tap mobile
+17193594580,,84294701530#,,,,*265885# US

For Life and Liberty!

Kevin Lundberg
fmr Colorado State Senator

As the executive director for the Republican Study Committee of Colorado, I am working to keep this organization a powerful voice for conservative values in the Colorado legislature. We are a non-profit 501(c)4 organization, relying on contributions (which are not tax-deductible).

Donations can be sent to:

The Republican Study Committee of Colorado, P.O. Box 378, Berthoud, CO 80513.

May 4, 2024

1. PKC Has Two Initiatives!

2. Withdraw GOP Candidate Questionnaire Now

3. Wolves in Larimer County

4. 2024 General Session Ends on Wednesday

5. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

1. PKC Has Two Initiatives!

After more than five months of wrangling with the Title Board Protect Kids Colorado finally has two initiatives to put before the people of Colorado. The next step is collecting the 125K signatures we need to get these measures on the November ballot. To help with this significant project go to the website for more information.

2. Withdraw GOP Candidate Questionnaire Now

I am deeply troubled by an endorsement form published by the Colorado GOP for Republican candidates in order to obtain party endorsements before the primary election season has passed. To their credit they didn’t hide it, but widely distributed the form to Republicans this week, but it strikes me as more of a purity test than a legitimate attempt to identify conservative Republican candidates. Far too many questions are loaded with details that cannot be answered with a simple yes or no, but the instructions for many of the questions require only a yes or no answer.

Additionally, since the chairman of the party is also a candidate for Congress in a hotly contested primary that will probably determine the winner of the general election, it is even more suspect. One of the questions (#3) requires a point-blank answer of either yes or no to the question of denouncing a political organization that is directly connected with the chairman’s political opponent in this primary contest. It is wrong to use party resources to taint the chairman’s political opponent in any way.

The idea that the state party should be endorsing candidates in the primary season is not a good idea. Even though they changed the rules at the state assembly to allow this practice, it does not justify using it in such an intense way. 

Let me also be clear on one significant point, which is relevant because question #3, calling for denouncing a political organization, is couched within the context that that political organization had aggressively attacked Trump’s presidential campaign.

I am very pleased that President Trump is the presumptive nominee for the Republican Party and in no way want my deep concerns with this candidate questionnaire to reflect on President Trump or his election efforts. 

This questionnaire is creating significant divisions and unrest within Colorado Republican activist ranks and the chairman of the party should not be using the state party organization to engage in such a thinly veiled swipe at his congressional primary opponent. To put it bluntly, it is a bad idea that needs to go away now. At first I privately appealed to the Colorado GOP officers to at least retool their questionnaire. With no private response to my concerns I am now publicly asking them to withdraw the questionnaire immediately.

3. Wolves in Larimer County

You can thank the governor for this one. The recently released wolves on the Western slope have found their way into Larimer County. In this report from the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Division the wolves are shown to have been tracked to the very outskirts of Fort Collins and Loveland.

4. With less than one week left 702 bills have been introduced. I have not ever seen this many really bad bills in one session. Further there are still way too many bills yet to be fully processed and this too looks like a record breaking volume.

Please note that the bad bill list is not exhaustive, these are just the worst ones I have snagged.

To see the most recently introduced bills, read the list from the bottom up.

BTW, PLV means party line vote.

Good Bills

HCR24-1005 Parents’ Bill of Rights This is a resolution to refer to the people this constitutional addition. I helped write this bill, which was heard in House State Affairs last Monday. There was great testimony presented for several hours, but it was still killed, PLV.

HB24-1022 Publish Bill Drafts Online before Session This will help the citizens to get a better view of upcoming bills. Passed House

HB24-1023 Civil Forfeiture Reform This is a system that needs much reform. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1026 Local Government Tax Payers’ Bill of Rights Prior Voter Approval Requirement Getting back to what TABOR is intended to require. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1029 Prohibit Foreign Ownership Agriculture & Natural Resources The title says it all. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1041 Streamline Filing Sales & Use Tax Returns Doesn’t do much, but every little bit helps. Signed into law.

HB24-1065 Reduction of State Income Tax Rate Lowers rate from 4.4% to 4.0%. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1106 Require Information about Abortion Pill Reversal Would require this information to be available with chemical abortion products. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1128 Enforcement of Federal Immigration Law This bill would return Colorado law to a more sane approach to immigration law. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1142 Reduce Income Tax Social Security Benefits Reducing taxes is a good idea. Passed House

HB24-1145 Modify Voter Registration Page on Secretary of State Website Gives the voter the option to vote in person rather than receive a mail ballot. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1166 Expand Homestead Exemptions Some additional property tax relief. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1224 Personhood of Living Unborn Human Child Good bill, little chance of surviving. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1279 Vote Tracking Number Elections Creates some election security. Killed in first committee, PLV.

SB24-092 Cost Effective Energy Codes Finally, common sense legislation that recognizes that laws may cost the individual citizen more than the law is worth. Killed in first committee, PLV.

SB24-098 Safety Clause Use Review This is a great idea! It requires all safety clauses on bills to be reviewed for their appropriateness. Killed in first committee, PLV.

SB24-144 Real Property Valuation Limits property assessment to no more than 6% per year. Killed in first committee, PLV.

Good Bill, Maybe

SB24-228 TABOR Refund Mechanisms Here is an interesting last minute bill that might be good, but don’t think it is a tax reduction, it looks more like a shell game to me. The title says the real story, it is not lowering taxes, just switching up the way taxes are collected. TABOR requires refunds for money collected beyond the TABOR limits (which have been unconstitutionally increased through the decades of TABOR). This bill shifts the refund mechanism through lower taxes, but it looks to me like the lower tax rates are only temporary, so long as the TABOR refunds are required.

Bottom line is this. Polis will claim it is a tax reduction, but that is no so. It is only an alternative TABOR refund mechanism. Passed committee

Bad bills

HB24-1014 Deceptive Trade Practice Significant Impact Standard As I read this bill it is an open door for lawsuits. It eliminates the requirement that a deceptive trade lawsuit “significantly impacts the public.” Killed in Senate

HB24-1017 Bill of Rights for Foster Youth This bill will cut out foster families who are not supporting the transgender ideology. Signed by governor.

HB24-1028 Overdose Prevention Centers Drug injection sites are back. Killed in Senate Committee.

HB24-1039 Non-Legal Name Changes This one forces all public schools to play the pronoun game with their students and it sets up a task force to come up with a policy that will ultimately hide such transitioning from “non-supportive” parents. Signed by governor.

HB24-1040 Gender-Affirming Health-Care Provider Study This is a “study” designed to encourage and increase the number of medical facilities that transition kids with life changing drugs and mutilation surgeries. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1057 Prohibit Algorithmic Devices Used for Rent Setting This is one more slap at landlords. It won’t change much, but it is a typical nanny government bill. Killed by both Houses adhering to their versions

HB24-1061 Marijuana Industry & Social Equity “Social equity” is a very dangerous, and, ironically, inequitable concept. It is also a concept Polis is integrating into our state government systems and this is one more step in that direction. Killed in committee.

HB24-1071 Name Change to Conform with Gender Identity The bill states that when incarcerated a person can change their legal name to conform with their new “gender identity.” signed by governor.

HB24-1075 Analysis of Universal Health-Care Payment System Here we go again, this could become the worst bill of the year. This system will cost several times the general fund budget ($50 billion+) and it will inevitably put in place more rationing of medical care, while diminishing the quality of available care. If you doubt this, just look at the Canadian medical system. Passed Senate committee, PLV.

HB24-1080 Youth Sports Personnel Requirements More mandatory reporters on the way… Passed Senate.

HB24-1083 Construction Professional Insurance Coverage Transparency Makes contractor AND subcontractors disclose workers comp insurance. This is nanny government creating much more red tape and therefore higher costs for everyone. Passed first committee.

HB24-1124 Discrimination in Places of Public Accomodation This makes nonprofit organizations subject to Colorado’s discrimination laws. It looks like a way to force nonprofit organizations to capitulate to the LBGT ideology. Passed Senate.

HB24-1150 False Slates of Electors Several provisions in this bill, but it looks like it is trying to fortify the enforcement of the National Popular Vote, if that ever becomes a reality. Signed by governor.

HB24-1163 Pet Animal Registration System Will require all pets to be registered with the state and an additional fee will be levied as well. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1169 Repeal Divest from Companies with Israel Prohibitions Law Another slap at Israel. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1170 Rights for Youth Division of Youth Services Facilities More transgender ideology in state statute. Passed Senate, PLV.

HB24-1174 Concealed Carry Permits & Training Turns over concealed carry instruction to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation. This will make concealed carry permits more difficult to obtain and renew. Passed Senate.

HB24-1175 Local Governments Rights to Property for Affordable Housing This is called socialism, where the government is given extra power to own and control more property. Passed Senate committee, PLV.

HB24-1229 Presumptive Eligibility for Long-Term Care Will allow all illegal aliens long-term care. Passed Senate.

HB24-1245 Fair Labor Practice Requirements for Broadband Projects Favor unions for government projects. Passed House.

HB24-1270 Firearm Liability Insurance Requirement Requires specific liability insurance for all gun owners. Passed Senate committee.

HB24-1280 Welcome, Reception, & Integration Grant Program More sanctuary state laws. Passed Senate committee, PLV.

HB24-1292 Prohibit Certain Weapons Used in Mass Shootings Among many other prohibitions, bans the sale or transfer of most, if not all types of AR rifles. Passed House, PLV.

HB24-1296 Modifications to the Colorado Open Records Act Pretty much guts Colorado’s open records act. This is a big step backward in government transparency. Killed Senate committee.

HB24-1310 School Safety Measures Another gun control bill. This one repeals the current law allowing schools to authorize conceal carry by school employees and sets up a new one with more stringent rules. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1330 Air Quality Permitting More regulations and restrictions on the oil an gas industry. Passed first committee, PLV.

HB24-1338 Cumulative Impacts & Environmental Justice The title of this bill is “Concerning measures to advance environmental justice by reducing cumulative impacts of air pollution.” This will become a dangerous weapon that government will have to bludgeon any business they deem as violating whatever environmental justice means, at that time… Passed Senate committee, PLV.

HB24-1339 Disproportionately Impact Community Air Pollution More “Green New Deal” policies are on their way. Passed committee, PLV.

HB24-1341 State Vehicle Idling Standard How dare you think that it is a good idea to warm up your car on a bitterly cold morning? Signed by governor.

HB24-1346 Energy & Carbon Management Regulation More control on our daily lives to chase their fictitious fear of carbon dioxide Passed Senate.

HB24-1348 Secure Firearm Storage in a Vehicle requires that guns in unattended vehicles be locked up in a trunk or hard case, effectively disarming citizens in their cars. Passed Senate.

HB24-1349 Firearms & Ammunition Excise Tax creates a new tax on guns and ammunition. At least (thanks to TABOR) it will require a vote of the people to go into effect. Passed House, PLV.

HB24-1353 Firearms Dealer Requirements & Permit Creates a required stat firearms permit for all firearms dealers. Passed Senate committee, PLV.

HB24-1363 Charter Schools Accountability This is a complicated bill that looks like it was written to make it more difficult to run a charter school and give local school districts the ability to shut down charter schools. Killed in Committee.

HB24-1366 Sustainable Local Government Community Planning Incorporates global warming nonsense into all local government planning. Passed second committee, PLV.

HB24-1367 Repeal Severance Tax Exemption for Stripper Wells More attacks on Oil and Gas industry. Passed second committee, PLV.

HB24-1375 Wild Carnivores & Livestock Nonlethal Coexistence This may require a new bill category: stupid bills. Among other things it creates “native-carnivore coexistence officers” within the department of wildlife. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1459 Birth Equity Concerning protections for birthing persons. Say what? I guess the legislature cannot say woman anymore. Or maybe they do not know what is woman is?

SB24-014 Seal of Climate Literacy Diploma Endorsement I past over this one at first, but after a second look I realize this is a big corruption of our schools. It is giving special honors to any student who buys into the climate alarmism, and gives them this special distinction if they become actively involved in this destructive hoax. Passed House.

SB24-053 Racial Equity Study This is the first step toward the reparations madness. Passed House , PLV.

SB24-059 Children’s Behavioral Health Statewide System of Care This looks like a huge bureaucracy to monitor and manage all minors in Colorado, just waiting to be created… Killed in House committee.

SB24-065 Mobile Electronic Devices & Motor Vehicle Driving Banning hands on mobile phone use for all drivers in Colorado. Passed House committee.

SB24-084 Attorney General Duties to Prevent Mis- & Dis-information It is quite appropriate that this is numbered 84, as in the book by George Orwell: 1984. Whatever happened to the First Amendment? Passed Senate second reading.

SB24-094 Safe Housing for Residential Tenants Here is another bill to make people feel good, but in reality it drives up the cost of renting and depresses the number of houses that are available to rent (because it makes being a landlord that much more difficult). Passed House second reading.

SB24-123 Waste Tire Management Enterprise One more “enterprise” to work around TABOR. Passed House committee, PLV.

SB24-131 Prohibiting Carrying Firearms in Sensitive Spaces Prohibits carrying firearms in virtually any public space. This is a clear violation of Article II, section 3 of the Colorado constitution: “The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person, and property, or aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called in question; but nothing herein contained shall be construed to justify the practice of carrying concealed weapons.” This is because it will be impossible to defend one’s “person” (not to mention one’s family) if any one cannot bear arms in public. Passed House.

SB24-159 Mod to Energy & Carbon Management Processes Designed to shut down the oil and gas industry in Colorado by prohibiting any new drilling permits after December 31, 2029. This is economic and scientific insanity! This bill would end the largest, most productive industry in Colorado. It would also drive up the costs of what energy might be left for the people of Colorado to incredible levels. Killed in committee

SB24-165 Air Quality Improvements It is aimed at shutting down or restricting Oil and gas operations in the North Front Range and restrict some transportation from May through September in 2025 and for all following years. Killed in Senate.

SB24-166 Air Quality Enforcement Significantly increases penalties for violations of the ultra strict emission standards in Colorado law. Killed in Senate.

SB24-182 Immigrant Identification Document Issuance

It repeals the law that required someone to live in Colorado for at least two years to receive an identification document under the “Colorado Road and Community Safety Act” if that individual is not lawfully present in the United States. Passed House committee, PLV.

SB24-189 Gender-Related Bias-Motivated Crimes More trans, woke terminology and policies… This adds transgender to the potential hate crimes list. Passed House committee.

SB24-195 Protect Vulnerable Road Users The title alone smells fishy. This bill actually authorizes CDOT and the state patrol to use automated vehicle identification systems on all roads in Colorado. These are the systems that automatically catch any violation of road rules and allow the driver to be automatically fined for the infraction. This potentially sounds like Big Brother on steroids. Passed House committee, PLV.

SB24-214 Implement State Climate Goals The title says enough. Passed Senate, PLV.

SB24-200 Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion in Child Welfare Incorporates “equity, diversity, & inclusion” principles into child welfare policies. Need I say more? Passed House committee, PLV.

SB24-229 Ozone Mitigation Measures More heavy hand control of oil and gas. This adds licensing requirements for oil and gas, more monitoring and stiffer penalties to the industry. Passed Senate, PLV.

SB24-230 Oil & Gas Production Fees These “fees” are a punitive tax on oil and gas production to fund transit projects. This is a tax, which makes it an illegal act of legislation without a vote of the people. It is part of a “deal” the big players in oil and gas made to supposedly get the governor off their back. They have been trying that game for decades and all it has gotten them is the most expensive state in the Union for oil and gas production. BTW, ultimately We the People pay for this cost of living increase which this new tax creates. Passed Senate committee.

5. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

Every Monday morning at 7:30 AM we gather via Zoom to discuss the latest issues here in Colorado and beyond. With your computer or phone please be a part of the discussion.

Meeting ID: 842 9470 1530

Passcode: 265885

One tap mobile
+17193594580,,84294701530#,,,,*265885# US

For Life and Liberty!

Kevin Lundberg
fmr Colorado State Senator

As the executive director for the Republican Study Committee of Colorado, I am working to keep this organization a powerful voice for conservative values in the Colorado legislature. We are a non-profit 501(c)4 organization, relying on contributions (which are not tax-deductible).

Donations can be sent to:

The Republican Study Committee of Colorado, P.O. Box 378, Berthoud, CO 80513.

COLORADO NATIVE   |   P.O. Box 378, Berthoud, CO 80513
