April 27, 2024

1. House Censors

2. Lawfare in Arizona

3. New Edit for Art Club to be Shown in Berthoud Tomorrow

4. Significant Bills for 2024

5. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

1. House Censors

On Friday evening, as the day’s floor activities was wrapping up, House Democrats spent several minutes scolding Republican members for calling illegal aliens “illegal aliens,” etc.. The Colorado House leadership had previously informed members that certain words are now banned from use in House debate, including “illegal,” “alien,” “invader(s),” “interloper,” “squatter,” and “fresh off the boat.” I consider such a move absurd and a violation of the First Amendment, especially for open debate in the Colorado House of Representatives. As a former member of the House I recommend the members defy this illegal order and use the words they consider appropriate for all floor discussions.

BTW, the Democrat preference is that illegal aliens be called “newcomers.”

For some background on this story click here.

2. Lawfare in Arizona

The Arizona Attorney General is piling on as a true election denier and political opportunist with indictments of many Republican leaders of their state and several former attorneys for President Trump. This lawfare needs to stop before these bad actors destroy all public confidence in our system of government. I trust their obvious, desperate attempts to take their political opponents out in the courts is wearing thin with the public and they will be held accountable in the elections this November.

3. New Edit for Art Club to be Shown in Berthoud Tomorrow

On Sunday, April 28 the documentary Art Club will be shown at New Freedom Outreach Center in Berthoud at 6:33 PM. All are welcome to attend. I tightened up the edits to a 76 minute length (trimming out about 7 minutes) and this will be the first public showing of our slimmed down version.

I also want to make you aware of an excellent article Joy Overbeck has written on this subject in The Rocky Mountain Voice. She not only references Art Club, but talks about the initiatives Protect Kids Colorado (PKC) is working on and the opposition we are facing in the Legislature and the Colorado Title Board.

Currently PKC is gearing up for the signature gathering phase of our work. We hope to have the petitions ready in a few days and need everyone to jump in and help.

5. With less than two weeks left 692 bills have been introduced. I have not ever seen this many really bad bills in one session. Further there are still hundreds of bills yet to be fully processed and this too looks like a record breaking volume.

Please note that the bad bill list is not exhaustive, these are just the worst ones I have snagged.

To see the most recently introduced bills, read the list from the bottom up.

BTW, PLV means party line vote.

Good Bills

HCR24-1005 Parents’ Bill of Rights This is a resolution to refer to the people this constitutional addition. I helped write this bill, which was heard in House State Affairs last Monday. There was great testimony presented for several hours, but it was still killed, PLV.

HB24-1022 Publish Bill Drafts Online before Session This will help the citizens to get a better view of upcoming bills. Passed second committee

HB24-1023 Civil Forfeiture Reform This is a system that needs much reform. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1026 Local Government Tax Payers’ Bill of Rights Prior Voter Approval Requirement Getting back to what TABOR is intended to require. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1029 Prohibit Foreign Ownership Agriculture & Natural Resources The title says it all. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1041 Streamline Filing Sales & Use Tax Returns Doesn’t do much, but every little bit helps. Signed into law.

HB24-1065 Reduction of State Income Tax Rate Lowers rate from 4.4% to 4.0%. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1106 Require Information about Abortion Pill Reversal Would require this information to be available with chemical abortion products. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1128 Enforcement of Federal Immigration Law This bill would return Colorado law to a more sane approach to immigration law. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1142 Reduce Income Tax Social Security Benefits Reducing taxes is a good idea. Passed second committee.

HB24-1145 Modify Voter Registration Page on Secretary of State Website Gives the voter the option to vote in person rather than receive a mail ballot. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1166 Expand Homestead Exemptions Some additional property tax relief. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1224 Personhood of Living Unborn Human Child Good bill, little chance of surviving. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1279 Vote Tracking Number Elections Creates some election security. Killed in first committee, PLV.

SB24-092 Cost Effective Energy Codes Finally, common sense legislation that recognizes that laws may cost the individual citizen more than the law is worth. Killed in first committee, PLV.

SB24-098 Safety Clause Use Review This is a great idea! It requires all safety clauses on bills to be reviewed for their appropriateness. Killed in first committee, PLV.

SB24-144 Real Property Valuation Limits property assessment to no more than 6% per year. Killed in first committee, PLV.

Bad bills

HB24-1014 Deceptive Trade Practice Significant Impact Standard As I read this bill it is an open door for lawsuits. It eliminates the requirement that a deceptive trade lawsuit “significantly impacts the public.” Passed House.

HB24-1017 Bill of Rights for Foster Youth This bill will cut out foster families who are not supporting the transgender ideology. Passed Senate, PLV.

HB24-1028 Overdose Prevention Centers Drug injection sites are back. Killed in Senate Committee.

HB24-1039 Non-Legal Name Changes This one forces all public schools to play the pronoun game with their students and it sets up a task force to come up with a policy that will ultimately hide such transitioning from “non-supportive” parents. Passed Senate, PLV.

HB24-1040 Gender-Affirming Health-Care Provider Study This is a “study” designed to encourage and increase the number of medical facilities that transition kids with life changing drugs and mutilation surgeries. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1057 Prohibit Algorithmic Devices Used for Rent Setting This is one more slap at landlords. It won’t change much, but it is a typical nanny government bill. Passed Senate.

HB24-1061 Marijuana Industry & Social Equity “Social equity” is a very dangerous, and, ironically, inequitable concept. It is also a concept Polis is integrating into our state government systems and this is one more step in that direction. Killed in committee.

HB24-1071 Name Change to Conform with Gender Identity The bill states that when incarcerated a person can change their legal name to conform with their new “gender identity.” signed by governor.

HB24-1075 Analysis of Universal Health-Care Payment System Here we go again, this could become the worst bill of the year. This system will cost several times the general fund budget ($50 billion+) and it will inevitably put in place more rationing of medical care, while diminishing the quality of available care. If you doubt this, just look at the Canadian medical system. Passed House, PLV.

HB24-1080 Youth Sports Personnel Requirements More mandatory reporters on the way… Passed Senate committee.

HB24-1083 Construction Professional Insurance Coverage Transparency Makes contractor AND subcontractors disclose workers comp insurance. This is nanny government creating much more red tape and therefore higher costs for everyone. Passed first committee.

HB24-1124 Discrimination in Places of Public Accomodation This makes nonprofit organizations subject to Colorado’s discrimination laws. It looks like a way to force nonprofit organizations to capitulate to the LBGT ideology. Passed Senate committee, PLV.

HB24-1150 False Slates of Electors Several provisions in this bill, but it looks like it is trying to fortify the enforcement of the National Popular Vote, if that ever becomes a reality. Signed by governor.

HB24-1163 Pet Animal Registration System Will require all pets to be registered with the state and an additional fee will be levied as well. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1169 Repeal Divest from Companies with Israel Prohibitions Law Another slap at Israel. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1170 Rights for Youth Division of Youth Services Facilities More transgender ideology in state statute. Passed Senate, PLV.

HB24-1174 Concealed Carry Permits & Training Turns over concealed carry instruction to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation. This will make concealed carry permits more difficult to obtain and renew. Passed Senate reading.

HB24-1175 Local Governments Rights to Property for Affordable Housing This is called socialism, where the government is given extra power to own and control more property. Passed Senate committee, PLV.

HB24-1229 Presumptive Eligibility for Long-Term Care Will allow all illegal aliens long-term care. Passed Senate.

HB24-1245 Fair Labor Practice Requirements for Broadband Projects Favor unions for government projects. Passed committee, PLV.

HB24-1270 Firearm Liability Insurance Requirement Requires specific liability insurance for all gun owners. Passed Senate second reading.

HB24-1280 Welcome, Reception, & Integration Grant Program More sanctuary state laws. Passed House second reading.

HB24-1292 Prohibit Certain Weapons Used in Mass Shootings Among many other prohibitions, bans the sale or transfer of most, if not all types of AR rifles. Passed House, PLV.

HB24-1296 Modifications to the Colorado Open Records Act Pretty much guts Colorado’s open records act. This is a big step backward in government transparency. Passed House.

HB24-1310 School Safety Measures Another gun control bill. This one repeals the current law allowing schools to authorize conceal carry by school employees and sets up a new one with more stringent rules. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1330 Air Quality Permitting More regulations and restrictions on the oil an gas industry. Passed first committee, PLV.

HB24-1338 Cumulative Impacts & Environmental Justice The title of this bill is “Concerning measures to advance environmental justice by reducing cumulative impacts of air pollution.” This will become a dangerous weapon that government will have to bludgeon any business they deem as violating whatever environmental justice means, at that time… Passed Senate committee, PLV.

HB24-1339 Disproportionately Impact Community Air Pollution More “Green New Deal” policies are on their way. Passed committee, PLV.

HB24-1341 State Vehicle Idling Standard How dare you think that it is a good idea to warm up your car on a bitterly cold morning? Passed Senate, PLV.

HB24-1346 Energy & Carbon Management Regulation More control on our daily lives to chase their fictitious fear of carbon dioxide. Passed Senate committee.

HB24-1348 Secure Firearm Storage in a Vehicle requires that guns in unattended vehicles be locked up in a trunk or hard case, effectively disarming citizens in their cars. Passed Senate.

HB24-1349 Firearms & Ammunition Excise Tax creates a new tax on guns and ammunition. At least (thanks to TABOR) it will require a vote of the people to go into effect. Passed House, PLV.

HB24-1353 Firearms Dealer Requirements & Permit Creates a required stat firearms permit for all firearms dealers. Passed House.

HB24-1363 Charter Schools Accountability This is a complicated bill that looks like it was written to make it more difficult to run a charter school and give local school districts the ability to shut down charter schools. Killed in Committee.

HB24-1366 Sustainable Local Government Community Planning Incorporates global warming nonsense into all local government planning. Passed second committee, PLV.

HB24-1367 Repeal Severance Tax Exemption for Stripper Wells More attacks on Oil and Gas industry. Passed second committee, PLV.

HB24-1375 Wild Carnivores & Livestock Nonlethal Coexistence This may require a new bill category: stupid bills. Among other things it creates “native-carnivore coexistence officers” within the department of wildlife. Killed in first committee.

SB24-014 Seal of Climate Literacy Diploma Endorsement I past over this one at first, but after a second look I realize this is a big corruption of our schools. It is giving special honors to any student who buys into the climate alarmism, and gives them this special distinction if they become actively involved in this destructive hoax. Passed House.

SB24-053 Racial Equity Study This is the first step toward the reparations madness. Passed House second committee, PLV.

SB24-059 Children’s Behavioral Health Statewide System of Care This looks like a huge bureaucracy to monitor and manage all minors in Colorado, just waiting to be created… Passed Senate.

SB24-065 Mobile Electronic Devices & Motor Vehicle Driving Banning hands on mobile phone use for all drivers in Colorado. Passed House committee.

SB24-084 Attorney General Duties to Prevent Mis- & Dis-information It is quite appropriate that this is numbered 84, as in the book by George Orwell: 1984. Whatever happened to the First Amendment? Passed first committee, PLV.

SB24-094 Safe Housing for Residential Tenants Here is another bill to make people feel good, but in reality it drives up the cost of renting and depresses the number of houses that are available to rent (because it makes being a landlord that much more difficult). Passed House, PLV.

SB24-123 Waste Tire Management Enterprise One more “enterprise” to work around TABOR. Passed House committee, PLV.

SB24-131 Prohibiting Carrying Firearms in Sensitive Spaces Prohibits carrying firearms in virtually any public space. This is a clear violation of Article II, section 3 of the Colorado constitution: “The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person, and property, or aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called in question; but nothing herein contained shall be construed to justify the practice of carrying concealed weapons.” This is because it will be impossible to defend one’s “person” (not to mention one’s family) if any one cannot bear arms in public. Passed House second committee, PLV.

SB24-159 Mod to Energy & Carbon Management Processes Designed to shut down the oil and gas industry in Colorado by prohibiting any new drilling permits after December 31, 2029. This is economic and scientific insanity! This bill would end the largest, most productive industry in Colorado. It would also drive up the costs of what energy might be left for the people of Colorado to incredible levels. Killed in committee

SB24-165 Air Quality Improvements It is aimed at shutting down or restricting Oil and gas operations in the North Front Range and restrict some transportation from May through September in 2025 and for all following years. Passed committee, PLV.

SB24-166 Air Quality Enforcement Significantly increases penalties for violations of the ultra strict emission standards in Colorado law. Passed committee, PLV.

SB24-182 Immigrant Identification Document Issuance Passed committee. Passed Senate, PLV.

It repeals the law that required someone to live in Colorado for at least two years to receive an identification document under the “Colorado Road and Community Safety Act” if that individual is not lawfully present in the United States. Passed committee, PLV.

SB24-189 Gender-Related Bias-Motivated Crimes More trans, woke terminology and policies… This adds transgender to the potential hate crimes list. Passed House committee.

SB24-195 Protect Vulnerable Road Users The title alone smells fishy. This bill actually authorizes CDOT and the state patrol to use automated vehicle identification systems on all roads in Colorado. These are the systems that automatically catch any violation of road rules and allow the driver to be automatically fined for the infraction. This potentially sounds like Big Brother on steroids. Passed Senate, PLV.

SB24-200 Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion in Child Welfare Incorporates “equity, diversity, & inclusion” principles into child welfare policies. Need I say more? Passed Senate, PLV.

6. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

Every Monday morning at 7:30 AM we gather via Zoom to discuss the latest issues here in Colorado and beyond. With your computer or phone please be a part of the discussion.

Meeting ID: 842 9470 1530

Passcode: 265885

One tap mobile
+17193594580,,84294701530#,,,,*265885# US

For Life and Liberty!

Kevin Lundberg
fmr Colorado State Senator

As the executive director for the Republican Study Committee of Colorado, I am working to keep this organization a powerful voice for conservative values in the Colorado legislature. We are a non-profit 501(c)4 organization, relying on contributions (which are not tax-deductible).

Donations can be sent to:

The Republican Study Committee of Colorado, P.O. Box 378, Berthoud, CO 80513.

April 20, 2024

1. PKC Can Start Collecting Signatures!

2. Say What? Biden Knew About Iran’s Attack on Israel?

3. Look Up Celebration Planning Meeting is Tonight

4. Maybe a Ray of Hope for J6 Prisoners?

5. Significant Bills for 2024

6. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

1. PKC Can Start Collecting Signatures!

After five months of submitting well over a dozen possible initiatives to the Title Board and getting challenged all the way to the Colorado Supreme Court by well-funded opponents, the proposed initiative that will require public schools to simply inform parents if their child is experiencing “gender incongruence” was allowed to stand by the Colorado Supreme Court. This clears the way for Protect Kids Colorado (PKC) to start circulating petitions to place this question on the November ballot. Three other initiatives are still pending.

This next step is a tall order. There are hundreds of Colorado citizens waiting to collect signatures, but it will take thousands, all across the state to gather 200,000+ signatures. To help with funding this project and/or join the team of volunteers go to

BTW, HCR24-1005 Parents’ Bill of Rights is a resolution to refer to the people this constitutional addition. I helped write this resolution, which is scheduled to be heard in House State Affairs in LSB A this coming Monday. The committee meets at 1:30, but this is the last measure on the schedule.

2. Say What? Biden Knew About Iran’s Attack on Israel?

I generally keep my issues for this newsletter local, but this international issue should not be ignored. Here is a story from the Reuters news agency that sounds like Biden is, once again, playing both sides of the long standing Israel-Iran conflict.

3. Look Up Celebration Planning Meeting is Tonight

In preparation for a big program in Northern Colorado in October, The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association is holding a “Worship, Facts, and Food Truck” gathering in Johnstown tonight, April 20.

Please join me at this meeting. For more information:

4. Maybe a Ray of Hope for J6 Prisoners?

This is a story in the Epoch Times, which is a great source for much information, but to access the stories you will need to subscribe to their services. None-the-less, this is an important issue for everyone who is outraged by the Biden administration’s growing list of J6 political prisoners. The bottom line is oral arguments before the U.S. Supreme Court on a particularly egregious J6 case indicates the court may be ready to put the brakes on some of the abuses of the law that Biden’s DOJ has been using to unjustly imprison these U.S. citizens.

5. 671 bills have been introduced. I have not seen this many really bad bills (52) in one session, ever.

Please note that the bad bill list is not exhaustive, these are just the worst ones I have snagged.

To see the most recently introduced bills, read the list from the bottom up.

BTW, PLV means party line vote.

Good Bills

HCR24-1005 Parents’ Bill of Rights This is a resolution to refer to the people this constitutional addition. I helped write this bill, which is scheduled to be heard in House State Affairs in LSB A this coming Monday. The committee meets at 1:30, but this is the last measure on the schedule.

HB24-1022 Publish Bill Drafts Online before Session This will help the citizens to get a better view of upcoming bills. Passed first committee

HB24-1023 Civil Forfeiture Reform This is a system that needs much reform. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1026 Local Government Tax Payers’ Bill of Rights Prior Voter Approval Requirement Getting back to what TABOR is intended to require. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1029 Prohibit Foreign Ownership Agriculture & Natural Resources The title says it all. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1041 Streamline Filing Sales & Use Tax Returns Doesn’t do much, but every little bit helps. Signed into law.

HB24-1065 Reduction of State Income Tax Rate Lowers rate from 4.4% to 4.0%. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1106 Require Information about Abortion Pill Reversal Would require this information to be available with chemical abortion products. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1128 Enforcement of Federal Immigration Law This bill would return Colorado law to a more sane approach to immigration law. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1142 Reduce Income Tax Social Security Benefits Reducing taxes is a good idea. Passed first committee.

HB24-1145 Modify Voter Registration Page on Secretary of State Website Gives the voter the option to vote in person rather than receive a mail ballot. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1166 Expand Homestead Exemptions Some additional property tax relief. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1224 Personhood of Living Unborn Human Child Good bill, little chance of surviving. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1279 Vote Tracking Number Elections Creates some election security. Killed in first committee, PLV.

SB24-092 Cost Effective Energy Codes Finally, common sense legislation that recognizes that laws may cost the individual citizen more than the law is worth. Killed in first committee, PLV.

SB24-098 Safety Clause Use Review This is a great idea! It requires all safety clauses on bills to be reviewed for their appropriateness. Killed in first committee, PLV.

SB24-144 Real Property Valuation Limits property assessment to no more than 6% per year. Killed in first committee, PLV.

Bad bills

HB24-1014 Deceptive Trade Practice Significant Impact Standard As I read this bill it is an open door for lawsuits. It eliminates the requirement that a deceptive trade lawsuit “significantly impacts the public.” Passed House.

HB24-1017 Bill of Rights for Foster Youth This bill will cut out foster families who are not supporting the transgender ideology. Passed Senate, PLV.

HB24-1028 Overdose Prevention Centers Drug injection sites are back. Killed in Senate Committee.

HB24-1039 Non-Legal Name Changes This one forces all public schools to play the pronoun game with their students and it sets up a task force to come up with a policy that will ultimately hide such transitioning from “non-supportive” parents. Passed Senate, PLV.

HB24-1040 Gender-Affirming Health-Care Provider Study This is a “study” designed to encourage and increase the number of medical facilities that transition kids with life changing drugs and mutilation surgeries. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1057 Prohibit Algorithmic Devices Used for Rent Setting This is one more slap at landlords. It won’t change much, but it is a typical nanny government bill. Passed Senate committee, PLV.

HB24-1061 Marijuana Industry & Social Equity “Social equity” is a very dangerous, and, ironically, inequitable concept. It is also a concept Polis is integrating into our state government systems and this is one more step in that direction. Killed in committee.

HB24-1071 Name Change to Conform with Gender Identity The bill states that when incarcerated a person can change their legal name to conform with their new “gender identity.” Passed Senate, PLV.

HB24-1075 Analysis of Universal Health-Care Payment System Here we go again, this could become the worst bill of the year. This system will cost several times the general fund budget ($50 billion+) and it will inevitably put in place more rationing of medical care, while diminishing the quality of available care. If you doubt this, just look at the Canadian medical system. Passed second committee, PLV.

HB24-1080 Youth Sports Personnel Requirements More mandatory reporters on the way… Passed third reading in House.

HB24-1083 Construction Professional Insurance Coverage Transparency Makes contractor AND subcontractors disclose workers comp insurance. This is nanny government creating much more red tape and therefore higher costs for everyone. Passed first committee.

HB24-1124 Discrimination in Places of Public Accomodation This makes nonprofit organizations subject to Colorado’s discrimination laws. It looks like a way to force nonprofit organizations to capitulate to the LBGT ideology. Passed HOUSE, PLV.

HB24-1150 False Slates of Electors Several provisions in this bill, but it looks like it is trying to fortify the enforcement of the National Popular Vote, if that ever becomes a reality. Signed by governor.

HB24-1163 Pet Animal Registration System Will require all pets to be registered with the state and an additional fee will be levied as well. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1169 Repeal Divest from Companies with Israel Prohibitions Law Another slap at Israel. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1170 Rights for Youth Division of Youth Services Facilities More transgender ideology in state statute. Passed Senate, PLV.

HB24-1174 Concealed Carry Permits & Training Turns over concealed carry instruction to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation. This will make concealed carry permits more difficult to obtain and renew. Passed Senate second reading.

HB24-1175 Local Governments Rights to Property for Affordable Housing This is called socialism, where the government is given extra power to own and control more property. Passed House.

HB24-1229 Presumptive Eligibility for Long-Term Care Will allow all illegal aliens long-term care. Passed Senate.

HB24-1245 Fair Labor Practice Requirements for Broadband Projects Favor unions for government projects. Passed committee, PLV.

HB24-1270 Firearm Liability Insurance Requirement Requires specific liability insurance for all gun owners. Passed house second reading.

HB24-1280 Welcome, Reception, & Integration Grant Program More sanctuary state laws. Passed second committee, PLV.

HB24-1292 Prohibit Certain Weapons Used in Mass Shootings Among many other prohibitions, bans the sale or transfer of most, if not all types of AR rifles. Passed House, PLV.

HB24-1296 Modifications to the Colorado Open Records Act Pretty much guts Colorado’s open records act. This is a big step backward in government transparency. Passed second committee.

HB24-1310 School Safety Measures Another gun control bill. This one repeals the current law allowing schools to authorize conceal carry by school employees and sets up a new one with more stringent rules. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1330 Air Quality Permitting More regulations and restrictions on the oil an gas industry. Passed first committee, PLV.

HB24-1338 Cumulative Impacts & Environmental Justice The title of this bill is “Concerning measures to advance environmental justice by reducing cumulative impacts of air pollution.” This will become a dangerous weapon that government will have to bludgeon any business they deem as violating whatever environmental justice means, at that time… Passed second committee, PLV.

HB24-1339 Disproportionately Impact Community Air Pollution More “Green New Deal” policies are on their way. Passed committee, PLV.

HB24-1341 State Vehicle Idling Standard How dare you think that it is a good idea to warm up your car on a bitterly cold morning? Passed Senate, PLV.

HB24-1346 Energy & Carbon Management Regulation More control on our daily lives to chase their fictitious fear of carbon dioxide. Passed House, PLV

HB24-1348 Secure Firearm Storage in a Vehicle requires that guns in unattended vehicles be locked up in a trunk or hard case, effectively disarming citizens in their cars. Passed Senate second reading.

HB24-1349 Firearms & Ammunition Excise Tax creates a new tax on guns and ammunition. At least (thanks to TABOR) it will require a vote of the people to go into effect. Passed second committee, PLV.

HB24-1353 Firearms Dealer Requirements & Permit Creates a required stat firearms permit for all firearms dealers. Passed House second reading.

HB24-1363 Charter Schools Accountability This is a complicated bill that looks like it was written to make it more difficult to run a charter school and give local school districts the ability to shut down charter schools. Killed in Committee.

HB24-1366 Sustainable Local Government Community Planning Incorporates global warming nonsense into all local government planning. Passed second committee, PLV.

HB24-1367 Repeal Severance Tax Exemption for Stripper Wells More attacks on Oil and Gas industry. Passed second committee, PLV.

HB24-1375 Wild Carnivores & Livestock Nonlethal Coexistence This may require a new bill category: stupid bills. Among other things it creates “native-carnivore coexistence officers” within the department of wildlife. Killed in first committee.

SB24-014 Seal of Climate Literacy Diploma Endorsement I past over this one at first, but after a second look I realize this is a big corruption of our schools. It is giving special honors to any student who buys into the climate alarmism, and gives them this special distinction if they become actively involved in this destructive hoax. Passed second committee.

SB24-053 Racial Equity Study This is the first step toward the reparations madness. Passed House second committee, PLV.

SB24-059 Children’s Behavioral Health Statewide System of Care This looks like a huge bureaucracy to monitor and manage all minors in Colorado, just waiting to be created… Passed second committee

SB24-065 Mobile Electronic Devices & Motor Vehicle Driving Banning hands on mobile phone use for all drivers in Colorado. Passed House committee.

SB24-084 Attorney General Duties to Prevent Mis- & Dis-information It is quite appropriate that this is numbered 84, as in the book by George Orwell: 1984. Whatever happened to the First Amendment? Passed first committee, PLV.

SB24-094 Safe Housing for Residential Tenants Here is another bill to make people feel good, but in reality it drives up the cost of renting and depresses the number of houses that are available to rent (because it makes being a landlord that much more difficult). Passed senate.

SB24-123 Waste Tire Management Enterprise One more “enterprise” to work around TABOR. Passed senate.

SB24-131 Prohibiting Carrying Firearms in Sensitive Spaces Prohibits carrying firearms in virtually any public space. This is a clear violation of Article II, section 3 of the Colorado constitution: “The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person, and property, or aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called in question; but nothing herein contained shall be construed to justify the practice of carrying concealed weapons.” This is because it will be impossible to defend one’s “person” (not to mention one’s family) if any one cannot bear arms in public. Passed House second committee, PLV.

SB24-159 Mod to Energy & Carbon Management Processes Designed to shut down the oil and gas industry in Colorado by prohibiting any new drilling permits after December 31, 2029. This is economic and scientific insanity! This bill would end the largest, most productive industry in Colorado. It would also drive up the costs of what energy might be left for the people of Colorado to incredible levels. Killed in committee

SB24-165 Air Quality Improvements It is aimed at shutting down or restricting Oil and gas operations in the North Front Range and restrict some transportation from May through September in 2025 and for all following years. Passed committee, PLV.

SB24-166 Air Quality Enforcement Significantly increases penalties for violations of the ultra strict emission standards in Colorado law. Passed committee, PLV.

SB24-182 Immigrant Identification Document Issuance Passed committee. Passed senate second committee, PLV.

It repeals the law that required someone to live in Colorado for at least two years to receive an identification document under the “Colorado Road and Community Safety Act” if that individual is not lawfully present in the United States. Passed committee, PLV.

SB24-189 Gender-Related Bias-Motivated Crimes More trans, woke terminology and policies… This adds transgender to the potential hate crimes list. Passed House committee.

SB24-195 Protect Vulnerable Road Users The title alone smells fishy. This bill actually authorizes CDOT and the state patrol to use automated vehicle identification systems on all roads in Colorado. These are the systems that automatically catch any violation of road rules and allow the driver to be automatically fined for the infraction. This potentially sounds like Big Brother on steroids. Passed committee, PLV.

SB24-200 Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion in Child Welfare Incorporates “equity, diversity, & inclusion” principles into child welfare policies. Need I say more? Passed committee, PLV.

6. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

Every Monday morning at 7:30 AM we gather via Zoom to discuss the latest issues here in Colorado and beyond. With your computer or phone please be a part of the discussion.

Meeting ID: 842 9470 1530

Passcode: 265885

One tap mobile
+17193594580,,84294701530#,,,,*265885# US

For Life and Liberty!

Kevin Lundberg
fmr Colorado State Senator

As the executive director for the Republican Study Committee of Colorado, I am working to keep this organization a powerful voice for conservative values in the Colorado legislature. We are a non-profit 501(c)4 organization, relying on contributions (which are not tax-deductible).

Donations can be sent to:

The Republican Study Committee of Colorado, P.O. Box 378, Berthoud, CO 80513.

April 13, 2024

1. Eclipse

2. Art Club showing at Denver University draws hundreds of protesters.

3. Look Up Celebration Planning

4. Significant Bills for 2024

5. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

1. Eclipse

On Monday I had the privilege of viewing the total solar eclipse. I took my family to an area southeast of Dallas where the total eclipse was to be viewed at 1:40 PM Central Time. It was also mostly cloudy with predicted rain. As the moon began to cover the sun we could briefly see the sun through occasional breaks in the low clouds overhead. Then, literally seconds before the total eclipse began, the clouds opened up to reveal the awe-inspiring event. For the entire time the moon was 100% blocking the sun we were blessed with a full view of it all. It was a memory for a lifetime.

I say awe-inspiring as I consider a solar eclipse to be a clear demonstration of God’s handiwork. The planets are always in a precise, set movement and the Creator designed the moon to be a perfectly sized cover for the sun from our earthly perspective. It gives us a brief view of our life-giving star in such a way that we can see the enormous solar flares and other emanations that are constantly erupting on the surface of the sun.

We are always blessed with this energy that is just right for our sustenance. For a few brief moments last Monday God blessed my small party with a front row seat to His mercy and gracious tending of our lives.

Two well known passages come to my mind.

The opening words of the Colorado Constitution:

“We, the people of Colorado, with profound reverence for the Supreme Ruler of the Universe,…”

The first six verses of Psalm 19:

“The heavens declare the glory of God;

    the skies proclaim the work of his hands.

“Day after day they pour forth speech;

    night after night they reveal knowledge.

“They have no speech, they use no words;

    no sound is heard from them.

“Yet their voice goes out into all the earth,

    their words to the ends of the world.

“In the heavens God has pitched a tent for the sun.

    It is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber,

    like a champion rejoicing to run his course.

“It rises at one end of the heavens

    and makes its circuit to the other;

    nothing is deprived of its warmth.”

2. Art Club showing at Denver University draws hundreds of protesters.

On Wednesday evening I joined Jon and Erin Lee at a showing of Art Club, sponsored by the Turning Point USA chapter at Denver University. There we were met by hundreds of students who made the viewing almost impossible

About 60 students were allowed in the classroom, but hundreds remained outside in the hallway. The students chanted pro-transgender slogans, beat their fists on the tables, held up protest signs and loudly reacted to nearly every phrase in the film with what they thought were smart responses of protest.

It was an extraordinary evening which did not show very well for the tolerance, intellectual prowess or just plain civilized understanding of these DU students. I have heard of over the top reactions on college campuses, but this was my biggest firsthand experience with this peculiar and dangerous attitude that seems to be growing on college campuses.

We did have an opportunity to interact with the students in a question and answer session after the showing. It was just about as raucous, but we could tell that there were a few students who were trying to sort this out rather than just being a part of this ridiculous mob mentality.

At the end of the evening campus security and the Denver police had to rush us out of the building before the mob blew up to something worse. 

Another showing of Art Club is scheduled on the campus of Colorado Christian University on Saturday (the day this newsletter edition is published). I fully expect a much more dignified and serious audience at that event.

3. Look Up Celebration Planning

In preparation for a big program in Northern Colorado in October, The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association is holding a “Worship, Facts, and Food Truck” gathering in Johnstown on April 20.

All are welcome to attend. For more information go to:

4. 655 bills have been introduced. I have not seen this many really bad bills (52) in one session, ever. The only good news is a few (very few) of these bad bills are being killed, specifically this week HB-1310 and HB-1363.

Please note that the bad bill list is not exhaustive, these are just the worst ones I have snagged.

To see the most recently introduced bills, read the list from the bottom up.

BTW, PLV means party line vote.

Good Bills

HB24-1022 Publish Bill Drafts Online before Session This will help the citizens to get a better view of upcoming bills. Passed first committee

HB24-1023 Civil Forfeiture Reform This is a system that needs much reform. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1026 Local Government Tax Payers’ Bill of Rights Prior Voter Approval Requirement Getting back to what TABOR is intended to require. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1029 Prohibit Foreign Ownership Agriculture & Natural Resources The title says it all. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1041 Streamline Filing Sales & Use Tax Returns Doesn’t do much, but every little bit helps. Signed into law.

HB24-1065 Reduction of State Income Tax Rate Lowers rate from 4.4% to 4.0%. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1106 Require Information about Abortion Pill Reversal Would require this information to be available with chemical abortion products. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1128 Enforcement of Federal Immigration Law This bill would return Colorado law to a more sane approach to immigration law. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1142 Reduce Income Tax Social Security Benefits Reducing taxes is a good idea. Passed first committee.

HB24-1145 Modify Voter Registration Page on Secretary of State Website Gives the voter the option to vote in person rather than receive a mail ballot. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1166 Expand Homestead Exemptions Some additional property tax relief. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1224 Personhood of Living Unborn Human Child Good bill, little chance of surviving. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1279 Vote Tracking Number Elections Creates some election security. Killed in first committee, PLV.

SB24-092 Cost Effective Energy Codes Finally, common sense legislation that recognizes that laws may cost the individual citizen more than the law is worth. Killed in first committee, PLV.

SB24-098 Safety Clause Use Review This is a great idea! It requires all safety clauses on bills to be reviewed for their appropriateness. Killed in first committee, PLV.

SB24-144 Real Property Valuation Limits property assessment to no more than 6% per year. Killed in first committee, PLV.

Bad bills

HB24-1014 Deceptive Trade Practice Significant Impact Standard As I read this bill it is an open door for lawsuits. It eliminates the requirement that a deceptive trade lawsuit “significantly impacts the public.” Passed House.

HB24-1017 Bill of Rights for Foster Youth This bill will cut out foster families who are not supporting the transgender ideology. Passed Senate, PLV.

HB24-1028 Overdose Prevention Centers Drug injection sites are back. Passed House, PLV.

HB24-1039 Non-Legal Name Changes This one forces all public schools to play the pronoun game with their students and it sets up a task force to come up with a policy that will ultimately hide such transitioning from “non-supportive” parents. Passed Senate, PLV.

HB24-1040 Gender-Affirming Health-Care Provider Study This is a “study” designed to encourage and increase the number of medical facilities that transition kids with life changing drugs and mutilation surgeries. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1057 Prohibit Algorithmic Devices Used for Rent Setting This is one more slap at landlords. It won’t change much, but it is a typical nanny government bill. Passed Senate committee, PLV.

HB24-1061 Marijuana Industry & Social Equity “Social equity” is a very dangerous, and, ironically, inequitable concept. It is also a concept Polis is integrating into our state government systems and this is one more step in that direction. Killed in committee.

HB24-1071 Name Change to Conform with Gender Identity The bill states that when incarcerated a person can change their legal name to conform with their new “gender identity.” Passed Senate, PLV.

HB24-1075 Analysis of Universal Health-Care Payment System Here we go again, this could become the worst bill of the year. This system will cost several times the general fund budget ($50 billion+) and it will inevitably put in place more rationing of medical care, while diminishing the quality of available care. If you doubt this, just look at the Canadian medical system. Passed committee, PLV.

HB24-1080 Youth Sports Personnel Requirements More mandatory reporters on the way… Passed third reading in House.

HB24-1083 Construction Professional Insurance Coverage Transparency Makes contractor AND subcontractors disclose workers comp insurance. This is nanny government creating much more red tape and therefore higher costs for everyone. Passed first committee.

HB24-1124 Discrimination in Places of Public Accomodation This makes nonprofit organizations subject to Colorado’s discrimination laws. It looks like a way to force nonprofit organizations to capitulate to the LBGT ideology. Passed HOUSE, PLV.

HB24-1150 False Slates of Electors Several provisions in this bill, but it looks like it is trying to fortify the enforcement of the National Popular Vote, if that ever becomes a reality. Passed Senate, PLV.

HB24-1163 Pet Animal Registration System Will require all pets to be registered with the state and an additional fee will be levied as well. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1169 Repeal Divest from Companies with Israel Prohibitions Law Another slap at Israel. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1170 Rights for Youth Division of Youth Services Facilities More transgender ideology in state statute. Passed SENATE COMMITTEE, PLV.

HB24-1174 Concealed Carry Permits & Training Turns over concealed carry instruction to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation. This will make concealed carry permits more difficult to obtain and renew. Passed Senate committee, PLV.

HB24-1175 Local Governments Rights to Property for Affordable Housing This is called socialism, where the government is given extra power to own and control more property. Passed House.

HB24-1229 Presumptive Eligibility for Long-Term Care Will allow all illegal aliens long-term care. Passed Senate committee.

HB24-1245 Fair Labor Practice Requirements for Broadband Projects Favor unions for government projects.

HB24-1270 Firearm Liability Insurance Requirement Requires specific liability insurance for all gun owners. Passed first committee.

HB24-1280 Welcome, Reception, & Integration Grant Program More sanctuary state laws. Passed first committee, PLV.

HB24-1292 Prohibit Certain Weapons Used in Mass Shootings Among many other prohibitions, bans the sale or transfer of most, if not all types of AR rifles. Passed House second reading, PLV.

HB24-1296 Modifications to the Colorado Open Records Act Pretty much guts Colorado’s open records act. This is a big step backward in government transparency. Passed first committee.

HB24-1310 School Safety Measures Another gun control bill. This one repeals the current law allowing schools to authorize conceal carry by school employees and sets up a new one with more stringent rules. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1330 Air Quality Permitting More regulations and restrictions on the oil an gas industry. Passed first committee, PLV.

HB24-1338 Cumulative Impacts & Environmental Justice The title of this bill is “Concerning measures to advance environmental justice by reducing cumulative impacts of air pollution.” This will become a dangerous weapon that government will have to bludgeon any business they deem as violating whatever environmental justice means, at that time… Passed committee, PLV.

HB24-1339 Disproportionately Impact Community Air Pollution More “Green New Deal” policies are on their way.

HB24-1341 State Vehicle Idling Standard How dare you think that it is a good idea to warm up your car on a bitterly cold morning? Passed Senate, PLV.

HB24-1346 Energy & Carbon Management Regulation More control on our daily lives to chase their fictitious fear of carbon dioxide. Passed House committee, PLV

HB24-1348 Secure Firearm Storage in a Vehicle requires that guns in unattended vehicles be locked up in a trunk or hard case, effectively disarming citizens in their cars. Passed Senate committee, PLV.

HB24-1349 Firearms & Ammunition Excise Tax creates a new tax on guns and ammunition. At least (thanks to TABOR) it will require a vote of the people to go into effect. Passed committee.

HB24-1353 Firearms Dealer Requirements & Permit Creates a required stat firearms permit for all firearms dealers. Passed committee, PLV

HB24-1363 Charter Schools Accountability This is a complicated bill that looks like it was written to make it more difficult to run a charter school and give local school districts the ability to shut down charter schools. Killed in Committee.

HB24-1366 Sustainable Local Government Community Planning Incorporates global warming nonsense into all local government planning.

HB24-1367 Repeal Severance Tax Exemption for Stripper Wells More attacks on Oil and Gas industry. Passed committee, PLV.

HB24-1375 Wild Carnivores & Livestock Nonlethal Coexistence This may require a new bill category: stupid bills. Among other things it creates “native-carnivore coexistence officers” within the department of wildlife. Killed in first committee.

SB24-014 Seal of Climate Literacy Diploma Endorsement I past over this one at first, but after a second look I realize this is a big corruption of our schools. It is giving special honors to any student who buys into the climate alarmism, and gives them this special distinction if they become actively involved in this destructive hoax. Passed House committee.

SB24-053 Racial Equity Study This is the first step toward the reparations madness. Passed House committee, PLV.

SB24-059 Children’s Behavioral Health Statewide System of Care This looks like a huge bureaucracy to monitor and manage all minors in Colorado, just waiting to be created… Passed first committee

SB24-065 Mobile Electronic Devices & Motor Vehicle Driving Banning hands on mobile phone use for all drivers in Colorado. Passed House committee.

SB24-084 Attorney General Duties to Prevent Mis- & Dis-information It is quite appropriate that this is numbered 84, as in the book by George Orwell: 1984. Whatever happened to the First Amendment? Passed first committee, PLV.

SB24-094 Safe Housing for Residential Tenants Here is another bill to make people feel good, but in reality it drives up the cost of renting and depresses the number of houses that are available to rent (because it makes being a landlord that much more difficult). Passed House committee, PLV.

SB24-123 Waste Tire Management Enterprise One more “enterprise” to work around TABOR. Passed second committee, PLV.

SB24-131 Prohibiting Carrying Firearms in Sensitive Spaces Prohibits carrying firearms in virtually any public space. This is a clear violation of Article II, section 3 of the Colorado constitution: “The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person, and property, or aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called in question; but nothing herein contained shall be construed to justify the practice of carrying concealed weapons.” This is because it will be impossible to defend one’s “person” (not to mention one’s family) if any one cannot bear arms in public. Passed Senate.

SB24-159 Mod to Energy & Carbon Management Processes Designed to shut down the oil and gas industry in Colorado by prohibiting any new drilling permits after December 31, 2029. This is economic and scientific insanity! This bill would end the largest, most productive industry in Colorado. It would also drive up the costs of what energy might be left for the people of Colorado to incredible levels. Killed in committee

SB24-165 Air Quality Improvements It is aimed at shutting down or restricting Oil and gas operations in the North Front Range and restrict some transportation from May through September in 2025 and for all following years. Passed committee, PLV.

SB24-166 Air Quality Enforcement Significantly increases penalties for violations of the ultra strict emission standards in Colorado law. Passed committee, PLV.

SB24-182 Immigrant Identification Document Issuance Passed committee.

It repeals the law that required someone to live in Colorado for at least two years to receive an identification document under the “Colorado Road and Community Safety Act” if that individual is not lawfully present in the United States. Passed committee, PLV.

SB24-189 Gender-Related Bias-Motivated Crimes More trans, woke terminology and policies… This adds transgender to the potential hate crimes list. Passed Senate, PLV.

SB24-195 Protect Vulnerable Road Users The title alone smells fishy. This bill actually authorizes CDOT and the state patrol to use automated vehicle identification systems on all roads in Colorado. These are the systems that automatically catch any violation of road rules and allow the driver to be automatically fined for the infraction. This potentially sounds like Big Brother on steroids.

SB24-200 Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion in Child Welfare Incorporates “equity, diversity, & inclusion” principles into child welfare policies. Need I say more?

5. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

Every Monday morning at 7:30 AM we gather via Zoom to discuss the latest issues here in Colorado and beyond. With your computer or phone please be a part of the discussion.

Meeting ID: 842 9470 1530

Passcode: 265885

One tap mobile
+17193594580,,84294701530#,,,,*265885# US

For Life and Liberty!

Kevin Lundberg
fmr Colorado State Senator

As the executive director for the Republican Study Committee of Colorado, I am working to keep this organization a powerful voice for conservative values in the Colorado legislature. We are a non-profit 501(c)4 organization, relying on contributions (which are not tax-deductible).

Donations can be sent to:

The Republican Study Committee of Colorado, P.O. Box 378, Berthoud, CO 80513.

April 6, 2024

1. Dr. Eastman Cancelled in California

2. Big Brother Might be Watching

3. Look Up Celebration Planning

4. Significant Bills for 2024

5. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

1. Dr. Eastman Cancelled in California

At the top of this page I have positioned the video I produced for the federal lawsuit the Colorado GOP has launched against Colorado’s open primary system. As the video implies, our primary attorney is John Eastman. As the chairman for the lawsuit committee I have had a great deal of interaction with John. He has impressed me as a man of integrity who has the courage to hold fast to the truth and a very good lawyer. He is precise and accurate, always checking the facts, pursuing the best arguments and never exaggerating or even “bending” the facts. 

His diligence as an attorney makes the charges that have leveled against him by the Fulton County DA and the complaint filed against his law license in California all the more bizarre. None-the-less, last week a California judge ruled that he intentionally lied about the 2020 election and suspended his California law license. The only liars in this story are his opponents who are simply trying to silence Trump and any attorney that dares to defend him. 

Here is a perspective from another legislator who also worked with Mr. Eastman (this legislator’s last name also happens to be Eastman, but no relation).

This lawfare that is being waged against Trump and his allies is deeply offensive to our established systems of justice. We cannot give in to their war on truth. This is a hard road to travel, but ultimately I am confident that those who have chosen to engage in this destructive deceit will themselves be consumed by their own destructive intent.

2. Big Brother Might be Watching

Just put on my bad bill list is SB24-195, Protect Vulnerable Road Users, which seems to be allowing the highway department and state patrol to monitor all roads in Colorado with automated systems to identify any traffic infractions in the state. This could spin into a huge big brother system we will all live to regret. I hope the legislature sees this bill for what it could become and kills it quickly.

3. Look Up Celebration Planning

I have been asked by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association to help promote a major event they are planning for Northern Colorado next October. They have already been in contact with many local churches and ministry leaders, but many more need to consider this great opportunity for Northern Colorado.

To help prepare for their October celebration, on April 20 there will be a “Worship, Facts, and Food Truck” gathering. All are welcome to attend. For more information go to:

4. 639 bills have been introduced. The inevitable list of really bad bills is growing at a very fast pace. I have never seen this many bills at this point in the session. Nor have I seen this many really bad ones as this list contains.

Please note that the bad bill list is not exhaustive, these are just the worst ones I have snagged.

To see the most recently introduced bills, read the list from the bottom up.

BTW, PLV means party line vote.

Good Bills

HB24-1022 Publish Bill Drafts Online before Session This will help the citizens to get a better view of upcoming bills. Passed first committee

HB24-1023 Civil Forfeiture Reform This is a system that needs much reform. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1026 Local Government Tax Payers’ Bill of Rights Prior Voter Approval Requirement Getting back to what TABOR is intended to require. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1029 Prohibit Foreign Ownership Agriculture & Natural Resources The title says it all. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1041 Streamline Filing Sales & Use Tax Returns Doesn’t do much, but every little bit helps. Passed senate.

HB24-1065 Reduction of State Income Tax Rate Lowers rate from 4.4% to 4.0%. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1106 Require Information about Abortion Pill Reversal Would require this information to be available with chemical abortion products. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1128 Enforcement of Federal Immigration Law This bill would return Colorado law to a more sane approach to immigration law. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1142 Reduce Income Tax Social Security Benefits Reducing taxes is a good idea. Passed first committee.

HB24-1145 Modify Voter Registration Page on Secretary of State Website Gives the voter the option to vote in person rather than receive a mail ballot. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1166 Expand Homestead Exemptions Some additional property tax relief. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1224 Personhood of Living Unborn Human Child Good bill, little chance of surviving. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1279 Vote Tracking Number Elections Creates some election security. Killed in first committee, PLV.

SB24-092 Cost Effective Energy Codes Finally, common sense legislation that recognizes that laws may cost the individual citizen more than the law is worth. Killed in first committee, PLV.

SB24-098 Safety Clause Use Review This is a great idea! It requires all safety clauses on bills to be reviewed for their appropriateness. Killed in first committee, PLV.

SB24-144 Real Property Valuation Limits property assessment to no more than 6% per year. Killed in first committee, PLV.

Bad bills

HB24-1014 Deceptive Trade Practice Significant Impact Standard As I read this bill it is an open door for lawsuits. It eliminates the requirement that a deceptive trade lawsuit “significantly impacts the public.” Passed House.

HB24-1017 Bill of Rights for Foster Youth This bill will cut out foster families who are not supporting the transgender ideology. Passed Senate, PLV.

HB24-1028 Overdose Prevention Centers Drug injection sites are back. Passed House, PLV.

HB24-1039 Non-Legal Name Changes This one forces all public schools to play the pronoun game with their students and it sets up a task force to come up with a policy that will ultimately hide such transitioning from “non-supportive” parents. Passed Senate, PLV.

HB24-1040 Gender-Affirming Health-Care Provider Study This is a “study” designed to encourage and increase the number of medical facilities that transition kids with life changing drugs and mutilation surgeries. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1057 Prohibit Algorithmic Devices Used for Rent Setting This is one more slap at landlords. It won’t change much, but it is a typical nanny government bill. Passed House, PLV.

HB24-1061 Marijuana Industry & Social Equity “Social equity” is a very dangerous, and, ironically, inequitable concept. It is also a concept Polis is integrating into our state government systems and this is one more step in that direction. Killed in committee.

HB24-1071 Name Change to Conform with Gender Identity The bill states that when incarcerated a person can change their legal name to conform with their new “gender identity.” Passed Senate, PLV.

HB24-1075 Analysis of Universal Health-Care Payment System Here we go again, this could become the worst bill of the year. This system will cost several times the general fund budget ($50 billion+) and it will inevitably put in place more rationing of medical care, while diminishing the quality of available care. If you doubt this, just look at the Canadian medical system. Passed committee, PLV.

HB24-1080 Youth Sports Personnel Requirements More mandatory reporters on the way… Passed third reading in House.

HB24-1083 Construction Professional Insurance Coverage Transparency Makes contractor AND subcontractors disclose workers comp insurance. This is nanny government creating much more red tape and therefore higher costs for everyone. Passed first committee.

HB24-1124 Discrimination in Places of Public Accomodation This makes nonprofit organizations subject to Colorado’s discrimination laws. It looks like a way to force nonprofit organizations to capitulate to the LBGT ideology. Passed first committee.

HB24-1150 False Slates of Electors Several provisions in this bill, but it looks like it is trying to fortify the enforcement of the National Popular Vote, if that ever becomes a reality. Passed Senate, PLV.

HB24-1163 Pet Animal Registration System Will require all pets to be registered with the state and an additional fee will be levied as well. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1169 Repeal Divest from Companies with Israel Prohibitions Law Another slap at Israel. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1170 Rights for Youth Division of Youth Services Facilities More transgender ideology in state statute. Passed third reading in House.

HB24-1174 Concealed Carry Permits & Training Turns over concealed carry instruction to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation. This will make concealed carry permits more difficult to obtain and renew. Passed House, PLV.

HB24-1175 Local Governments Rights to Property for Affordable Housing This is called socialism, where the government is given extra power to own and control more property. Passed first committee, PLV.

HB24-1229 Presumptive Eligibility for Long-Term Care Will allow all illegal aliens long-term care. Passed House.

HB24-1245 Fair Labor Practice Requirements for Broadband Projects Favor unions for government projects.

HB24-1270 Firearm Liability Insurance Requirement Requires specific liability insurance for all gun owners. Passed first committee.

HB24-1280 Welcome, Reception, & Integration Grant Program More sanctuary state laws. Passed first committee, PLV.

HB24-1292 Prohibit Certain Weapons Used in Mass Shootings Among many other prohibitions, bans the sale or transfer of most, if not all types of AR rifles. Passed committee, PLV.

HB24-1296 Modifications to the Colorado Open Records Act Pretty much guts Colorado’s open records act. This is a big step backward in government transparency. Passed first committee.

HB24-1310 School Safety Measures Another gun control bill. This one repeals the current law allowing schools to authorize conceal carry by school employees and sets up a new one with more stringent rules.

HB24-1330 Air Quality Permitting More regulations and restrictions on the oil an gas industry. Passed first committee, PLV.

HB24-1338 Cumulative Impacts & Environmental Justice The title of this bill is “Concerning measures to advance environmental justice by reducing cumulative impacts of air pollution.” This will become a dangerous weapon that government will have to bludgeon any business they deem as violating whatever environmental justice means, at that time… Passed committee, PLV.

HB24-1339 Disproportionately Impact Community Air Pollution More “Green New Deal” policies are on their way.

HB24-1341 State Vehicle Idling Standard How dare you think that it is a good idea to warm up your car on a bitterly cold morning? Passed Senate committee, PLV.

HB24-1346 Energy & Carbon Management Regulation More control on our daily lives to chase their fictitious fear of carbon dioxide.

HB24-1348 Secure Firearm Storage in a Vehicle requires that guns in unattended vehicles be locked up in a trunk or hard case, effectively disarming citizens in their cars. Passed House.

HB24-1349 Firearms & Ammunition Excise Tax creates a new tax on guns and ammunition. At least (thanks to TABOR) it will require a vote of the people to go into effect. Passed committee, PLV

HB24-1353 Firearms Dealer Requirements & Permit Creates a required stat firearms permit for all firearms dealers. Passed committee, PLV

HB24-1363 Charter Schools Accountability This is a complicated bill that looks like it was written to make it more difficult to run a charter school and give local school districts the ability to shut down charter schools.

HB24-1366 Sustainable Local Government Community Planning Incorporates global warming nonsense into all local government planning.

HB24-1367 Repeal Severance Tax Exemption for Stripper Wells More attacks on Oil and Gas industry. Passed committee, PLV.

HB24-1375 Wild Carnivores & Livestock Nonlethal Coexistence This may require a new bill category: stupid bills. Among other things it creates “native-carnivore coexistence officers” within the department of wildlife. Killed in first committee.

SB24-014 Seal of Climate Literacy Diploma Endorsement I past over this one at first, but after a second look I realize this is a big corruption of our schools. It is giving special honors to any student who buys into the climate alarmism, and gives them this special distinction if they become actively involved in this destructive hoax. Passed House committee.

SB24-053 Racial Equity Study This is the first step toward the reparations madness. Passed House committee, PLV.

SB24-059 Children’s Behavioral Health Statewide System of Care This looks like a huge bureaucracy to monitor and manage all minors in Colorado, just waiting to be created… Passed first committee

SB24-065 Mobile Electronic Devices & Motor Vehicle Driving Banning hands on mobile phone use for all drivers in Colorado. Passed senate, PLV.

SB24-084 Attorney General Duties to Prevent Mis- & Dis-information It is quite appropriate that this is numbered 84, as in the book by George Orwell: 1984. Whatever happened to the First Amendment? Passed first committee, PLV.

SB24-094 Safe Housing for Residential Tenants Here is another bill to make people feel good, but in reality it drives up the cost of renting and depresses the number of houses that are available to rent (because it makes being a landlord that much more difficult). Passed House committee, PLV.

SB24-123 Waste Tire Management Enterprise One more “enterprise” to work around TABOR. Passed first committee, PLV.

SB24-131 Prohibiting Carrying Firearms in Sensitive Spaces Prohibits carrying firearms in virtually any public space. This is a clear violation of Article II, section 3 of the Colorado constitution: “The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person, and property, or aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called in question; but nothing herein contained shall be construed to justify the practice of carrying concealed weapons.” This is because it will be impossible to defend one’s “person” (not to mention one’s family) if any one cannot bear arms in public. Passed Senate, PLV.

SB24-159 Mod to Energy & Carbon Management Processes Designed to shut down the oil and gas industry in Colorado by prohibiting any new drilling permits after December 31, 2029. This is economic and scientific insanity! This bill would end the largest, most productive industry in Colorado. It would also drive up the costs of what energy might be left for the people of Colorado to incredible levels. Killed in committee

SB24-165 Air Quality Improvements It is aimed at shutting down or restricting Oil and gas operations in the North Front Range and restrict some transportation from May through September in 2025 and for all following years. Passed committee, PLV.

SB24-166 Air Quality Enforcement Significantly increases penalties for violations of the ultra strict emission standards in Colorado law. Passed committee, PLV.

SB24-182 Immigrant Identification Document Issuance Passed committee.

It repeals the law that required someone to live in Colorado for at least two years to receive an identification document under the “Colorado Road and Community Safety Act” if that individual is not lawfully present in the United States.

SB24-189 Gender-Related Bias-Motivated Crimes More trans, woke terminology and policies… This adds transgender to the potential hate crimes list. Passed committee, PLV.

SB24-195 Protect Vulnerable Road Users The title alone smells fishy. This bill actually authorizes CDOT and the state patrol to use automated vehicle identification systems on all roads in Colorado. These are the systems that automatically catch any violation of road rules and allow the driver to be automatically fined for the infraction. This potentially sounds like Big Brother on steroids.

5. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

Every Monday morning at 7:30 AM we gather via Zoom to discuss the latest issues here in Colorado and beyond. With your computer or phone please be a part of the discussion.

Meeting ID: 842 9470 1530

Passcode: 265885

One tap mobile
+17193594580,,84294701530#,,,,*265885# US

For Life and Liberty!

Kevin Lundberg
fmr Colorado State Senator

As the executive director for the Republican Study Committee of Colorado, I am working to keep this organization a powerful voice for conservative values in the Colorado legislature. We are a non-profit 501(c)4 organization, relying on contributions (which are not tax-deductible).

Donations can be sent to:

The Republican

March 30, 2024

1. He is Risen Indeed!

2. Election Challenge at SCOTUS

3. Senate Committee Gets Strange Group in Committee

4. Significant Bills for 2024

5. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

1. He is Risen Indeed!

On this day before Easter Sunday I trust you take time to consider the hope of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Our struggles with the political foes that challenge our freedoms and well being only make sense within the context of God’s redeeming grace and everlasting mercies. Press on with courage and never give up because He gives us the strength to endure the fight and win the battle.

2. Election Challenge at SCOTUS

A legal challenge to 2022 elections in Arizona has been submitted to the US Supreme Court. It has not yet been accepted by the court, but it is well worth considering. Here are excerpts from the document that I hope you will take the time to read:

“…that after about 12% of the early votes are recorded, the next block of ballots is 75% for the Democrat candidate, the next block after that is 74%, the next block 73%, and so on, systematically declining all the way to Election Day.” He concluded that “[s]uch predictability and dependence would not occur without artificial manipulation.”  -pg 10

“…since at least 2020, Dominion configured its machines with the decryption keys in an election database table in plain text—protected by nothing other than Windows log-in credentials that are easily bypassed— enabling any malicious actor total control over its electronic voting systems. This security breach violates common sense, to say nothing of FIPS-level encryption. While this breach has the game-changing magnitude of the Allies’ deciphering Germany’s ENIGMA machine in World War II, it is far worse. Dominion leaves the decryption keys bare, in plain text. Embedded Dominion employees or any malicious actor who knows where to look can gain total access and control over an election. It is like a bank telling the public they have the most secure vault in the world, and then taping the combination on the wall next to the vault door. Even worse, key logging features that would record system activity showing such control can also be manipulated or disabled, thereby rendering any penetration of this system nearly undetectable.” Pg. 13

To summarize, in the first example is a clear pattern that could only exist if the result was planned. Such regularity of vote percentages is mathematically impossible. For the second example it is explained that the encryption key, given in plain text in the software, has been found in the software of this election management system which is used in most Colorado counties.

I hope and pray that the court will take up this significant case. It could crack open the obvious problems with using these opaque machines for our elections. The entire filling to the court can be found here.

2. Senate Committee Gets Strange Group in Committee

Just to get a flavor of what is happening at the capitol, here is a picture of some people who were there to support HB24-1071. If it were October one might think it is Halloween, but no, this is how these folks present themselves every day and they were there to push the trans issue further into our prisons.

4. 621 bills have been introduced. The inevitable list of really bad bills is growing at a very fast pace. I have never seen this many bills at this point in the session. Nor have I seen this many really bad ones as this list contains. One bright note, SB24-159, which would have eliminated the oil and gas industry, was killed in committee this week.

Please note that the bad bill list is not exhaustive, these are just the worst ones I have snagged.

To see the most recently introduced bills, read the list from the bottom up.

BTW, PLV means party line vote.

Good Bills

HB24-1022 Publish Bill Drafts Online before Session This will help the citizens to get a better view of upcoming bills. Passed first committee

HB24-1023 Civil Forfeiture Reform This is a system that needs much reform. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1026 Local Government Tax Payers’ Bill of Rights Prior Voter Approval Requirement Getting back to what TABOR is intended to require. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1029 Prohibit Foreign Ownership Agriculture & Natural Resources The title says it all. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1041 Streamline Filing Sales & Use Tax Returns Doesn’t do much, but every little bit helps. Passed senate.

HB24-1065 Reduction of State Income Tax Rate Lowers rate from 4.4% to 4.0%. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1106 Require Information about Abortion Pill Reversal Would require this information to be available with chemical abortion products. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1128 Enforcement of Federal Immigration Law This bill would return Colorado law to a more sane approach to immigration law. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1142 Reduce Income Tax Social Security Benefits Reducing taxes is a good idea. Passed first committee.

HB24-1145 Modify Voter Registration Page on Secretary of State Website Gives the voter the option to vote in person rather than receive a mail ballot. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1166 Expand Homestead Exemptions Some additional property tax relief. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1224 Personhood of Living Unborn Human Child Good bill, little chance of surviving. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1279 Vote Tracking Number Elections Creates some election security. Killed in first committee, PLV.

SB24-092 Cost Effective Energy Codes Finally, common sense legislation that recognizes that laws may cost the individual citizen more than the law is worth. Killed in first committee, PLV.

SB24-098 Safety Clause Use Review This is a great idea! It requires all safety clauses on bills to be reviewed for their appropriateness. Killed in first committee, PLV.

SB24-144 Real Property Valuation Limits property assessment to no more than 6% per year. Killed in first committee, PLV.

Bad bills

HB24-1014 Deceptive Trade Practice Significant Impact Standard As I read this bill it is an open door for lawsuits. It eliminates the requirement that a deceptive trade lawsuit “significantly impacts the public.” Passed House.

HB24-1017 Bill of Rights for Foster Youth This bill will cut out foster families who are not supporting the transgender ideology. Passed Senate committee, PLV.

HB24-1028 Overdose Prevention Centers Drug injection sites are back. Passed first committee, PLV.

HB24-1039 Non-Legal Name Changes This one forces all public schools to play the pronoun game with their students and it sets up a task force to come up with a policy that will ultimately hide such transitioning from “non-supportive” parents. Passed second reading in Senate.

HB24-1040 Gender-Affirming Health-Care Provider Study This is a “study” designed to encourage and increase the number of medical facilities that transition kids with life changing drugs and mutilation surgeries.

HB24-1057 Prohibit Algorithmic Devices Used for Rent Setting This is one more slap at landlords. It won’t change much, but it is a typical nanny government bill. Passed House, PLV.

HB24-1061 Marijuana Industry & Social Equity “Social equity” is a very dangerous, and, ironically, inequitable concept. It is also a concept Polis is integrating into our state government systems and this is one more step in that direction. Killed in committee.

HB24-1071 Name Change to Conform with Gender Identity The bill states that when incarcerated a person can change their legal name to conform with their new “gender identity.” Passed Senate committee, PLV.

HB24-1075 Analysis of Universal Health-Care Payment System Here we go again, this could become the worst bill of the year. This system will cost several times the general fund budget ($50 billion+) and it will inevitably put in place more rationing of medical care, while diminishing the quality of available care. If you doubt this, just look at the Canadian medical system. Passed committee, PLV.

HB24-1080 Youth Sports Personnel Requirements More mandatory reporters on the way… Passed third reading in House.

HB24-1083 Construction Professional Insurance Coverage Transparency Makes contractor AND subcontractors disclose workers comp insurance. This is nanny government creating much more red tape and therefore higher costs for everyone. Passed first committee.

HB24-1124 Discrimination in Places of Public Accomodation This makes nonprofit organizations subject to Colorado’s discrimination laws. It looks like a way to force nonprofit organizations to capitulate to the LBGT ideology. Passed first committee.

HB24-1150 False Slates of Electors Several provisions in this bill, but it looks like it is trying to fortify the enforcement of the National Popular Vote, if that ever becomes a reality. Passed Senate committee, PLV.

HB24-1163 Pet Animal Registration System Will require all pets to be registered with the state and an additional fee will be levied as well. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1169 Repeal Divest from Companies with Israel Prohibitions Law Another slap at Israel. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1170 Rights for Youth Division of Youth Services Facilities More transgender ideology in state statute. Passed third reading in House.

HB24-1174 Concealed Carry Permits & Training Turns over concealed carry instruction to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation. This will make concealed carry permits more difficult to obtain and renew. Passed House, PLV.

HB24-1175 Local Governments Rights to Property for Affordable Housing This is called socialism, where the government is given extra power to own and control more property. Passed first committee, PLV.

HB24-1229 Presumptive Eligibility for Long-Term Care Will allow all illegal aliens long-term care. Passed House.

HB24-1245 Fair Labor Practice Requirements for Broadband Projects Favor unions for government projects.

HB24-1270 Firearm Liability Insurance Requirement Requires specific liability insurance for all gun owners.

HB24-1280 Welcome, Reception, & Integration Grant Program More sanctuary state laws. Passed first committee, PLV.

HB24-1292 Prohibit Certain Weapons Used in Mass Shootings Among many other prohibitions, bans the sale or transfer of most, if not all types of AR rifles. Passed committee, PLV.

HB24-1296 Modifications to the Colorado Open Records Act Pretty much guts Colorado’s open records act. This is a big step backward in government transparency. Passed first committee.

HB24-1310 School Safety Measures Another gun control bill. This one repeals the current law allowing schools to authorize conceal carry by school employees and sets up a new one with more stringent rules.

HB24-1330 Air Quality Permitting More regulations and restrictions on the oil an gas industry. Passed first committee, PLV.

HB24-1338 Cumulative Impacts & Environmental Justice The title of this bill is “Concerning measures to advance environmental justice by reducing cumulative impacts of air pollution.” This will become a dangerous weapon that government will have to bludgeon any business they deem as violating whatever environmental justice means, at that time… Passed committee, PLV.

HB24-1339 Disproportionately Impact Community Air Pollution More “Green New Deal” policies are on their way.

HB24-1341 State Vehicle Idling Standard How dare you think that it is a good idea to warm up your car on a bitterly cold morning? Passed House, PLV.

HB24-1346 Energy & Carbon Management Regulation More control on our daily lives to chase their fictitious fear of carbon dioxide.

HB24-1348 Secure Firearm Storage in a Vehicle requires that guns in unattended vehicles be locked up in a trunk or hard case, effectively disarming citizens in their cars. Passed House.

HB24-1349 Firearms & Ammunition Excise Tax creates a new tax on guns and ammunition. At least (thanks to TABOR) it will require a vote of the people to go into effect.

HB24-1353 Firearms Dealer Requirements & Permit Creates a required stat firearms permit for all firearms dealers. Passed committee, PLV

HB24-1363 Charter Schools Accountability This is a complicated bill that looks like it was written to make it more difficult to run a charter school and give local school districts the ability to shut down charter schools.

HB24-1366 Sustainable Local Government Community Planning Incorporates global warming nonsense into all local government planning.

HB24-1367 Repeal Severance Tax Exemption for Stripper Wells More attacks on Oil and Gas industry. Passed committee, PLV.

HB24-1375 Wild Carnivores & Livestock Nonlethal Coexistence This may require a new bill category: stupid bills. Among other things it creates “native-carnivore coexistence officers” within the department of wildlife.

SB24-014 Seal of Climate Literacy Diploma Endorsement I past over this one at first, but after a second look I realize this is a big corruption of our schools. It is giving special honors to any student who buys into the climate alarmism, and gives them this special distinction if they become actively involved in this destructive hoax. Passed Senate.

SB24-053 Racial Equity Study This is the first step toward the reparations madness. Passed senate, PLV.

SB24-059 Children’s Behavioral Health Statewide System of Care This looks like a huge bureaucracy to monitor and manage all minors in Colorado, just waiting to be created… Passed first committee

SB24-065 Mobile Electronic Devices & Motor Vehicle Driving Banning hands on mobile phone use for all drivers in Colorado. Passed senate, PLV.

SB24-084 Attorney General Duties to Prevent Mis- & Dis-information It is quite appropriate that this is numbered 84, as in the book by George Orwell: 1984. Whatever happened to the First Amendment? Passed first committee, PLV.

SB24-094 Safe Housing for Residential Tenants Here is another bill to make people feel good, but in reality it drives up the cost of renting and depresses the number of houses that are available to rent (because it makes being a landlord that much more difficult). Passed senate.

SB24-123 Waste Tire Management Enterprise One more “enterprise” to work around TABOR. Passed first committee, PLV.

SB24-131 Prohibiting Carrying Firearms in Sensitive Spaces Prohibits carrying firearms in virtually any public space. This is a clear violation of Article II, section 3 of the Colorado constitution: “The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person, and property, or aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called in question; but nothing herein contained shall be construed to justify the practice of carrying concealed weapons.” This is because it will be impossible to defend one’s “person” (not to mention one’s family) if any one cannot bear arms in public. Passed first committee, PLV.

SB24-159 Mod to Energy & Carbon Management Processes Designed to shut down the oil and gas industry in Colorado by prohibiting any new drilling permits after December 31, 2029. This is economic and scientific insanity! This bill would end the largest, most productive industry in Colorado. It would also drive up the costs of what energy might be left for the people of Colorado to incredible levels. Killed in committee

SB24-165 Air Quality Improvements It is aimed at shutting down or restricting Oil and gas operations in the North Front Range and restrict some transportation from May through September in 2025 and for all following years. Passed committee, PLV.

SB24-166 Air Quality Enforcement Significantly increases penalties for violations of the ultra strict emission standards in Colorado law. Passed committee, PLV.

SB24-182 Immigrant Identification Document Issuance

It repeals the law that required someone to live in Colorado for at least two years to receive an identification document under the “Colorado Road and Community Safety Act” if that individual is not lawfully present in the United States.

SB24-189 Gender-Related Bias-Motivated Crimes More trans, woke terminology and policies… This adds transgender to the potential hate crimes list.

5. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

Every Monday morning at 7:30 AM we gather via Zoom to discuss the latest issues here in Colorado and beyond. With your computer or phone please be a part of the discussion.

Meeting ID: 842 9470 1530

Passcode: 265885

One tap mobile
+17193594580,,84294701530#,,,,*265885# US

For Life and Liberty!

Kevin Lundberg
fmr Colorado State Senator

As the executive director for the Republican Study Committee of Colorado, I am working to keep this organization a powerful voice for conservative values in the Colorado legislature. We are a non-profit 501(c)4 organization, relying on contributions (which are not tax-deductible).

Donations can be sent to:

The Republican Study Committee of Colorado, P.O. Box 378, Berthoud, CO 80513.

March 23, 2024

1. Democrats Endangering Children

2. Climate at a Glance

3. Is the Bad Bill List Too Long?

4. Significant Bills for 2024

5. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

1. Democrats Endangering Children

The Democrats in the Colorado legislature seem to have little regard for the well being of children in Colorado. Here is an article that maps this out in very clear terms. Protect Kids Colorado was formed to counter this dangerous path that the legislature is pushing kids down.

2. Climate at a Glance

Heartland Institute created a quick read that covers the climate issues very effectively. It can be viewed here.

3. Is the Bad Bill List Too Long?

I agree, there are far too many bad bills in the legislature this year. It is hard to keep up. Here are the “cliff notes.” It is a short list of the really bad ones that zero in on four very important topics. I hope this helps add some sense to all of the dangerous nonsense we are seeing down at the capitol.

Parents rights and trans issues

HB-1017, HB-1039, HB-1040, HB-1124, HB-1071, HB-1175

Global warming and anti- oil and gas

HB-1330, HB-1338, HB-1339, HB-1341,  HB-1346, HB-1366, HB-1367, SB-159, SB-165, SB-166

Immigration issues

HB-1229, HB-1280, HB-1380

Gun control

HB-1174, HB-1270, HB-1292, HB-1310, HB-1348, HB-1349, HB-1353, SB-131

4. 569 bills have been introduced. The inevitable list of really bad bills, and some good ones (that are probably destined to a party-line defeat) is growing at a very fast pace. I have never seen this many bills this early in the session. Nor have I seen this many really bad ones as this list contains. Please note that the bad bill list is not exhaustive, these are just the worst ones I have snagged.

To see the most recently introduced bills, read the list from the bottom up.

BTW, PLV means party line vote.

Good Bills

HB24-1022 Publish Bill Drafts Online before Session This will help the citizens to get a better view of upcoming bills. Passed first committee

HB24-1023 Civil Forfeiture Reform This is a system that needs much reform. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1026 Local Government Tax Payers’ Bill of Rights Prior Voter Approval Requirement Getting back to what TABOR is intended to require. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1029 Prohibit Foreign Ownership Agriculture & Natural Resources The title says it all. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1041 Streamline Filing Sales & Use Tax Returns Doesn’t do much, but every little bit helps. Passed senate.

HB24-1065 Reduction of State Income Tax Rate Lowers rate from 4.4% to 4.0%. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1106 Require Information about Abortion Pill Reversal Would require this information to be available with chemical abortion products. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1128 Enforcement of Federal Immigration Law This bill would return Colorado law to a more sane approach to immigration law. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1142 Reduce Income Tax Social Security Benefits Reducing taxes is a good idea.

HB24-1145 Modify Voter Registration Page on Secretary of State Website Gives the voter the option to vote in person rather than receive a mail ballot. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1166 Expand Homestead Exemptions Some additional property tax relief. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1224 Personhood of Living Unborn Human Child Good bill, little chance of surviving. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1279 Vote Tracking Number Elections Creates some election security. Killed in first committee, PLV.

SB24-092 Cost Effective Energy Codes Finally, common sense legislation that recognizes that laws may cost the individual citizen more than the law is worth. Killed in first committee, PLV.

SB24-098 Safety Clause Use Review This is a great idea! It requires all safety clauses on bills to be reviewed for their appropriateness. Killed in first committee, PLV.

SB24-144 Real Property Valuation Limits property assessment to no more than 6% per year. Killed in first committee, PLV.

Bad bills

HB24-1014 Deceptive Trade Practice Significant Impact Standard As I read this bill it is an open door for lawsuits. It eliminates the requirement that a deceptive trade lawsuit “significantly impacts the public.” Passed House.

HB24-1017 Bill of Rights for Foster Youth This bill will cut out foster families who are not supporting the transgender ideology. Passed House, PLV.

HB24-1028 Overdose Prevention Centers Drug injection sites are back. Passed first committee, PLV.

HB24-1039 Non-Legal Name Changes This one forces all public schools to play the pronoun game with their students and it sets up a task force to come up with a policy that will ultimately hide such transitioning from “non-supportive” parents. Passed third reading in House, PLV.

HB24-1040 Gender-Affirming Health-Care Provider Study This is a “study” designed to encourage and increase the number of medical facilities that transition kids with life changing drugs and mutilation surgeries.

HB24-1057 Prohibit Algorithmic Devices Used for Rent Setting This is one more slap at landlords. It won’t change much, but it is a typical nanny government bill. Passed House, PLV.

HB24-1061 Marijuana Industry & Social Equity “Social equity” is a very dangerous, and, ironically, inequitable concept. It is also a concept Polis is integrating into our state government systems and this is one more step in that direction. Killed in committee.

HB24-1071 Name Change to Conform with Gender Identity The bill states that when incarcerated a person can change their legal name to conform with their new “gender identity.” Passed House, PLV.

HB24-1075 Analysis of Universal Health-Care Payment System Here we go again, this could become the worst bill of the year. This system will cost several times the general fund budget ($50 billion+) and it will inevitably put in place more rationing of medical care, while diminishing the quality of available care. If you doubt this, just look at the Canadian medical system. Passed committee, PLV.

HB24-1080 Youth Sports Personnel Requirements More mandatory reporters on the way… Passed third reading in House.

HB24-1083 Construction Professional Insurance Coverage Transparency Makes contractor AND subcontractors disclose workers comp insurance. This is nanny government creating much more red tape and therefore higher costs for everyone. Passed first committee.

HB24-1124 Discrimination in Places of Public Accomodation This makes nonprofit organizations subject to Colorado’s discrimination laws. It looks like a way to force nonprofit organizations to capitulate to the LBGT ideology. Passed first committee.

HB24-1150 False Slates of Electors Several provisions in this bill, but it looks like it is trying to fortify the enforcement of the National Popular Vote, if that ever becomes a reality. Passed House, PLV.

HB24-1163 Pet Animal Registration System Will require all pets to be registered with the state and an additional fee will be levied as well. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1169 Repeal Divest from Companies with Israel Prohibitions Law Another slap at Israel. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1170 Rights for Youth Division of Youth Services Facilities More transgender ideology in state statute. Passed third reading in House.

HB24-1174 Concealed Carry Permits & Training Turns over concealed carry instruction to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation. This will make concealed carry permits more difficult to obtain and renew. Passed House, PLV.

HB24-1175 Local Governments Rights to Property for Affordable Housing This is called socialism, where the government is given extra power to own and control more property. Passed first committee, PLV.

HB24-1229 Presumptive Eligibility for Long-Term Care Will allow all illegal aliens long-term care. Passed House.

HB24-1245 Fair Labor Practice Requirements for Broadband Projects Favor unions for government projects.

HB24-1270 Firearm Liability Insurance Requirement Requires specific liability insurance for all gun owners. Passed committee, PLV.

HB24-1280 Welcome, Reception, & Integration Grant Program More sanctuary state laws. Passed first committee, PLV.

HB24-1292 Prohibit Certain Weapons Used in Mass Shootings Among many other prohibitions, bans the sale or transfer of most, if not all types of AR rifles. Passed committee, PLV.

HB24-1296 Modifications to the Colorado Open Records Act Pretty much guts Colorado’s open records act. This is a big step backward in government transparency. Passed first committee.

HB24-1310 School Safety Measures Another gun control bill. This one repeals the current law allowing schools to authorize conceal carry by school employees and sets up a new one with more stringent rules.

HB24-1330 Air Quality Permitting More regulations and restrictions on the oil an gas industry. Passed first committee, PLV.

HB24-1338 Cumulative Impacts & Environmental Justice The title of this bill is “Concerning measures to advance environmental justice by reducing cumulative impacts of air pollution.” This will become a dangerous weapon that government will have to bludgeon any business they deem as violating whatever environmental justice means, at that time… Passed committee, PLV.

HB24-1339 Disproportionately Impact Community Air Pollution More “Green New Deal” policies are on their way.

HB24-1341 State Vehicle Idling Standard How dare you think that it is a good idea to warm up your car on a bitterly cold morning? Passed committee, PLV.

HB24-1346 Energy & Carbon Management Regulation More control on our daily lives to chase their fictitious fear of carbon dioxide.

HB24-1348 Secure Firearm Storage in a Vehicle requires that guns in unattended vehicles be locked up in a trunk or hard case, effectively disarming citizens in their cars. Passed House second reading.

HB24-1349 Firearms & Ammunition Excise Tax creates a new tax on guns and ammunition. At least (thanks to TABOR) it will require a vote of the people to go into effect.

HB24-1353 Firearms Dealer Requirements & Permit Creates a required stat firearms permit for all firearms dealers.

HB24-1363 Charter Schools Accountability This is a complicated bill that looks like it was written to make it more difficult to run a charter school and give local school districts the ability to shut down charter schools.

HB24-1366 Sustainable Local Government Community Planning Incorporates global warming nonsense into all local government planning.

HB24-1367 Repeal Severance Tax Exemption for Stripper Wells More attacks on Oil and Gas industry. Passed committee, PLV.

HB24-1375 Wild Carnivores & Livestock Nonlethal Coexistence This may require a new bill category: stupid bills. Among other things it creates “native-carnivore coexistence officers” within the department of wildlife.

SB24-014 Seal of Climate Literacy Diploma Endorsement I past over this one at first, but after a second look I realize this is a big corruption of our schools. It is giving special honors to any student who buys into the climate alarmism, and gives them this special distinction if they become actively involved in this destructive hoax. Passed Senate.

SB24-053 Racial Equity Study This is the first step toward the reparations madness. Passed senate, PLV.

SB24-059 Children’s Behavioral Health Statewide System of Care This looks like a huge bureaucracy to monitor and manage all minors in Colorado, just waiting to be created… Passed first committee

SB24-065 Mobile Electronic Devices & Motor Vehicle Driving Banning hands on mobile phone use for all drivers in Colorado. Passed senate, PLV.

SB24-084 Attorney General Duties to Prevent Mis- & Dis-information It is quite appropriate that this is numbered 84, as in the book by George Orwell: 1984. Whatever happened to the First Amendment? Passed first committee, PLV.

SB24-094 Safe Housing for Residential Tenants Here is another bill to make people feel good, but in reality it drives up the cost of renting and depresses the number of houses that are available to rent (because it makes being a landlord that much more difficult). Passed senate.

SB24-123 Waste Tire Management Enterprise One more “enterprise” to work around TABOR. Passed first committee, PLV.

SB24-131 Prohibiting Carrying Firearms in Sensitive Spaces Prohibits carrying firearms in virtually any public space. This is a clear violation of Article II, section 3 of the Colorado constitution: “The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person, and property, or aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called in question; but nothing herein contained shall be construed to justify the practice of carrying concealed weapons.” This is because it will be impossible to defend one’s “person” (not to mention one’s family) if any one cannot bear arms in public.

SB24-159 Mod to Energy & Carbon Management Processes Designed to shut down the oil and gas industry in Colorado by prohibiting any new drilling permits after December 31, 2029. This is economic and scientific insanity! This bill would end the largest, most productive industry in Colorado. It would also drive up the costs of what energy might be left for the people of Colorado to incredible levels.

SB24-165 Air Quality Improvements It is aimed at shutting down or restricting Oil and gas operations in the North Front Range and restrict some transportation from May through September in 2025 and for all following years. Passed committee, PLV.

SB24-166 Air Quality Enforcement Significantly increases penalties for violations of the ultra strict emission standards in Colorado law. Passed committee, PLV.

SB24-182 Immigrant Identification Document Issuance

It repeals the law that required someone to live in Colorado for at least two years to receive an identification document under the “Colorado Road and Community Safety Act” if that individual is not lawfully present in the United States.

5. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

Every Monday morning at 7:30 AM we gather via Zoom to discuss the latest issues here in Colorado and beyond. With your computer or phone please be a part of the discussion.

Meeting ID: 842 9470 1530

Passcode: 265885

One tap mobile
+17193594580,,84294701530#,,,,*265885# US

For Life and Liberty!

Kevin Lundberg
fmr Colorado State Senator

As the executive director for the Republican Study Committee of Colorado, I am working to keep this organization a powerful voice for conservative values in the Colorado legislature. We are a non-profit 501(c)4 organization, relying on contributions (which are not tax-deductible).

Donations can be sent to:

The Republican Study Committee of Colorado, P.O. Box 378, Berthoud, CO 80513.

March 16, 2024

1. Is Buck Trying to Burn Down the House?

2. UK Bans Puberty Blockers for Minors

3. GOP Lawsuit Against the Open Primary

4. Significant Bills for 2024

5. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

1. Is Buck Trying to Burn Down the House?

Ken Buck, who for many years I considered a good conservative and a good friend, is resigning from the US House of Representatives. After all he has said and done recently I am not sad to see him go. But, as a final shot at the Republican House majority and a sharp slap at the voters in Colorado’s Fourth Congressional district, he is doing it in a most dangerous and irresponsible fashion. Rather than holding the seat until a replacement is elected, and therefore helping to maintain the slim Republican majority in the US House, he announced his intention to resign next week with the special election for his replacement not happening until late June.

Ken, please reconsider your timing. Are you really wanting to burn the House down as you leave? You will be putting the Republican majority perilously close to losing control of the House. If Speaker Johnson has to turn the gavel over to the Democrats, giving Biden control of both houses, you will be personally responsible for helping to create an immense political disaster.

You owe it to the good people of the Fourth Congressional district who entrusted you with your current position of honor and authority to not resign until your replacement is determined. When you ran for office and took your oath you took on a responsibility that must be seen through to an honorable end. Resigning next week is not honor.

It is cowardice.

2. UK Bans Puberty Blockers for Minors

While Colorado continues to fast track children to transgender chaos (see Art Club) the UK has now banned the use of these dangerous drugs on children. Here is more information.

For information on the work to counter these extreme policies here in Colorado check out Protect Kids Colorado.

3. GOP Lawsuit Against the Open Primary

The fund to fuel the lawsuit challenging Colorado’s unconstitutional semi-open primary is growing, but we need everyone to chip in. Here is the video link I ran a couple of weeks ago. Please share with others and at your county assemblies. In the past two weeks we have raised over $5,000!

The link is

4. 556 bills have been introduced. The inevitable list of really bad bills, and some good ones (that are probably destined to a party-line defeat) is growing at a very fast pace. I have never seen this many bills this early in the session. Nor have I seen this many really bad ones as this list contains. Please note that the bad bill list is not exhaustive, these are just the worst ones I have snagged.

To see the most recently introduced bills, read the list from the bottom up.

BTW, PLV means party line vote.

Good Bills

HB24-1022 Publish Bill Drafts Online before Session This will help the citizens to get a better view of upcoming bills. Passed first committee

HB24-1023 Civil Forfeiture Reform This is a system that needs much reform. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1026 Local Government Tax Payers’ Bill of Rights Prior Voter Approval Requirement Getting back to what TABOR is intended to require. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1029 Prohibit Foreign Ownership Agriculture & Natural Resources The title says it all. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1041 Streamline Filing Sales & Use Tax Returns Doesn’t do much, but every little bit helps. Passed senate second reading.

HB24-1065 Reduction of State Income Tax Rate Lowers rate from 4.4% to 4.0%. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1106 Require Information about Abortion Pill Reversal Would require this information to be available with chemical abortion products. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1128 Enforcement of Federal Immigration Law This bill would return Colorado law to a more sane approach to immigration law. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1142 Reduce Income Tax Social Security Benefits Reducing taxes is a good idea.

HB24-1145 Modify Voter Registration Page on Secretary of State Website Gives the voter the option to vote in person rather than receive a mail ballot. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1166 Expand Homestead Exemptions Some additional property tax relief. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1224 Personhood of Living Unborn Human Child Good bill, little chance of surviving. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1279 Vote Tracking Number Elections Creates some election security. Killed in first committee, PLV.

SB24-092 Cost Effective Energy Codes Finally, common sense legislation that recognizes that laws may cost the individual citizen more than the law is worth. Killed in first committee, PLV.

SB24-098 Safety Clause Use Review This is a great idea! It requires all safety clauses on bills to be reviewed for their appropriateness. Killed in first committee, PLV.

SB24-144 Real Property Valuation Limits property assessment to no more than 6% per year. Killed in first committee, PLV.

Bad bills

HB24-1014 Deceptive Trade Practice Significant Impact Standard As I read this bill it is an open door for lawsuits. It eliminates the requirement that a deceptive trade lawsuit “significantly impacts the public.” Passed House.

HB24-1017 Bill of Rights for Foster Youth This bill will cut out foster families who are not supporting the transgender ideology. Passed House, PLV.

HB24-1028 Overdose Prevention Centers Drug injection sites are back. Passed first committee, PLV.

HB24-1039 Non-Legal Name Changes This one forces all public schools to play the pronoun game with their students and it sets up a task force to come up with a policy that will ultimately hide such transitioning from “non-supportive” parents. Passed third reading in House, PLV.

HB24-1040 Gender-Affirming Health-Care Provider Study This is a “study” designed to encourage and increase the number of medical facilities that transition kids with life changing drugs and mutilation surgeries.

HB24-1057 Prohibit Algorithmic Devices Used for Rent Setting This is one more slap at landlords. It won’t change much, but it is a typical nanny government bill. Passed House, PLV.

HB24-1061 Marijuana Industry & Social Equity “Social equity” is a very dangerous, and, ironically, inequitable concept. It is also a concept Polis is integrating into our state government systems and this is one more step in that direction.

HB24-1071 Name Change to Conform with Gender Identity The bill states that when incarcerated a person can change their legal name to conform with their new “gender identity.” Passed House, PLV.

HB24-1075 Analysis of Universal Health-Care Payment System Here we go again, this could become the worst bill of the year. This system will cost several times the general fund budget ($50 billion+) and it will inevitably put in place more rationing of medical care, while diminishing the quality of available care. If you doubt this, just look at the Canadian medical system. Passed committee, PLV.

HB24-1080 Youth Sports Personnel Requirements More mandatory reporters on the way… Passed third reading in House.

HB24-1083 Construction Professional Insurance Coverage Transparency Makes contractor AND subcontractors disclose workers comp insurance. This is nanny government creating much more red tape and therefore higher costs for everyone. Passed first committee.

HB24-1124 Discrimination in Places of Public Accomodation This makes nonprofit organizations subject to Colorado’s discrimination laws. It looks like a way to force nonprofit organizations to capitulate to the LBGT ideology. Passed first committee.

HB24-1150 False Slates of Electors Several provisions in this bill, but it looks like it is trying to fortify the enforcement of the National Popular Vote, if that ever becomes a reality. Passed House, PLV.

HB24-1163 Pet Animal Registration System Will require all pets to be registered with the state and an additional fee will be levied as well. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1169 Repeal Divest from Companies with Israel Prohibitions Law Another slap at Israel. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1170 Rights for Youth Division of Youth Services Facilities More transgender ideology in state statute. Passed third reading in House.

HB24-1174 Concealed Carry Permits & Training Turns over concealed carry instruction to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation. This will make concealed carry permits more difficult to obtain and renew. Passed House, PLV.

HB24-1175 Local Governments Rights to Property for Affordable Housing This is called socialism, where the government is given extra power to own and control more property. Passed first committee, PLV.

HB24-1229 Presumptive Eligibility for Long-Term Care Will allow all illegal aliens long-term care. Passed House second reading.

HB24-1245 Fair Labor Practice Requirements for Broadband Projects Favor unions for government projects.

HB24-1270 Firearm Liability Insurance Requirement Requires specific liability insurance for all gun owners.

HB24-1280 Welcome, Reception, & Integration Grant Program More sanctuary state laws. Passed first committee, PLV.

HB24-1292 Prohibit Certain Weapons Used in Mass Shootings Among many other prohibitions, bans the sale or transfer of most, if not all types of AR rifles.

HB24-1296 Modifications to the Colorado Open Records Act Pretty much guts Colorado’s open records act. This is a big step backward in government transparency. Passed first committee.

HB24-1310 School Safety Measures Another gun control bill. This one repeals the current law allowing schools to authorize conceal carry by school employees and sets up a new one with more stringent rules.

HB24-1330 Air Quality Permitting More regulations and restrictions on the oil an gas industry. Passed first committee, PLV.

HB24-1338 Cumulative Impacts & Environmental Justice The title of this bill is “Concerning measures to advance environmental justice by reducing cumulative impacts of air pollution.” This will become a dangerous weapon that government will have to bludgeon any business they deem as violating whatever environmental justice means, at that time…

HB24-1339 Disproportionately Impact Community Air Pollution More “Green New Deal” policies are on their way.

HB24-1341 State Vehicle Idling Standard How dare you think that it is a good idea to warm up your car on a bitterly cold morning?

HB24-1346 Energy & Carbon Management Regulation More control on our daily lives to chase their fictitious fear of carbon dioxide.

HB24-1348 Secure Firearm Storage in a Vehicle requires that guns in unattended vehicles be locked up in a trunk or hard case, effectively disarming citizens in their cars. Passed first committee, PLV.

HB24-1349 Firearms & Ammunition Excise Tax creates a new tax on guns and ammunition. At least (thanks to TABOR) it will require a vote of the people to go into effect.

HB24-1353 Firearms Dealer Requirements & Permit Creates a required stat firearms permit for all firearms dealers.

HB24-1363 Charter Schools Accountability This is a complicated bill that looks like it was written to make it more difficult to run a charter school and give local school districts the ability to shut down charter schools.

HB24-1366 Sustainable Local Government Community Planning Incorporates global warming nonsense into all local government planning.

HB24-1367 Repeal Severance Tax Exemption for Stripper Wells More attacks on Oil and Gas industry.

HB24-1375 Wild Carnivores & Livestock Nonlethal Coexistence This may require a new bill category: stupid bills. Among other things it creates “native-carnivore coexistence officers” within the department of wildlife.

SB24-014 Seal of Climate Literacy Diploma Endorsement I past over this one at first, but after a second look I realize this is a big corruption of our schools. It is giving special honors to any student who buys into the climate alarmism, and gives them this special distinction if they become actively involved in this destructive hoax. Passed Senate.

SB24-053 Racial Equity Study This is the first step toward the reparations madness. Passed second committee, PLV.

SB24-059 Children’s Behavioral Health Statewide System of Care This looks like a huge bureaucracy to monitor and manage all minors in Colorado, just waiting to be created… Passed first committee

SB24-065 Mobile Electronic Devices & Motor Vehicle Driving Banning hands on mobile phone use for all drivers in Colorado. Passed first committee.

SB24-084 Attorney General Duties to Prevent Mis- & Dis-information It is quite appropriate that this is numbered 84, as in the book by George Orwell: 1984. Whatever happened to the First Amendment? Passed first committee, PLV.

SB24-094 Safe Housing for Residential Tenants Here is another bill to make people feel good, but in reality it drives up the cost of renting and depresses the number of houses that are available to rent (because it makes being a landlord that much more difficult). Passed first committee, PLV.

SB24-123 Waste Tire Management Enterprise One more “enterprise” to work around TABOR. Passed first committee, PLV.

SB24-131 Prohibiting Carrying Firearms in Sensitive Spaces Prohibits carrying firearms in virtually any public space. This is a clear violation of Article II, section 3 of the Colorado constitution: “The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person, and property, or aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called in question; but nothing herein contained shall be construed to justify the practice of carrying concealed weapons.” This is because it will be impossible to defend one’s “person” (not to mention one’s family) if any one cannot bear arms in public.

SB24-159 Mod to Energy & Carbon Management Processes Designed to shut down the oil and gas industry in Colorado by prohibiting any new drilling permits after December 31, 2029. This is economic and scientific insanity! This bill would end the largest, most productive industry in Colorado. It would also drive up the costs of what energy might be left for the people of Colorado to incredible levels.

SB24-165 Air Quality Improvements It is aimed at shutting down or restricting Oil and gas operations in the North Front Range and restrict some transportation from May through September in 2025 and for all following years.

SB24-166 Air Quality Enforcement Significantly increases penalties for violations of the ultra strict emission standards in Colorado law.

5. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

Every Monday morning at 7:30 AM we gather via Zoom to discuss the latest issues here in Colorado and beyond. With your computer or phone please be a part of the discussion.

Meeting ID: 842 9470 1530

Passcode: 265885

One tap mobile
+17193594580,,84294701530#,,,,*265885# US

For Life and Liberty!

Kevin Lundberg
fmr Colorado State Senator

As the executive director for the Republican Study Committee of Colorado, I am working to keep this organization a powerful voice for conservative values in the Colorado legislature. We are a non-profit 501(c)4 organization, relying on contributions (which are not tax-deductible).

Donations can be sent to:

The Republican Study Committee of Colorado, P.O. Box 378, Berthoud, CO 80513.

March 9, 2024

1. DOJ Attacks the Freedom of the Press

2. HB24-1363 Will Allow School Districts to Close Charter Schools

3. Art Club Featured in Daily Citizen Magazine

4. Significant Bills for 2024

5. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

1. DOJ Attacks the Freedom of the Press

This week the Department of Justice arrested journalist Steve Baker. He was covering the J6 event, like dozens of other reporters, but he was singled out to be charged, probably because he works with conservative news companies. Currently he is with the Blaze, who prepared a thorough defense of his actions with this article. I recommend reading this report as it gives a rather complete record of what Mr. Baker really did on that day and strongly refutes the DOJ’s charges.

2. HB24-1363 Will Allow School Districts to Close Charter Schools

The short title to HB24-1363 is Charter Schools Accountability, but a more accurate title would be Allow Districts to Close Charter Schools. This is a complicated, 55 page bill that looks like it was written to make it more difficult to run a charter school and give local school districts the ability to shut down charter schools for a variety of reasons. It is a real threat to the future existence of charter schools in Colorado.

The bill removes the ultimate authority of the state school board to settle disputes between local districts and charter schools, instead making the local school board the final decision maker with such conflicts. It also allows local school boards to close charters if the district student population is shrinking, removes any limitations on how much funding the local district may keep from the charter’s per pupil funding and severely restricts how charters may use local school district’s surplus buildings.

This is a dangerous piece of legislation that should be killed before it has a chance to kill the best public schools in Colorado (charter schools).

3. Art Club Featured in Daily Citizen Magazine

Focus on the Family is highlighting my documentary, Art Club in their online magazine, Daily Citizen. It is encouraging to see this national exposure for this story of one family’s struggle with and victory over the gender ideology that is found in many public schools today.

On a related note, Protect Kids Colorado had two successes at the Colorado Title Board this week. We survived a challenge to our initiative that will prohibit men from participating in women’s sports in our public schools. The second is a measure that will prohibit the medicalization of minors for gender changing drugs and surgeries. That initiative was granted initial approval from the Title Board. Our other initiative, that the Title Board finally approved last week, is now being challenged in an appeal to the Colorado Supreme Court. The result of that appeal will not be determined until sometime in April.

4. Significant Bills for 2024

544 bills have been introduced. The inevitable list of really bad bills, and some good ones (that are probably destined to a party-line defeat) is growing at a very fast pace. Please note that the bad bill list is not exhaustive, these are just the worst ones I have snagged.

BTW, PLV means party line vote.

Good Bills

HB24-1022 Publish Bill Drafts Online before Session This will help the citizens to get a better view of upcoming bills. Passed first committee

HB24-1023 Civil Forfeiture Reform This is a system that needs much reform. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1026 Local Government Tax Payers’ Bill of Rights Prior Voter Approval Requirement Getting back to what TABOR is intended to require. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1029 Prohibit Foreign Ownership Agriculture & Natural Resources The title says it all. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1041 Streamline Filing Sales & Use Tax Returns Doesn’t do much, but every little bit helps. Passed senate committee.

HB24-1065 Reduction of State Income Tax Rate Lowers rate from 4.4% to 4.0%. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1106 Require Information about Abortion Pill Reversal Would require this information to be available with chemical abortion products. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1128 Enforcement of Federal Immigration Law This bill would return Colorado law to a more sane approach to immigration law. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1142 Reduce Income Tax Social Security Benefits Reducing taxes is a good idea.

HB24-1145 Modify Voter Registration Page on Secretary of State Website Gives the voter the option to vote in person rather than receive a mail ballot. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1166 Expand Homestead Exemptions Some additional property tax relief. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1224 Personhood of Living Unborn Human Child Good bill, little chance of surviving. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1279 Vote Tracking Number Elections Creates some election security. Killed in first committee, PLV.

SB24-092 Cost Effective Energy Codes Finally, common sense legislation that recognizes that laws may cost the individual citizen more than the law is worth. Killed in first committee, PLV.

SB24-098 Safety Clause Use Review This is a great idea! It requires all safety clauses on bills to be reviewed for their appropriateness. Killed in first committee, PLV.

SB24-144 Real Property Valuation Limits property assessment to no more than 6% per year. Killed in first committee, PLV.

Bad bills

HB24-1014 Deceptive Trade Practice Significant Impact Standard As I read this bill it is an open door for lawsuits. It eliminates the requirement that a deceptive trade lawsuit “significantly impacts the public.” Passed House.

HB24-1017 Bill of Rights for Foster Youth This bill will cut out foster families who are not supporting the transgender ideology. Passed House, PLV.

HB24-1028 Overdose Prevention Centers Drug injection sites are back. Passed first committee, PLV.

HB24-1039 Non-Legal Name Changes This one forces all public schools to play the pronoun game with their students and it sets up a task force to come up with a policy that will ultimately hide such transitioning from “non-supportive” parents. Passed third reading in House, PLV.

HB24-1040 Gender-Affirming Health-Care Provider Study This is a “study” designed to encourage and increase the number of medical facilities that transition kids with life changing drugs and mutilation surgeries.

HB24-1057 Prohibit Algorithmic Devices Used for Rent Setting This is one more slap at landlords. It won’t change much, but it is a typical nanny government bill. Passed House, PLV.

HB24-1061 Marijuana Industry & Social Equity “Social equity” is a very dangerous, and, ironically, inequitable concept. It is also a concept Polis is integrating into our state government systems and this is one more step in that direction.

HB24-1071 Name Change to Conform with Gender Identity The bill states that when incarcerated a person can change their legal name to conform with their new “gender identity.” Passed House, PLV.

HB24-1075 Analysis of Universal Health-Care Payment System Here we go again, this could become the worst bill of the year. This system will cost several times the general fund budget ($50 billion+) and it will inevitably put in place more rationing of medical care, while diminishing the quality of available care. If you doubt this, just look at the Canadian medical system. Passed committee, PLV.

HB24-1080 Youth Sports Personnel Requirements More mandatory reporters on the way… Passed third reading in House.

HB24-1083 Construction Professional Insurance Coverage Transparency Makes contractor AND subcontractors disclose workers comp insurance. This is nanny government creating much more red tape and therefore higher costs for everyone. Passed first committee.

HB24-1124 Discrimination in Places of Public Accomodation This makes nonprofit organizations subject to Colorado’s discrimination laws. It looks like a way to force nonprofit organizations to capitulate to the LBGT ideology. Passed first committee.

HB24-1150 False Slates of Electors Several provisions in this bill, but it looks like it is trying to fortify the enforcement of the National Popular Vote, if that ever becomes a reality. Passed first committee, PLV.

HB24-1163 Pet Animal Registration System Will require all pets to be registered with the state and an additional fee will be levied as well. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1169 Repeal Divest from Companies with Israel Prohibitions Law Another slap at Israel. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1170 Rights for Youth Division of Youth Services Facilities More transgender ideology in state statute. Passed third reading in House.

HB24-1174 Concealed Carry Permits & Training Turns over concealed carry instruction to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation. This will make concealed carry permits more difficult to obtain and renew. Passed first committee, PLV.

HB24-1175 Local Governments Rights to Property for Affordable Housing This is called socialism, where the government is given extra power to own and control more property. Passed first committeePLV.

HB24-1229 Presumptive Eligibility for Long-Term Care Will allow all illegal aliens long-term care. Passed first committee.

HB24-1245 Fair Labor Practice Requirements for Broadband Projects Favor unions for government projects.

HB24-1270 Firearm Liability Insurance Requirement Requires specific liability insurance for all gun owners.

HB24-1280 Welcome, Reception, & Integration Grant Program More sanctuary state laws. Passed first committee, PLV.

HB24-1292 Prohibit Certain Weapons Used in Mass Shootings Among many other prohibitions, bans the sale or transfer of most, if not all types of AR rifles.

HB24-1296 Modifications to the Colorado Open Records Act Pretty much guts Colorado’s open records act. This is a big step backward in government transparency. Passed first committee.

HB24-1310 School Safety Measures Another gun control bill. This one repeals the current law allowing schools to authorize conceal carry by school employees and sets up a new one with more stringent rules.

HB24-1330 Air Quality Permitting More regulations and restrictions on the oil an gas industry. Passed first committee, PLV.

HB24-1338 Cumulative Impacts & Environmental Justice The title of this bill is “Concerning measures to advance environmental justice by reducing cumulative impacts of air pollution.” This will become a dangerous weapon that government will have to bludgeon any business they deem as violating whatever environmental justice means, at that time…

HB24-1339 Disproportionately Impact Community Air Pollution More “Green New Deal” policies are on their way.

HB24-1341 State Vehicle Idling Standard How dare you think that it is a good idea to warm up your car on a bitterly cold morning?

HB24-1346 Energy & Carbon Management Regulation More control on our daily lives to chase their fictitious fear of carbon dioxide.

HB24-1348 Secure Firearm Storage in a Vehicle requires that guns in unattended vehicles be locked up in a trunk or hard case, effectively disarming citizens in their cars.

HB24-1349 Firearms & Ammunition Excise Tax creates a new tax on guns and ammunition. At least (thanks to TABOR) it will require a vote of the people to go into effect.

HB24-1353 Firearms Dealer Requirements & Permit Creates a required stat firearms permit for all firearms dealers.

HB24-1363 Charter Schools Accountability This is a complicated bill that looks like it was written to make it more difficult to run a charter school and give local school districts the ability to shut down charter schools.

SB24-014 Seal of Climate Literacy Diploma Endorsement I past over this one at first, but after a second look I realize this is a big corruption of our schools. It is giving special honors to any student who buys into the climate alarmism, and gives them this special distinction if they become actively involved in this destructive hoax. Passed first committee, PLV.

SB24-053 Racial Equity Study This is the first step toward the reparations madness. Passed second committee, PLV.

SB24-059 Children’s Behavioral Health Statewide System of Care This looks like a huge bureaucracy to monitor and manage all minors in Colorado, just waiting to be created… Passed first committee

SB24-065 Mobile Electronic Devices & Motor Vehicle Driving Banning hands on mobile phone use for all drivers in Colorado. Passed first committee.

SB24-084 Attorney General Duties to Prevent Mis- & Dis-information It is quite appropriate that this is numbered 84, as in the book by George Orwell: 1984. Whatever happened to the First Amendment? Passed first committee, PLV.

SB24-094 Safe Housing for Residential Tenants Here is another bill to make people feel good, but in reality it drives up the cost of renting and depresses the number of houses that are available to rent (because it makes being a landlord that much more difficult). Passed first committee, PLV.

SB24-123 Waste Tire Management Enterprise One more “enterprise” to work around TABOR. Passed first committee, PLV.

SB24-131 Prohibiting Carrying Firearms in Sensitive Spaces Prohibits carrying firearms in virtually any public space. This is a clear violation of Article II, section 3 of the Colorado constitution: “The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person, and property, or aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called in question; but nothing herein contained shall be construed to justify the practice of carrying concealed weapons.” This is because it will be impossible to defend one’s “person” (not to mention one’s family) if any one cannot bear arms in public.

SB24-159 Mod to Energy & Carbon Management Processes Designed to shut down the oil and gas industry in Colorado by prohibiting any new drilling permits after December 31, 2029. This is economic and scientific insanity! This bill would end the largest, most productive industry in Colorado. It would also drive up the costs of what energy might be left for the people of Colorado to incredible levels.

SB24-165 Air Quality Improvements It is aimed at shutting down or restricting Oil and gas operations in the North Front Range and restrict some transportation from May through September in 2025 and for all following years.

SB24-166 Air Quality Enforcement Significantly increases penalties for violations of the ultra strict emission standards in Colorado law.

5. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

Every Monday morning at 7:30 AM we gather via Zoom to discuss the latest issues here in Colorado and beyond. With your computer or phone please be a part of the discussion.

Meeting ID: 842 9470 1530

Passcode: 265885

One tap mobile
+17193594580,,84294701530#,,,,*265885# US

For Life and Liberty!

Kevin Lundberg
fmr Colorado State Senator

As the executive director for the Republican Study Committee of Colorado, I am working to keep this organization a powerful voice for conservative values in the Colorado legislature. We are a non-profit 501(c)4 organization, relying on contributions (which are not tax-deductible).

Donations can be sent to:

The Republican Study Committee of Colorado, P.O. Box 378, Berthoud, CO 80513.

March 2, 2024

1. More Good News from Wyoming

2. State Boards and Commission Openings

3. GOP Open Primary Lawsuit Needs Your Help

4. More Info on Election Integrity

5. Significant Bills for 2024

6 Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

1. More Good News from Wyoming

Take a look at what the Wyoming legislature is considering. It is a breath of fresh air to realize that not all state legislatures are as corrupt, woke and destructive as Colorado’s legislature.

2. State Boards and Commission Openings

Want to get involved? Here is a list of openings for state boards and commissions.

3. GOP Open Primary Lawsuit Needs Your Help

This is a short video I prepared about the GOP challenge to Colorado’s open primary. Please watch this three minute report and help us pass this around. Particularly we need to get this out to the caucuses this coming week (next Thursday) and the county assemblies that will be held later this month. Also, please share the link on social media and any other way you have to connect with friends and neighbors.

The link is

4. More Info on Election Integrity

Here is a very informative interview of Catherine Engelbrecht, who has been on the front lines of fighting for election integrity for many years. I highly recommend this interview.

5. Significant Bills for 2024

It is still February and already 523 bills have been introduced, the inevitable list of really bad bills, and some good ones (that are probably destined to a party-line defeat) is growing at a very fast pace. Please note that the bad bill list is not exhaustive, these are just the worst ones I have snagged.

BTW, PLV means party line vote.

Good Bills

HB24-1022 Publish Bill Drafts Online before Session This will help the citizens to get a better view of upcoming bills. Passed first committee

HB24-1023 Civil Forfeiture Reform This is a system that needs much reform. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1026 Local Government Tax Payers’ Bill of Rights Prior Voter Approval Requirement Getting back to what TABOR is intended to require. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1029 Prohibit Foreign Ownership Agriculture & Natural Resources The title says it all.

HB24-1041 Streamline Filing Sales & Use Tax Returns Doesn’t do much, but every little bit helps. Passed senate committee.

HB24-1065 Reduction of State Income Tax Rate Lowers rate from 4.4% to 4.0%. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1106 Require Information about Abortion Pill Reversal Would require this information to be available with chemical abortion products.

HB24-1128 Enforcement of Federal Immigration Law This bill would return Colorado law to a more sane approach to immigration law. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1142 Reduce Income Tax Social Security Benefits Reducing taxes is a good idea.

HB24-1145 Modify Voter Registration Page on Secretary of State Website Gives the voter the option to vote in person rather than receive a mail ballot. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1166 Expand Homestead Exemptions Some additional property tax relief.

HB24-1224 Personhood of Living Unborn Human Child Good bill, little chance of surviving.

HB24-1279 Vote Tracking Number Elections Creates some election security. Killed in first committee, PLV.

SB24-092 Cost Effective Energy Codes Finally, common sense legislation that recognizes that laws may cost the individual citizen more than the law is worth. Killed in first committee, PLV.

SB24-098 Safety Clause Use Review This is a great idea! It requires all safety clauses on bills to be reviewed for their appropriateness. Killed in first committee, PLV.

SB24-144 Real Property Valuation Limits property assessment to no more than 6% per year. Killed in first committee, PLV.

Bad bills

HB24-1014 Deceptive Trade Practice Significant Impact Standard As I read this bill it is an open door for lawsuits. It eliminates the requirement that a deceptive trade lawsuit “significantly impacts the public.” Passed House.

HB24-1017 Bill of Rights for Foster Youth This bill will cut out foster families who are not supporting the transgender ideology. Passed House, PLV.

HB24-1028 Overdose Prevention Centers Drug injection sites are back.

HB24-1039 Non-Legal Name Changes This one forces all public schools to play the pronoun game with their students and it sets up a task force to come up with a policy that will ultimately hide such transitioning from “non-supportive” parents. Passed third reading in House, PLV.

HB24-1040 Gender-Affirming Health-Care Provider Study This is a “study” designed to encourage and increase the number of medical facilities that transition kids with life changing drugs and mutilation surgeries.

HB24-1057 Prohibit Algorithmic Devices Used for Rent Setting This is one more slap at landlords. It won’t change much, but it is a typical nanny government bill. Passed first committee, PLV.

HB24-1061 Marijuana Industry & Social Equity “Social equity” is a very dangerous, and, ironically, inequitable concept. It is also a concept Polis is integrating into our state government systems and this is one more step in that direction.

HB24-1071 Name Change to Conform with Gender Identity The bill states that when incarcerated a person can change their legal name to conform with their new “gender identity.” Passed second reading in House.

HB24-1075 Analysis of Universal Health-Care Payment System Here we go again, this could become the worst bill of the year. This system will cost several times the general fund budget ($50 billion+) and it will inevitably put in place more rationing of medical care, while diminishing the quality of available care. If you doubt this, just look at the Canadian medical system. Passed second reading in House.

HB24-1080 Youth Sports Personnel Requirements More mandatory reporters on the way… Passed third reading in House.

HB24-1083 Construction Professional Insurance Coverage Transparency Makes contractor AND subcontractors disclose workers comp insurance. This is nanny government creating much more red tape and therefore higher costs for everyone. Passed first committee.

HB24-1124 Discrimination in Places of Public Accomodation This makes nonprofit organizations subject to Colorado’s discrimination laws. It looks like a way to force nonprofit organizations to capitulate to the LBGT ideology. Passed first committee.

HB24-1150 False Slates of Electors Several provisions in this bill, but it looks like it is trying to fortify the enforcement of the National Popular Vote, if that ever becomes a reality. Pased first committee, PLV.

HB24-1163 Pet Animal Registration System Will require all pets to be registered with the state and an additional fee will be levied as well. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1169 Repeal Divest from Companies with Israel Prohibitions Law Another slap at Israel. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1170 Rights for Youth Division of Youth Services Facilities More transgender ideology in state statute. Passed third reading in House.

HB24-1174 Concealed Carry Permits & Training Turns over concealed carry instruction to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation. This will make concealed carry permits more difficult to obtain and renew. Passed first committee, PLV.

HB24-1175 Local Governments Rights to Property for Affordable Housing This is called socialism, where the government is given extra power to own and control more property. Passed first committee, PLV.

HB24-1229 Presumptive Eligibility for Long-Term Care Will allow all illegal aliens long-term care.

HB24-1245 Fair Labor Practice Requirements for Broadband Projects Favor unions for government projects.

HB24-1270 Firearm Liability Insurance Requirement Requires specific liability insurance for all gun owners.

HB24-1280 Welcome, Reception, & Integration Grant Program More sanctuary state laws.

HB24-1292 Prohibit Certain Weapons Used in Mass Shootings Among many other prohibitions, bans the sale or transfer of most, if not all types of AR rifles.

HB24-1310 School Safety Measures Another gun control bill. This one repeals the current law allowing schools to authorize conceal carry by school employees and sets up a new one with more stringent rules.

HB24-1330 Air Quality Permitting More regulations and restrictions on the oil an gas industry.

HB24-1338 Cumulative Impacts & Environmental Justice The title of this bill is “Concerning measures to advance environmental justice by reducing cumulative impacts of air pollution.” This will become a dangerous weapon that government will have to bludgeon any business they deem as violating whatever environmental justice means, at that time…

HB24-1339 Disproportionately Impact Community Air Pollution More “Green New Deal” policies are on their way.

HB24-1341 State Vehicle Idling Standard How dare you think that it is a good idea to warm up your car on a bitterly cold morning?

HB24-1346 Energy & Carbon Management Regulation More control on our daily lives to chase their fictitious fear of carbon dioxide.

HB24-1348 Secure Firearm Storage in a Vehicle requires that guns in unattended vehicles be locked up in a trunk or hard case, effectively disarming citizens in their cars.

HB24-1349 Firearms & Ammunition Excise Tax creates a new tax on guns and ammunition. At least (thanks to TABOR) it will require a vote of the people to go into effect.

HB24-1353 Firearms Dealer Requirements & Permit Creates a required stat firearms permit for all firearms dealers.

SB24-014 Seal of Climate Literacy Diploma Endorsement I past over this one at first, but after a second look I realize this is a big corruption of our schools. It is giving special honors to any student who buys into the climate alarmism, and gives them this special distinction if they become actively involved in this destructive hoax. Passed first committee, PLV.

SB24-053 Racial Equity Study This is the first step toward the reparations madness. Passed second committee, PLV.

SB24-059 Children’s Behavioral Health Statewide System of Care This looks like a huge bureaucracy to monitor and manage all minors in Colorado, just waiting to be created… Passed first committee

SB24-065 Mobile Electronic Devices & Motor Vehicle Driving Banning hands on mobile phone use for all drivers in Colorado. Passed first committee.

SB24-084 Attorney General Duties to Prevent Mis- & Dis-information It is quite appropriate that this is numbered 84, as in the book by George Orwell: 1984. Whatever happened to the First Amendment? Passed first committee, PLV.

SB24-094 Safe Housing for Residential Tenants Here is another bill to make people feel good, but in reality it drives up the cost of renting and depresses the number of houses that are available to rent (because it makes being a landlord that much more difficult). Passed first committee, PLV.

SB24-123 Waste Tire Management Enterprise One more “enterprise” to work around TABOR. Passed first committee, PLV.

SB24-131 Prohibiting Carrying Firearms in Sensitive Spaces Prohibits carrying firearms in virtually any public space. This is a clear violation of Article II, section 3 of the Colorado constitution: “The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person, and property, or aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called in question; but nothing herein contained shall be construed to justify the practice of carrying concealed weapons.” This is because it will be impossible to defend one’s “person” (not to mention one’s family) if any one cannot bear arms in public.

SB24-159 Mod to Energy & Carbon Management Processes Designed to shut down the oil and gas industry in Colorado by prohibiting any new drilling permits after December 31, 2029. This is economic and scientific insanity! This bill would end the largest, most productive industry in Colorado. It would also drive up the costs of what energy might be left for the people of Colorado to incredible levels.

SB24-165 Air Quality Improvements It is aimed at shutting down or restricting Oil and gas operations in the North Front Range and restrict some transportation from May through September in 2025 and for all following years.

SB24-166 Air Quality Enforcement Significantly increases penalties for violations of the ultra strict emission standards in Colorado law.

6. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

Every Monday morning at 7:30 AM we gather via Zoom to discuss the latest issues here in Colorado and beyond. With your computer or phone please be a part of the discussion.

Meeting ID: 842 9470 1530

Passcode: 265885

One tap mobile
+17193594580,,84294701530#,,,,*265885# US

For Life and Liberty!

Kevin Lundberg
fmr Colorado State Senator

As the executive director for the Republican Study Committee of Colorado, I am working to keep this organization a powerful voice for conservative values in the Colorado legislature. We are a non-profit 501(c)4 organization, relying on contributions (which are not tax-deductible).

Donations can be sent to:

The Republican Study Committee of Colorado, P.O. Box 378, Berthoud, CO 80513.

February 24, 2024

1. Good News from Wyoming

2. Mail Ballot Voter Fraud

3. Does AI Now Mean Artificial Ignorance?

4. 40 Colorado GOP House Races are Empty

5. Art Club to be at Timberline Church on March 1

6. Significant Bills for 2024

7. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

1. Good News from Wyoming

We can use some good news. Here is a story about a major find of rare earth deposits in Wyoming that should dramatically change our dependence on China for these much needed minerals.

2. Mail Ballot Voter Fraud

Did you see this analysis of the 2020 election? Research into how voters deal with mail ballots is very troubling. For more information click here.

3. Does AI Now Mean Artificial Ignorance?

This week Google launched an AI program that cannot draw white people. Read more about this boondoggle here. I think this might have been Google’s “Bud Lite Moment,” as we can see clearly their intentional attempt at manipulating everyone to accept an irrational world view. It was ham-fisted and stupid. But they are so big they might have gotten away with it, and might still if we don’t stay vigilant.

It is good, however, to see the outcry that forced Google to take down that part of their program. We now are that much more aware of how manipulative big tech has become.

It is time for some good old-fashion competition to clean up this shocking revelation. Don’t forget, AI could start to stand for artificial ignorance.

4. 40 Colorado GOP House Races are Empty

40 Colorado House seats do not have any GOP candidates! It is still early in the election season (for legislative races) but with no GOP competition for well over half of the House districts, it is no wonder we are in the super minority. Check out your legislative districts and get involved! Caucuses and assemblies are just around the corner…

5. Art Club to be at Timberline Church on March 1

Timberline Church, at 2908 S Timberline Rd, Fort Collins, CO will host the documentary Art Club this coming Friday, March 1 at 6:45 PM. The showing is free to the public and will be held in the South Auditorium. Following the screening Jon and Erin Lee, the parents and Kevin Lundberg, the film maker will respond to questions and comments from the audience.

6. Significant Bills for 2024

It is still February and already 502 bills have been introduced, the inevitable list of really bad bills, and some good ones (that are probably destined to a party-line defeat) is growing at a very fast pace. Please note that the bad bill list is not exhaustive, these are just the worst ones I have snagged.

BTW, PLV means party line vote.

Good Bills

HB24-1022 Publish Bill Drafts Online before Session This will help the citizens to get a better view of upcoming bills. Passed first committee

HB24-1023 Civil Forfeiture Reform This is a system that needs much reform. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1026 Local Government Tax Payers’ Bill of Rights Prior Voter Approval Requirement Getting back to what TABOR is intended to require. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1029 Prohibit Foreign Ownership Agriculture & Natural Resources The title says it all.

HB24-1041 Streamline Filing Sales & Use Tax Returns Doesn’t do much, but every little bit helps. Passed House

HB24-1065 Reduction of State Income Tax Rate Lowers rate from 4.4% to 4.0%. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1106 Require Information about Abortion Pill Reversal Would require this information to be available with chemical abortion products.

HB24-1128 Enforcement of Federal Immigration Law This bill would return Colorado law to a more sane approach to immigration law. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1142 Reduce Income Tax Social Security Benefits Reducing taxes is a good idea.

HB24-1145 Modify Voter Registration Page on Secretary of State Website Gives the voter the option to vote in person rather than receive a mail ballot. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1166 Expand Homestead Exemptions Some additional property tax relief.

HB24-1224 Personhood of Living Unborn Human Child Good bill, little chance of surviving.

HB24-1279 Vote Tracking Number Elections Creates some election security.

SB24-092 Cost Effective Energy Codes Finally, common sense legislation that recognizes that laws may cost the individual citizen more than the law is worth.

SB24-098 Safety Clause Use Review This is a great idea! It requires all safety clauses on bills to be reviewed for their appropriateness. Killed in first committee, PLV.

SB24-144 Real Property Valuation Limits property assessment to no more than 6% per year.

Bad bills

HB24-1014 Deceptive Trade Practice Significant Impact Standard As I read this bill it is an open door for lawsuits. It eliminates the requirement that a deceptive trade lawsuit “significantly impacts the public.” Passed House.

HB24-1017 Bill of Rights for Foster Youth This bill will cut out foster families who are not supporting the transgender ideology. Passed House, PLV.

HB24-1028 Overdose Prevention Centers Drug injection sites are back.

HB24-1039 Non-Legal Name Changes This one forces all public schools to play the pronoun game with their students and it sets up a task force to come up with a policy that will ultimately hide such transitioning from “non-supportive” parents. Passed second reading in House.

HB24-1040 Gender-Affirming Health-Care Provider Study This is a “study” designed to encourage and increase the number of medical facilities that transition kids with life changing drugs and mutilation surgeries.

HB24-1057 Prohibit Algorithmic Devices Used for Rent Setting This is one more slap at landlords. It won’t change much, but it is a typical nanny government bill. Passed first committee, PLV.

HB24-1061 Marijuana Industry & Social Equity “Social equity” is a very dangerous, and, ironically, inequitable concept. It is also a concept Polis is integrating into our state government systems and this is one more step in that direction.

HB24-1071 Name Change to Conform with Gender Identity The bill states that when incarcerated a person can change their legal name to conform with their new “gender identity.” Passed second reading in House.

HB24-1075 Analysis of Universal Health-Care Payment System Here we go again, this could become the worst bill of the year. This system will cost several times the general fund budget ($50 billion+) and it will inevitably put in place more rationing of medical care, while diminishing the quality of available care. If you doubt this, just look at the Canadian medical system. Passed second reading in House.

HB24-1080 Youth Sports Personnel Requirements More mandatory reporters on the way… Passed second reading in House.

HB24-1083 Construction Professional Insurance Coverage Transparency Makes contractor AND subcontractors disclose workers comp insurance. This is nanny government creating much more red tape and therefore higher costs for everyone. Passed first committee.

HB24-1124 Discrimination in Places of Public Accomodation This makes nonprofit organizations subject to Colorado’s discrimination laws. It looks like a way to force nonprofit organizations to capitulate to the LBGT ideology.

HB24-1150 False Slates of Electors Several provisions in this bill, but it looks like it is trying to fortify the enforcement of the National Popular Vote, if that ever becomes a reality.

HB24-1163 Pet Animal Registration System Will require all pets to be registered with the state and an additional fee will be levied as well. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1169 Repeal Divest from Companies with Israel Prohibitions Law Another slap at Israel.

HB24-1170 Rights for Youth Division of Youth Services Facilities More transgender ideology in state statute. Passed second reading in House.

HB24-1174 Concealed Carry Permits & Training Turns over concealed carry instruction to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation. This will make concealed carry permits more difficult to obtain and renew. Passed first committee, PLV.

HB24-1175 Local Governments Rights to Property for Affordable Housing This is called socialism, where the government is given extra power to own and control more property. Passed first committee, PLV.

HB24-1229 Presumptive Eligibility for Long-Term Care Will allow all illegal aliens long-term care.

HB24-1245 Fair Labor Practice Requirements for Broadband Projects Favor unions for government projects.

HB24-1270 Firearm Liability Insurance Requirement Requires specific liability insurance for all gun owners.

HB24-1280 Welcome, Reception, & Integration Grant Program More sanctuary state laws.

HB24-1292 Prohibit Certain Weapons Used in Mass Shootings Among many other prohibitions, bans the sale or transfer of most, if not all types of AR rifles.

HB24-1310 School Safety Measures Another gun control bill. This one repeals the current law allowing schools to authorize conceal carry by school employees and sets up a new one with more stringent rules.

HB24-1330 Air Quality Permitting More regulations and restrictions on the oil an gas industry.

SB24-014 Seal of Climate Literacy Diploma Endorsement I past over this one at first, but after a second look I realize this is a big corruption of our schools. It is giving special honors to any student who buys into the climate alarmism, and gives them this special distinction if they become actively involved in this destructive hoax. Passed first committee, PLV.

SB24-053 Racial Equity Study This is the first step toward the reparations madness. Passed second committee, PLV.

SB24-059 Children’s Behavioral Health Statewide System of Care This looks like a huge bureaucracy to monitor and manage all minors in Colorado, just waiting to be created… Passed first committee

SB24-065 Mobile Electronic Devices & Motor Vehicle Driving Banning hands on mobile phone use for all drivers in Colorado. Passed first committee.

SB24-084 Attorney General Duties to Prevent Mis- & Dis-information It is quite appropriate that this is numbered 84, as in the book by George Orwell: 1984. Whatever happened to the First Amendment? Passed first committee, PLV.

SB24-094 Safe Housing for Residential Tenants Here is another bill to make people feel good, but in reality it drives up the cost of renting and depresses the number of houses that are available to rent (because it makes being a landlord that much more difficult).

SB24-123 Waste Tire Management Enterprise One more “enterprise” to work around TABOR.

SB24-131 Prohibiting Carrying Firearms in Sensitive Spaces Prohibits carrying firearms in virtually any public space. This is a clear violation of Article II, section 3 of the Colorado constitution: “The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person, and property, or aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called in question; but nothing herein contained shall be construed to justify the practice of carrying concealed weapons.” This is because it will be impossible to defend one’s “person” (not to mention one’s family) if any one cannot bear arms in public.

SB24-159 Mod to Energy & Carbon Management Processes Designed to shut down the oil and gas industry in Colorado by prohibiting any new drilling permits after December 31, 2029. This is economic and scientific insanity! This bill would end the largest, most productive industry in Colorado. It would also drive up the costs of what energy might be left for the people of Colorado to incredible levels.

SB24-165 Air Quality Improvements Still trying to digest this bill, but it looks like it is aimed at shutting down or restricting Oil and gas operations in the North Front Range and restrict some transportation from May through September in 2025 and following years.

7. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

Every Monday morning at 7:30 AM we gather via Zoom to discuss the latest issues here in Colorado and beyond. With your computer or phone please be a part of the discussion.

Meeting ID: 842 9470 1530

Passcode: 265885

One tap mobile
+17193594580,,84294701530#,,,,*265885# US

For Life and Liberty!

Kevin Lundberg
fmr Colorado State Senator

As the executive director for the Republican Study Committee of Colorado, I am working to keep this organization a powerful voice for conservative values in the Colorado legislature. We are a non-profit 501(c)4 organization, relying on contributions (which are not tax-deductible).

Donations can be sent to:

The Republican Study Committee of Colorado, P.O. Box 378, Berthoud, CO 80513.

February 17, 2024

1. Art Club Group Showings Growing

2. Defense of Tina Peters

3. Recent Really Bad Bills

4. Significant Bills for 2024

5. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

1. Art Club Group Showings Growing

Art Club was shown to the entire student body at Charis Bible College in Woodland Park this week. The documentary received a standing ovation from the hundreds of students who attended. The film is getting a great reception from all of the group showings and online views has now surpassed 37,000!

If you want to sponsor a showing at your church or other organization contact us at We can help make this a powerful event that will educate and motivate all the people who attend.

2. Defense of Tina Peters

To clear up the facts and in answer to the letter sent out by several former Colorado GOP secretaries of state and county clerks attorney John Case wrote a response in defense of former Mesa county clerk Tina Peters. Mr. Case’s letter can be found here. Before anyone is tempted to repeat any more scurrilous attacks on Tina I recommend reading this informative response given by John Case.

3. Recent Really Bad Bills

The bad bills are listed below, but the worst ones to come online this week include:

HB24-1270 Firearm Liability Insurance Requirement Requires specific liability insurance for all gun owners.

HB24-1292 Prohibit Certain Weapons Used in Mass Shootings Among many other prohibitions, bans the sale or transfer of most, if not all types of AR rifles.

SB24-131 Prohibiting Carrying Firearms in Sensitive Spaces Prohibits carrying firearms in virtually any public space.

SB24-159 Mod to Energy & Carbon Management Processes Designed to shut down the oil and gas industry in Colorado by prohibiting any new drilling permits after December 31, 2029.

For more details and more bills, read on…

4. Significant Bills for 2024

With 472 bills introduced, the inevitable list of really bad bills, and some good ones (that are probably destined to a party-line defeat) is growing at a very fast pace. Please note that the bad bill list is not exhaustive, these are just the worst ones I have snagged.

BTW, PLV means party line vote.

Good Bills

HB24-1022 Publish Bill Drafts Online before Session This will help the citizens to get a better view of upcoming bills.

HB24-1023 Civil Forfeiture Reform This is a system that needs much reform. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1026 Local Government Tax Payers’ Bill of Rights Prior Voter Approval Requirement Getting back to what TABOR is intended to require. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1029 Prohibit Foreign Ownership Agriculture & Natural Resources The title says it all.

HB24-1041 Streamline Filing Sales & Use Tax Returns Doesn’t do much, but every little bit helps. Passed Second Reading.

HB24-1065 Reduction of State Income Tax Rate Lowers rate from 4.4% to 4.0%. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1106 Require Information about Abortion Pill Reversal Would require this information to be available with chemical abortion products.

HB24-1128 Enforcement of Federal Immigration Law This bill would return Colorado law to a more sane approach to immigration law.

HB24-1142 Reduce Income Tax Social Security Benefits Reducing taxes is a good idea.

HB24-1145 Modify Voter Registration Page on Secretary of State Website Gives the voter the option to vote in person rather than receive a mail ballot. Killed in first committee, PLV.

HB24-1166 Expand Homestead Exemptions Some additional property tax relief.

HB24-1224 Personhood of Living Unborn Human Child Good bill, little chance of surviving.

HB24-1279 Vote Tracking Number Elections Creates some election security.

SB24-092 Cost Effective Energy Codes Finally, common sense legislation that recognizes that laws may cost the individual citizen more than the law is worth.

SB24-098 Safety Clause Use Review This is a great idea! It requires all safety clauses on bills to be reviewed for their appropriateness. Killed in first committee, PLV.

SB24-144 Real Property Valuation Limits property assessment to no more than 6% per year.

Bad bills

HB24-1014 Deceptive Trade Practice Significant Impact Standard As I read this bill it is an open door for lawsuits. It eliminates the requirement that a deceptive trade lawsuit “significantly impacts the public.” Passed House.

HB24-1017 Bill of Rights for Foster Youth This bill will cut out foster families who are not supporting the transgender ideology. Passed House, PLV.

HB24-1028 Overdose Prevention Centers Drug injection sites are back.

HB24-1039 Non-Legal Name Changes This one forces all public schools to play the pronoun game with their students and it sets up a task force to come up with a policy that will ultimately hide such transitioning from “non-supportive” parents. Passed first committee PLV.

HB24-1040 Gender-Affirming Health-Care Provider Study This is a “study” designed to encourage and increase the number of medical facilities that transition kids with life changing drugs and mutilation surgeries.

HB24-1057 Prohibit Algorithmic Devices Used for Rent Setting This is one more slap at landlords. It won’t change much, but it is a typical nanny government bill. Passed House, PLV.

HB24-1061 Marijuana Industry & Social Equity “Social equity” is a very dangerous, and, ironically, inequitable concept. It is also a concept Polis is integrating into our state government systems and this is one more step in that direction.

HB24-1071 Name Change to Conform with Gender Identity The bill states that when incarcerated a person can change their legal name to conform with their new “gender identity.” Passed first committee, PLV.

HB24-1075 Analysis of Universal Health-Care Payment System Here we go again, this could become the worst bill of the year. This system will cost several times the general fund budget ($50 billion+) and it will inevitably put in place more rationing of medical care, while diminishing the quality of available care. If you doubt this, just look at the Canadian medical system. Passed first committee PLV.

HB24-1080 Youth Sports Personnel Requirements More mandatory reporters on the way…

HB24-1083 Construction Professional Insurance Coverage Transparency Makes contractor AND subcontractors disclose workers comp insurance. This is nanny government creating much more red tape and therefore higher costs for everyone. Passed first committee.

HB24-1124 Discrimination in Places of Public Accomodation This makes nonprofit organizations subject to Colorado’s discrimination laws. It looks like a way to force nonprofit organizations to capitulate to the LBGT ideology.

HB24-1150 False Slates of Electors Several provisions in this bill, but it looks like it is trying to fortify the enforcement of the National Popular Vote, if that ever becomes a reality.

HB24-1163 Pet Animal Registration System Will require all pets to be registered with the state and an additional fee will be levied as well. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1169 Repeal Divest from Companies with Israel Prohibitions Law Another slap at Israel…

HB24-1170 Rights for Youth Division of Youth Services Facilities More transgender ideology in state statute.

HB24-1174 Concealed Carry Permits & Training More gun control regulations. Passed first committee, PLV.

HB24-1175 Local Governments Rights to Property for Affordable Housing This is called socialism, where the government is given extra power to own and control more property.

HB24-1174 Concealed Carry Permits & Training Turns over concealed carry instruction to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation. This will make concealed carry permits more difficult to obtain and renew.

HB24-1229 Presumptive Eligibility for Long-Term Care Will allow all illegal aliens long-term care.

HB24-1245 Fair Labor Practice Requirements for Broadband Projects Favor unions for government projects.

HB24-1270 Firearm Liability Insurance Requirement Requires specific liability insurance for all gun owners.

HB24-1280 Welcome, Reception, & Integration Grant Program More sanctuary state laws.

HB24-1292 Prohibit Certain Weapons Used in Mass Shootings Among many other prohibitions, bans the sale or transfer of most, if not all types of AR rifles.

SB24-014 Seal of Climate Literacy Diploma Endorsement I past over this one at first, but after a second look I realize this is a big corruption of our schools. It is giving special honors to any student who buys into the climate alarmism, and gives them this special distinction if they become actively involved in this destructive hoax. Passed first committee, PLV.

SB24-053 Racial Equity Study This is the first step toward the reparations madness. Passed first committee, PLV.

SB24-059 Children’s Behavioral Health Statewide System of Care This looks like a huge bureaucracy to monitor and manage all minors in Colorado, just waiting to be created…

SB24-065 Mobile Electronic Devices & Motor Vehicle Driving Banning hands on mobile phone use for all drivers in Colorado. Passed first committee.

SB24-084 Attorney General Duties to Prevent Mis- & Dis-information It is quite appropriate that this is numbered 84, as in the book by George Orwell: 1984. Whatever happened to the First Amendment? Passed first committee, PLV.

SB24-094 Safe Housing for Residential Tenants Here is another bill to make people feel good, but in reality it drives up the cost of renting and depresses the number of houses that are available to rent (because it makes being a landlord that much more difficult).

SB24-123 Waste Tire Management Enterprise One more “enterprise” to work around TABOR.

SB24-131 Prohibiting Carrying Firearms in Sensitive Spaces Prohibits carrying firearms in virtually any public space. This is a clear violation of Article II, section 3 of the Colorado constitution: “The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person, and property, or aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called in question; but nothing herein contained shall be construed to justify the practice of carrying concealed weapons.” This is because it will be impossible to defend one’s “person” (not to mention one’s family) if any one cannot bear arms in public.

SB24-159 Mod to Energy & Carbon Management Processes Designed to shut down the oil and gas industry in Colorado by prohibiting any new drilling permits after December 31, 2029. This is economic and scientific insanity! This bill would end the largest, most productive industry in Colorado. It would also drive up the costs of what energy might be left for the people of Colorado to incredible levels.

5. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

Every Monday morning at 7:30 AM we gather via Zoom to discuss the latest issues here in Colorado and beyond. With your computer or phone please be a part of the discussion. Please note that the Zoom link is a new link for 2024.

Meeting ID: 842 9470 1530

Passcode: 265885

One tap mobile
+17193594580,,84294701530#,,,,*265885# US

For Life and Liberty!

Kevin Lundberg
fmr Colorado State Senator

As the executive director for the Republican Study Committee of Colorado, I am working to keep this organization a powerful voice for conservative values in the Colorado legislature. We are a non-profit 501(c)4 organization, relying on contributions (which are not tax-deductible).

Donations can be sent to:

The Republican Study Committee of Colorado, P.O. Box 378, Berthoud, CO 80513.

February 10, 2024

1. The Colorado House: Are the Inmates Running the Asylum?

2. is Now Live

3. Election Deniers and Election Integrity

4. Bills for 2024

5. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

1. The Colorado House: Are the Inmates Running the Asylum?

This title is rather harsh, but it captures what is currently happening in the Colorado House of Representatives. This week family members of Israeli hostages came to our country to make our citizens more aware of the hostages that are still being held by the Hamas terrorists. 

They were scheduled to be acknowledged on the Colorado House floor at 9:45 AM, 15 minutes before the House was to officially start their session last Monday. At about 8:00 AM the House leadership cancelled the event, citing their concern that some of their members might disrupt the proceeding. The event was moved to the Senate chamber.

Say what? Apparently the ultra-radical left members of the House, who have already helped shut down the House this year with pro-Palestinian demonstrations threatens to do it again and all the Speaker can do is capitulate

The Colorado House of Representatives are constitutionally charged with the responsibility of conducting the People’s business for up to 120 days each year. Sanctions, censorship or expulsion should be exercised by this body to discipline their own members who obviously are not mature enough to conduct themselves in a manner fitting for the office of which they have been entrusted. And the leadership does not have sufficient understanding and/or backbone to enforce this necessity.

The inmates are now running the asylum.

2. is Now Live is the website we just launched for the coalition dedicated to cleaning up the transgender contagion in our public schools. We are working hard to put measures on the ballot that will stop this growing ideology from overwhelming our public schools. Please check out the website.

For more details on what is happening in our schools watch my documentary Art Club.

3. Election Deniers and Election Integrity

A true election denier is someone who denies the ever more obvious fact that our election systems, particularly in Colorado, are ripe for fraud at several levels and significant reforms are essential for true election integrity. I have presented much of this in previous editions of this report, (click here for the latest story I have found on this topic).

This past week an open letter was signed and sent out from most of the former Republican Colorado secretaries of state, county clerks and former county clerks. Unfortunately the letter was intended to condemn Tina Peters and once again deny the growing body of evidence that elections in Colorado and across the nation are in desperate need of serious reform. To read read their open letter click here.

To their insistence that all is well with our elections I have one response.

Prove it.

Stop assuring us that our elections are secure and accurate and give us the proof and actions that inspire confidence rather than the suspicions and distrust that hollow answers create. Clean up the dirty registration roles. Get rid of automatic voter registration and the all mail ballot system that pumps out hundreds of thousands of ballots to addresses that do not have valid voters living there. If electronic systems must be used do not use proprietary software that hides the counting process from any outside accountability. Better yet, return to precinct voting with hand counted paper ballots.

To the election professionals in Colorado I beg you to clean up your profession. Your credibility is totally shot and your actions and opinions, as evidenced by this latest letter, just reenforces our concerns with your credibility and our elections.

4. Significant Bills for 2024

With 378 bills introduced, the inevitable list of really bad bills, and some good ones (that are probably destined to a party-line defeat) is still growing at a very fast pace. Please note that the bad bill list is not exhaustive, these are just the worst ones I have snagged.

BTW, PLV means party line vote.

Good Bills

HB24-1022 Publish Bill Drafts Online before Session This will help the citizens to get a better view of upcoming bills.

HB24-1023 Civil Forfeiture Reform This is a system that needs much reform.

HB24-1026 Local Government Tax Payers’ Bill of Rights Prior Voter Approval Requirement Getting back to what TABOR is intended to require.

HB24-1029 Prohibit Foreign Ownership Agriculture & Natural Resources The title says it all.

HB24-1041 Streamline Filing Sales & Use Tax Returns Doesn’t do much, but every little bit helps.

HB24-1065 Reduction of State Income Tax Rate Lowers rate from 4.4% to 4.0%.

HB24-1106 Require Information about Abortion Pill Reversal Would require this information to be available with chemical abortion products.

HB24-1128 Enforcement of Federal Immigration Law This bill would return Colorado law to a more sane approach to immigration law.

HB24-1142 Reduce Income Tax Social Security Benefits Reducing taxes is a good idea.

HB24-1145 Modify Voter Registration Page on Secretary of State Website Gives the voter the option to vote in person rather than receive a mail ballot

HB24-1166 Expand Homestead Exemptions Some additional property tax relief.

HB24-1224 Personhood of Living Unborn Human Child Good bill, little chance of surviving.

SB24-092 Cost Effective Energy Codes Finally, common sense legislation that recognizes that laws may cost the individual citizen more than the law is worth.

SB24-098 Safety Clause Use Review This is a great idea! It requires all safety clauses on bills to be reviewed for their appropriateness.

SB24-144 Real Property Valuation Limits property assessment to no more than 6% per year.

Bad bills

HB24-1014 Deceptive Trade Practice Significant Impact Standard As I read this bill it is an open door for lawsuits. It eliminates the requirement that a deceptive trade lawsuit “significantly impacts the public.”

HB24-1017 Bill of Rights for Foster Youth This bill will cut out foster families who are not supporting the transgender ideology.

HB24-1028 Overdose Prevention Centers Drug injection sites are back.

HB24-1039 Non-Legal Name Changes This one forces all public schools to play the pronoun game with their students and it sets up a task force to come up with a policy that will ultimately hide such transitioning from “non-supportive” parents. Passed first committee PLV.

HB24-1040 Gender-Affirming Health-Care Provider Study This is a “study” designed to encourage and increase the number of medical facilities that transition kids with life changing drugs and mutilation surgeries.

HB24-1057 Prohibit Algorithmic Devices Used for Rent Setting This is one more slap at landlords. It won’t change much, but it is a typical nanny government bill.

HB24-1061 Marijuana Industry & Social Equity “Social equity” is a very dangerous, and, ironically, inequitable concept. It is also a concept Polis is integrating into our state government systems and this is one more step in that direction.

HB24-1071 Name Change to Conform with Gender Identity The bill states that when incarcerated a person can change their legal name to conform with their new “gender identity.”

HB24-1075 Analysis of Universal Health-Care Payment System Here we go again, this could become the worst bill of the year. This system will cost several times the general fund budget ($50 billion+) and it will inevitably put in place more rationing of medical care, while diminishing the quality of available care. If you doubt this, just look at the Canadian medical system. Passed first committee PLV.

HB24-1080 Youth Sports Personnel Requirements More mandatory reporters on the way…

HB24-1083 Construction Professional Insurance Coverage Transparency Makes contractor AND subcontractors disclose workers comp insurance. This is nanny government creating much more red tape and therefore higher costs for everyone.

HB24-1124 Discrimination in Places of Public Accomodation This makes nonprofit organizations subject to Colorado’s discrimination laws. It looks like a way to force nonprofit organizations to capitulate to the LBGT ideology.

HB24-1150 False Slates of Electors Several provisions in this bill, but it looks like it is trying to fortify the enforcement of the National Popular Vote, if that ever becomes a reality.

HB24-1169 Repeal Divest from Companies with Israel Prohibitions Law Another slap at Israel…

HB24-1170 Rights for Youth Division of Youth Services Facilities More transgender ideology in state statute.

HB24-1174 Concealed Carry Permits & Training More gun control regulations.

HB24-1175 Local Governments Rights to Property for Affordable Housing This is called socialism, where the government is given extra power to own and control more property.

SB24-014 Seal of Climate Literacy Diploma Endorsement I past over this one at first, but after a second look I realize this is a big corruption of our schools. It is giving special honors to any student who buys into the climate alarmism, and gives them this special distinction if they become actively involved in this destructive hoax.

HB24-1163 Pet Animal Registration System Will require all pets to be registered with the state and an additional fee will be levied as well. Killed in first committee.

HB24-1174 Concealed Carry Permits & Training Turns over concealed carry instruction to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation. This will make concealed carry permits more difficult to obtain and renew.

SB24-053 Racial Equity Study This is the first step toward the reparations madness.

SB24-059 Children’s Behavioral Health Statewide System of Care This looks like a huge bureaucracy to monitor and manage all minors in Colorado, just waiting to be created…

SB24-065 Mobile Electronic Devices & Motor Vehicle Driving Banning hands on mobile phone use for all drivers in Colorado. Passed first committee.

SB24-084 Attorney General Duties to Prevent Mis- & Dis-information It is quite appropriate that this is numbered 84, as in the book by George Orwell: 1984. Whatever happened to the First Amendment?

SB24-094 Safe Housing for Residential Tenants Here is another bill to make people feel good, but in reality it drives up the cost of renting and depresses the number of houses that are available to rent (because it makes being a landlord that much more difficult).

SB24-123 Waste Tire Management Enterprise One more “enterprise” to work around TABOR.

SB24-131 Prohibiting Carrying Firearms in Sensitive Spaces Prohibits carrying firearms in virtually any public space. This is a clear violation of Article II, section 3 of the Colorado constitution: “The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person, and property, or aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called in question; but nothing herein contained shall be construed to justify the practice of carrying concealed weapons.” This is because it will be impossible to defend one’s “person” (not to mention one’s family) if any one cannot bear arms in public.

SB24-159 Mod to Energy & Carbon Management Processes Designed to shut down the oil and gas industry in Colorado by prohibiting any new drilling permits after December 31, 2029. This is economic and scientific insanity! This bill would end the largest, most productive industry in Colorado. It would also drive up the costs of what energy might be left for the people of Colorado to incredible levels.

5. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

Every Monday morning at 7:30 AM we gather via Zoom to discuss the latest issues here in Colorado and beyond. With your computer or phone please be a part of the discussion. Please note that the Zoom link is a new link for 2024.

Meeting ID: 842 9470 1530

Passcode: 265885

One tap mobile
+17193594580,,84294701530#,,,,*265885# US

For Life and Liberty!

Kevin Lundberg
fmr Colorado State Senator

As the executive director for the Republican Study Committee of Colorado, I am working to keep this organization a powerful voice for conservative values in the Colorado legislature. We are a non-profit 501(c)4 organization, relying on contributions (which are not tax-deductible).

Donations can be sent to:

The Republican Study Committee of Colorado, P.O. Box 378, Berthoud, CO 80513.

February 3, 2024

1. Legislative Updates on The Kim Monson Show

2. Interview on Wallbuilders Live

3. Shutting Down Coal and Gas Electric Utilities

4. Bills for 2024

5. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

1. Legislative Updates on The Kim Monson Show

This past Tuesday I started a regular report on The Kim Monson Show, to be live every Tuesday morning at 6:17 during the legislative session. Her program is aired on KLZ, 560 AM. I am scheduled to talk with Kim on air for the rest of that hour of programing. Please tune in when you can. Here is a link to the program earlier this week.

2. Interview on Wallbuilders Live

On the subject of radio, I was honored to talk about the documentary Art Club on Wallbuilders Live, a program aired on hundreds of stations across the country. Click here for that interview.

3. Shutting Down Coal and Gas Electric Utilities

Michael Bloomberg, who has been pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into shutting down our major sources of electric power has upped his effort to a billion dollars. For more specific information click here.

4. Significant Bills for 2024

With 295 bills introduced, the inevitable list of really bad bills, and some good ones (that are probably destined to a party-line defeat) is still growing at a very fast pace. Please note that the bad bill list is not exhaustive, these are just the worst ones I have snagged.

Good Bills

HB24-1022 Publish Bill Drafts Online before Session This will help the citizens to get a better view of upcoming bills.

HB24-1023 Civil Forfeiture Reform This is a system that needs much reform.

HB24-1026 Local Government Tax Payers’ Bill of Rights Prior Voter Approval Requirement Getting back to what TABOR is intended to require.

HB24-1029 Prohibit Foreign Ownership Agriculture & Natural Resources The title says it all.

HB24-1041 Streamline Filing Sales & Use Tax Returns Doesn’t do much, but every little bit helps.

HB24-1065 Reduction of State Income Tax Rate Lowers rate from 4.4% to 4.0%.

HB24-1106 Require Information about Abortion Pill Reversal Would require this information to be available with chemical abortion products.

HB24-1128 Enforcement of Federal Immigration Law This bill would return Colorado law to a more sane approach to immigration law.

HB24-1142 Reduce Income Tax Social Security Benefits Reducing taxes is a good idea.

HB24-1145 Modify Voter Registration Page on Secretary of State Website Gives the voter the option to vote in person rather than receive a mail ballot

HB24-1166 Expand Homestead Exemptions Some additional property tax relief.

SB24-092 Cost Effective Energy Codes Finally, common sense legislation that recognizes that laws may cost the individual citizen more than the law is worth.

SB24-098 Safety Clause Use Review This is a great idea! It requires all safety clauses on bills to be reviewed for their appropriateness.

Bad bills

HB24-1014 Deceptive Trade Practice Significant Impact Standard As I read this bill it is an open door for lawsuits. It eliminates the requirement that a deceptive trade lawsuit “significantly impacts the public.”

HB24-1017 Bill of Rights for Foster Youth This bill will cut out foster families who are not supporting the transgender ideology.

HB24-1028 Overdose Prevention Centers Drug injection sites are back.

HB24-1039 Non-Legal Name Changes This one forces all public schools to play the pronoun game with their students and it sets up a task force to come up with a policy that will ultimately hide such transitioning from “non-supportive” parents.

HB24-1040 Gender-Affirming Health-Care Provider Study This is a “study” designed to encourage and increase the number of medical facilities that transition kids with life changing drugs and mutilation surgeries.

HB24-1057 Prohibit Algorithmic Devices Used for Rent Setting This is one more slap at landlords. It won’t change much, but it is a typical nanny government bill.

HB24-1061 Marijuana Industry & Social Equity “Social equity” is a very dangerous, and, ironically, inequitable concept. It is also a concept Polis is integrating into our state government systems and this is one more step in that direction.

HB24-1071 Name Change to Conform with Gender Identity The bill states that when incarcerated a person can change their legal name to conform with their new “gender identity.”

HB24-1075 Analysis of Universal Health-Care Payment System Here we go again, this could become the worst bill of the year. This system will cost several times the general fund budget ($50 billion+) and it will inevitably put in place more rationing of medical care, while diminishing the quality of available care. If you doubt this, just look at the Canadian medical system.

HB24-1080 Youth Sports Personnel Requirements More mandatory reporters on the way…

HB24-1083 Construction Professional Insurance Coverage Transparency Makes contractor AND subcontractors disclose workers comp insurance. This is nanny government creating much more red tape and therefore higher costs for everyone.

HB24-1124 Discrimination in Places of Public Accomodation This makes nonprofit organizations subject to Colorado’s discrimination laws. It looks like a way to force nonprofit organizations to capitulate to the LBGT ideology.

HB24-1150 False Slates of Electors Several provisions in this bill, but it looks like it is trying to fortify the enforcement of the National Popular Vote, if that ever becomes a reality.

HB24-1169 Repeal Divest from Companies with Israel Prohibitions Law Another slap at Israel…

HB24-1170 Rights for Youth Division of Youth Services Facilities More transgender ideology in state statute.

SB24-014 Seal of Climate Literacy Diploma Endorsement I past over this one at first, but after a second look I realize this is a big corruption of our schools. It is giving special honors to any student who buys into the climate alarmism, and gives them this special distinction if they become actively involved in this destructive hoax.

HB24-1163 Pet Animal Registration System Will require all pets to be registered with the state and an additional fee will be levied as well.

HB24-1174 Concealed Carry Permits & Training Turns over concealed carry instruction to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation. This will make concealed carry permits more difficult to obtain and renew.

SB24-053 Racial Equity Study This is the first step toward the reparations madness.

SB24-059 Children’s Behavioral Health Statewide System of Care This looks like a huge bureaucracy to monitor and manage all minors in Colorado, just waiting to be created…

SB24-065 Mobile Electronic Devices & Motor Vehicle Driving Banning hands on mobile phone use for all drivers in Colorado.

SB24-084 Attorney General Duties to Prevent Mis- & Dis-information It is quite appropriate that this is numbered 84, as in the book by George Orwell: 1984. Whatever happened to the First Amendment?

SB24-094 Safe Housing for Residential Tenants Here is another bill to make people feel good, but in reality it drives up the cost of renting and depresses the number of houses that are available to rent (because it makes being a landlord that much more difficult).

5. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

Every Monday morning at 7:30 AM we gather via Zoom to discuss the latest issues here in Colorado and beyond. With your computer or phone please be a part of the discussion. Please note that the Zoom link is a new link for 2024.

Meeting ID: 842 9470 1530

Passcode: 265885

One tap mobile
+17193594580,,84294701530#,,,,*265885# US

For Life and Liberty!

Kevin Lundberg
fmr Colorado State Senator

As the executive director for the Republican Study Committee of Colorado, I am working to keep this organization a powerful voice for conservative values in the Colorado legislature. We are a non-profit 501(c)4 organization, relying on contributions (which are not tax-deductible).

Donations can be sent to:

The Republican Study Committee of Colorado, P.O. Box 378, Berthoud, CO 80513.

January 27, 2024

1. Protecting Kids Colorado – Title Board Update

2. Election Integrity?

3. Chinese Party Members Buying up U.S. Farmland

4. Report on Larimer County Property Tax Issues

5. Bills for 2024

6. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

1. Protecting Kids Colorado – Title Board Update

As I suspected, the parental rights initiative approved by the Title Board last week was challenged by our opponents and we will be back in front of the title board defending this important proposed citizen initiative one more time…

2. Election Integrity?

Here is a recent example of how vulnerable the electronic voting systems have become. In this article (which contains detailed analysis of the problems) professor Halderman demonstrated before a judge in Georgia how easy it is to hack into the Dominion systems.

3. Chinese Party Members Buying up U.S. Farmland

Nearly 400,000 acres of U.S. farmland are owned by Chinese interests. This article is particularly relevant to the Colorado legislature because of HB24-1029 Prohibit Foreign Ownership Agriculture & Natural Resources.

4. Report on Larimer County Property Tax Issues

Here is an analysis, written by Larry Sarner, of how Larimer County officials handled (or mishandled) the huge tax windfall they will get from the property owners here in Larimer County

5. Significant Bills for 2024

With 224 bills introduced, the inevitable list of really bad bills, and some good ones (that are probably destined to a party-line defeat) is increasing.

Good Bills

HB24-1022 Publish Bill Drafts Online before Session This will help the citizens to get a better view of upcoming bills.

HB24-1023 Civil Forfeiture Reform This is a system that needs much reform.

HB24-1026 Local Government Tax Payers’ Bill of Rights Prior Voter Approval Requirement Getting back to what TABOR is intended to require.

HB24-1029 Prohibit Foreign Ownership Agriculture & Natural Resources The title says it all.

HB24-1041 Streamline Filing Sales & Use Tax Returns Doesn’t do much, but every little bit helps.

HB24-1065 Reduction of State Income Tax Rate Lowers rate from 4.4% to 4.0%.

HB24-1106 Require Information about Abortion Pill Reversal Would require this information to be available with chemical abortion products.

SB24-092 Cost Effective Energy Codes Finally, common sense legislation that recognizes that laws may cost the individual citizen more than the law is worth.

SB24-098 Safety Clause Use Review This is a great idea! It requires all safety clauses on bills to be reviewed for their appropriateness.

Bad bills

HB24-1014 Deceptive Trade Practice Significant Impact Standard As I read this bill it is an open door for lawsuits. It eliminates the requirement that a deceptive trade lawsuit “significantly impacts the public.”

HB24-1028 Overdose Prevention Centers Drug injection sites are back.

HB24-1039 Non-Legal Name Changes This one forces all public schools to play the pronoun game with their students and it sets up a task force to come up with a policy that will ultimately hide such transitioning from “non-supportive” parents.

HB24-1040 Gender-Affirming Health-Care Provider Study This is a “study” designed to encourage and increase the number of medical facilities that transition kids with life changing drugs and mutilation surgeries.

HB24-1057 Prohibit Algorithmic Devices Used for Rent Setting This is one more slap at landlords. It won’t change much, but it is a typical nanny government bill.

HB24-1061 Marijuana Industry & Social Equity “Social equity” is a very dangerous, and, ironically, inequitable concept. It is also a concept Polis is integrating into our state government systems and this is one more step in that direction.

HB24-1071 Name Change to Conform with Gender Identity The bill states that when incarcerated a person can change their legal name to conform with their new “gender identity.”

HB24-1075 Analysis of Universal Health-Care Payment System Here we go again, this could become the worst bill of the year. This system will cost several times the general fund budget ($50 billion+) and it will inevitably put in place more rationing of medical care, while diminishing the quality of available care. If you doubt this, just look at the Canadian medical system.

HB24-1080 Youth Sports Personnel Requirements More mandatory reporters on the way…

HB24-1083 Construction Professional Insurance Coverage Transparency Makes contractor AND subcontractors disclose workers comp insurance. This is nanny government creating much more red tape and therefore higher costs for everyone.

SB24-014 Seal of Climate Literacy Diploma Endorsement I past over this one at first, but after a second look I realize this is a big corruption of our schools. It is giving special honors to any student who buys into the climate alarmism, and gives them this special distinction if they become actively involved in this destructive hoax.

SB24-053 Racial Equity Study This is the first step toward the reparations madness.

SB24-059 Children’s Behavioral Health Statewide System of Care This looks like a huge bureaucracy to monitor and manage all minors in Colorado, just waiting to be created…

SB24-065 Mobile Electronic Devices & Motor Vehicle Driving Banning hands on mobile phone use for all drivers in Colorado.

SB24-084 Attorney General Duties to Prevent Mis- & Dis-information It is quite appropriate that this is numbered 84, as in the book by George Orwell: 1984. Whatever happened to the First Amendment?

SB24-094 Safe Housing for Residential Tenants Here is another bill to make people feel good, but in reality it drives up the cost of renting and depresses the number of houses that are available to rent (because it makes being a landlord that much more difficult).

4. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

Every Monday morning at 7:30 AM we gather via Zoom to discuss the latest issues here in Colorado and beyond. With your computer or phone please be a part of the discussion. Please note that the Zoom link is a new link for 2024.

Meeting ID: 842 9470 1530

Passcode: 265885

One tap mobile
+17193594580,,84294701530#,,,,*265885# US

For Life and Liberty!

Kevin Lundberg
fmr Colorado State Senator

As the executive director for the Republican Study Committee of Colorado, I am working to keep this organization a powerful voice for conservative values in the Colorado legislature. We are a non-profit 501(c)4 organization, relying on contributions (which are not tax-deductible).

Donations can be sent to:

The Republican Study Committee of Colorado,P.O. Box 378, Berthoud, CO 80513.

The Republican Study Committee of Colorado

January 20, 2024

1. Protecting Kids Colorado – Title Board Report

2. Open Primary Lawsuit Reception with John Eastman

3. Hertz Dumping EV Vehicles

4. Ban Meat by 2025?

5. Bills for 2024

6. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

1. Protecting Kids Colorado – Title Board Report

This past week PKC (Protecting Kids Colorado) was before the Colorado Title Board seeking permission to run three initiatives. The first was concerning banning men from playing in public school women’s sports. The Title Board had already approved this measure, but it was challenged as not a constitutionally required single subject. The board bent over backwards to change their earlier ruling and rejected this important question for Colorado voters. I reminded the board that these legalistic contortions they make to reject a perfectly constitutional proposal is, at best, “remarkable” (I was trying to be diplomatic, as we will be in front of them for other measures). I also noted that the standard they set for single subject determination would never be considered a legitimate ruling in the legislature. I

t didn’t matter, their minds were made up and the measure died.

The next up was a constitutional provision adding parental rights to the Colorado Bill of Rights. They rejected it as well. Finally a statutory parental bill of rights was considered and they did approve this one, but it can be challenged. We expect it will and it may find the same fate as the men in women’s sports measure.

However, we have four more parental rights proposals and are working on three more men in women’s sports proposals. Stay tuned, we are not giving up!

2. Open Primary Lawsuit Reception with John Eastman

This coming week the GOP lawsuit challenging the open primary will be in court here in Denver. The hearing is to argue for a preliminary injunction for the lawsuit. On this coming Tuesday evening our lead attorney, John Eastman will give a report to interested donors concerning the hearing and lawsuit overall. This is rather late notice, but if you are interested in attending this reception for lawsuit donors please contact Brenda King at Space is limited for this private meeting with Dr. Eastman, so please contact Brenda as soon as you can. The reception will be held in the Greenwood Village area of Denver. Please tell Brenda I recommended you consider this opportunity.

3. Hertz Dumping EV Vehicles

Lets put this one under the heading “I told you so.” Here is a story about Hertz, who announced they will sell off 20,000 electric vehicles because no one wants to rent them. I don’t have the link here, but I also ran across an article today announcing Ford is ramping down their electric pickup production. It’s the same story, nobody wants them.

4. Ban Meat by 2025?

And just before you thought it couldn’t get any worse, this story is about a World Health Organization official who wants to ban meat and dairy consumption by 2025. Yes, you read that right, 2025, next year…

3. Significant Bills for 2024

With 155 bills introduced, the inevitable list of bad bills is increasing.

And as if that was not bad enough, a resolution “honoring ” Roe V. Wade was introduced. Here is what the House Republicans had to say about it.

Good Bills

HB24-1022 Publish Bill Drafts Online before Session This will help the citizens to get a better view of upcoming bills.

HB24-1023 Civil Forfeiture Reform This is a system that needs much reform.

HB24-1026 Local Government Tax Payers’ Bill of Rights Prior Voter Approval Requirement Getting back to what TABOR is intended to require.

HB24-1029 Prohibit Foreign Ownership Agriculture & Natural Resources The title says it all.

HB24-1041 Streamline Filing Sales & Use Tax Returns Doesn’t do much, but every little bit helps.

HB24-1065 Reduction of State Income Tax Rate Lowers rate from 4.4% to 4.0%.

Bad bills

HB24-1014 Deceptive Trade Practice Significant Impact Standard As I read this bill it is an open door for lawsuits. It eliminates the requirement that a deceptive trade lawsuit “significantly impacts the public.”

HB24-1028 Overdose Prevention Centers Drug injection sites are back.

HB24-1039 Non-Legal Name Changes This one forces all public schools to play the pronoun game with their students and it sets up a task force to come up with a policy that will ultimately hide such transitioning from “non-supportive” parents.

HB24-1040 Gender-Affirming Health-Care Provider Study This is a “study” designed to encourage and increase the number of medical facilities that transition kids.

HB24-1057 Prohibit Algorithmic Devices Used for Rent Setting This is one more slap at landlords. It won’t change much, but it is a typical nanny government bill.

HB24-1061 Marijuana Industry & Social Equity “Social equity” is a very dangerous, and, ironically, inequitable concept.

HB24-1075 Analysis of Universal Health-Care Payment System Here we go again, this could become the worst bill of the year.

HB24-1080 Youth Sports Personnel Requirements More mandatory reporters on the way…

HB24-1083 Construction Professional Insurance Coverage Transparency Makes contractor AND subcontractors disclose workers comp insurance. This is nanny government creating much more red tape and therefore higher costs for everyone.

SB24-053 Racial Equity Study This is the first step toward the reparations madness.

SB24-059 Children’s Behavioral Health Statewide System of Care This looks like a huge bureaucracy to monitor and manage all minors in Colorado, just waiting to be created…

SB24-065 Mobile Electronic Devices & Motor Vehicle Driving Banning hands on mobile phone use for all drivers in Colorado.

4. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is Every Monday

Every Monday morning at 7:30 AM we gather via Zoom to discuss the latest issues here in Colorado and beyond. With your computer or phone please be a part of the discussion. Please note that the Zoom link is a new link for 2024.

Meeting ID: 842 9470 1530

Passcode: 265885

One tap mobile
+17193594580,,84294701530#,,,,*265885# US

For Life and Liberty!

Kevin Lundberg
fmr Colorado State Senator

As the executive director for the Republican Study Committee of Colorado, I am working to keep this organization a powerful voice for conservative values in the Colorado legislature. We are a non-profit 501(c)4 organization, relying on contributions (which are not tax-deductible).

Donations can be sent to:

The Republican Study Committee of Colorado,P.O. Box 378, Berthoud, CO 80513.

The Republican Study Committee of Colorado

January 13, 2024

1. 2024 Session Begins

2. Protecting Kids Colorado

3. Significant Bills for 2024

3. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is this Coming Monday, January 15

1. 2024 Session Begins

With a great deal of fanfare (which is typical) and very little substance, the Colorado 2024 legislative session began this week. Being an election year the extreme issues may tone down a bit, but even on the opening day several ugly ideas have cropped up in the bill lists (see list below).

2. Protecting Kids Colorado

Last week I introduced an effort to bypass this far left legislature and governor with a group of citizens who will work on initiatives to mitigate the out-of-control contagion of transing kids in Colorado. This week we officially formed the organization and call it Protecting Kids Colorado. As background I recommend watching my recent documentary, Art Club. In addition check out this publication from the Colorado Department of Human Services. It is shocking to see how much authority has already been stripped from parents and guardians in Colorado.

That is why we have started Protecting Kids Colorado. We are currently in the process of submitting several initiatives to the Colorado Title Board and hope to have approval to print initiative petitions and collect signatures from across the state. It is a huge task and we are going to need help in many ways. We need signature gatherers, funds to print the petitions, people to coordinate all that needs to be done, etc, etc..

We are working to set up a website, but for now checks and other comments can be made out to and sent by mail to Protect Kids Colorado, 216 Cobblestone Dr., Colorado Springs, Colorado, 80906. Protect Kids Colorado is a 501(c)4 organization. Contributions are not tax deductible if you itemize your contributions.

3. Significant Bills for 2024

Three days into the session and we already have 139 bills introduced. Here are the ones to watch:

Good Bills

HB24-1022 Publish Bill Drafts Online before Session This will help the citizens to get a better view of upcoming bills.

HB24-1023 Civil Forfeiture Reform This is a system that needs much reform.

HB24-1026 Local Government Tax Payers’ Bill of Rights Prior Voter Approval Requirement Getting back to what TABOR is intended to require.

HB24-1029 Prohibit Foreign Ownership Agriculture & Natural Resources The title says it all.

HB24-1041 Streamline Filing Sales & Use Tax Returns Doesn’t do much, but every little bit helps.

HB24-1065 Reduction of State Income Tax Rate Lowers rate from 4.4% to 4.0%.

Bad bills

HB24-1014 Deceptive Trade Practice Significant Impact Standard As I read this bill it is an open door for lawsuits. It eliminates the requirement that a deceptive trade lawsuit “significantly impacts the public.”

HB24-1028 Overdose Prevention Centers Drug injection sites are back.

HB24-1039 Non-Legal Name Changes This one forces all public schools to play the pronoun game with their students and it sets up a task force to come up with a policy that will ultimately hide such transitioning from “non-supportive” parents.

HB24-1040 Gender-Affirming Health-Care Provider Study This is a “study” designed to encourage and increase the number of medical facilities that transition kids.

HB24-1057 Prohibit Algorithmic Devices Used for Rent Setting This is one more slap at landlords. It won’t change much, but it is a typical nanny government bill.

HB24-1061 Marijuana Industry & Social Equity “Social equity” is a very dangerous, and, ironically, inequitable concept.

HB24-1075 Analysis of Universal Health-Care Payment System Here we go again, this could become the worst bill of the year.

HB24-1080 Youth Sports Personnel Requirements More mandatory reporters on the way…

4. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is this Coming Monday, January 15

Every Monday morning at 7:30 AM we gather via Zoom to discuss the latest issues here in Colorado and beyond. With your computer or phone please be a part of the discussion. Please note that the Zoom link is a new link for 2024.

Meeting ID: 842 9470 1530

Passcode: 265885

One tap mobile
+17193594580,,84294701530#,,,,*265885# US

For Life and Liberty!

Kevin Lundberg
fmr Colorado State Senator

As the executive director for the Republican Study Committee of Colorado, I am working to keep this organization a powerful voice for conservative values in the Colorado legislature. We are a non-profit 501(c)4 organization, relying on contributions (which are not tax-deductible).

Donations can be sent to:

The Republican Study Committee of Colorado,P.O. Box 378, Berthoud, CO 80513.

The Republican Study Committee of Colorado

January 6, 2024

1. Happy New Year

2. Ohio Legislature Poised to Override Governor’s Veto

3. Rep. Bottoms sues Speaker McCluskie

4. Colorado’s Electric Energy is About to Hit a Brick Wall

5. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is this Coming Monday, January 8

1. Happy New Year

This may be the most challenging year we have seen, and that is in the light of several recent, very challenging years. I anticipate there is much to come, so strap in as we plough into the future.

The legislature begins its 2024 session next week and there will be much to consider after the first batch of bills become public. For this week I am dealing with another lawmaking body in Colorado, as specified in the Colorado constitution, in Article V. This article establishes the legislature, but first it declares that the citizens of Colorado do not relinquish the authority to make laws directly, without the legislature and governor. Given the current legislature and governor I have helped form a statewide coalition of citizens who are developing initiatives to put on the ballot for 2024. We are dealing with transgender ideology issues in order to protect our kids (see Art Club for more on this subject).

This week we were before the Title Board seeking approval for three initiatives, two concerning parental rights and one concerning a ban on men participating in girl’s sports in public schools. The sports initiative was approved, but the Title Board rejected the parental rights applications. However, we anticipated this possibility and have more applications lined up for their consideration.

The Title Board is charged with two responsibilities, which should be ministerial in nature, not dealing with the policy aspects of the initiatives before them. They are to determine if the initiative is single subject, as is constitutionally required for all legislation in Colorado (except general appropriations bills), and they are to set a title that accurately describes the measure for the ballot in the general election. The Title Board is comprised of an appointee from Legislative Counsel, a non-partisan staff for the legislature and one appointee each from the Secretary of State and Attorney General. Hence both of these board members are political appointees.

I mention this as they rejected the parental rights measures as not being a single subject. But in my 16 years experience in the legislature I know those measures would never have been determined to be out of order on the basis of the single subject rule.

As I wrote earlier, we anticipated this might happen and have more applications lined up for possible consideration. Hopefully the Title Board will not become a permanent choke point for this vital right guaranteed in our state constitution for the citizens of Colorado.

We are serious about this effort and determined to see it through. Very soon we will need citizens from all parts of the state to help put these on the ballot. I will have more information on this effort in future reports.

2. Ohio Legislature Poised to Override Governor’s Veto

Speaking of laws designed to hold back the trans ideology from our schools and our kids, in Ohio their legislature passed a good bill, but the Republican governor vetoed it. Now the legislature is coming back to override his veto. Here is a story giving more details.

3. Rep. Bottoms sues Speaker McCluskie

I applaud Representative Bottoms for standing up for the rules of the Colorado House. Over the past few years I have watched as the abuse of the rules by the majority party has made a mockery of the legislative process. Watch this video for more information;

4. Colorado’s Electric Energy is About to Hit a Brick Wall

This story, is written from a hard left perspective, so they think shutting down coal and gas fired plants are good ideas. However the truth still comes out in the article that these harsh requirements the governor and legislature put into place last year are very hard targets to meet. This is just the first rumblings of the brick wall our utility industry is facing here in Colorado. As they rush to meet these ridiculous requirements we will see more and more utilities falling behind, electric rates skyrocket and inevitable rationing of electricity for everyone in Colorado.

BTW, the coal fired plant in this story is one of the most recently built in Colorado, is very clean and efficient and was designed to be in service at least until 2045, but now the plan is to shut it down before 2030!

5. Breakfast Club Zoom Call is this Coming Monday, January 8

We have skipped the Zoom calls which would have been on Christmas and New Year’s Day, but we are back online this coming Monday, January 8. Every Monday morning at 7:30 AM we gather via Zoom to discuss the latest issues here in Colorado and beyond. With your computer or phone please be a part of the discussion. Please note that the Zoom link is a new link for 2024.

Meeting ID: 842 9470 1530

Passcode: 265885

One tap mobile
+17193594580,,84294701530#,,,,*265885# US

For Life and Liberty!

Kevin Lundberg
fmr Colorado State Senator

As the executive director for the Republican Study Committee of Colorado, I am working to keep this organization a powerful voice for conservative values in the Colorado legislature. We are a non-profit 501(c)4 organization, relying on contributions (which are not tax-deductible).

Donations can be sent to:

The Republican Study Committee of Colorado,P.O. Box 378, Berthoud, CO 80513.

The Republican Study Committee of Colorado

December 30, 2023

1.Watch: Powerful New Film, Art Club” -Western Journal and Gateway Pundit

2. Biden’s War on Families Continues

3. No Breakfast Club Zoom Call on January 1

1.Watch: Powerful New Film, Art Club” -Western Journal and Gateway Pundit

Earlier this week The Western Journal and Gateway Pundit published a review of our documentary Art Club. The response has been remarkable as the combined views on our streaming platforms have doubled in the last four days. It is also significant to note that there are just about 400 likes on YouTube and Rumble, and zero dislikes. We have been overwhelmed by the positive response we are getting for Art Club.

We also just published a shorter version of the trailer (about 2 minutes). To watch the new trailer click here.

Have you watched Art Club? After watching it for yourself please pass it on to others and help us set up special showings at your church or other organizations. Please visit for more information about this important issue that everyone needs to better understand.

In the coming few weeks I will be sharing more developments on dealing with this issue here in Colorado.

2. Biden’s War on Families Continues

As we look toward 2024, the battles to protect families continue on many fronts. Here is an article on the Biden’s administration developing new rules to require foster families to endorse transgender ideology. Elections have consequences. Please take an active role in the 2024 election.

3. No Breakfast Club Zoom Call on January 1

With Christmas and New Year’s Day both on Mondays, we have been taking a break from the weekly Zoom calls. The link for the Zoom calls for 2024 will be published in next week’s newsletter. For now, please spend as much time as you can with your family and friends.

For Life and Liberty!

Kevin Lundberg
fmr Colorado State Senator

As the executive director for the Republican Study Committee of Colorado, I am working to keep this organization a powerful voice for conservative values in the Colorado legislature. We are a non-profit 501(c)4 organization, relying on contributions (which are not tax-deductible).

Donations can be sent to:

The Republican Study Committee of Colorado,P.O. Box 378, Berthoud, CO 80513.

The Republican Study Committee of Colorado(R

December 23, 2023

Have a Merry and Blessed Christmas

Earlier this week I reported on the breaking news that the Colorado Supreme Court ruled against Trump being placed on Colorado’s presidential primary ballot. I sent that out early, as it was very big breaking news, but I also did not want to include it in my December 23 edition because as big a story as that is, it pales in comparison to the real story I trust you will celebrate over the next couple of days.

There is much turmoil in our culture today and each year it seems to get bigger, but when God sent his Son to live among us and become the Savior of the world, all of the turmoil around us became not much more than background noise. Consider these truths first and the rest of life makes sense. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.  For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.”


Please enjoy these holy days with friends and family. We will dig back into the political world next week.

P.S. The Monday morning Zoom calls will not be held on Christmas day and New Years day. We will fire that up again on January 8.

For Life and Liberty!

Kevin Lundberg
fmr Colorado State Senator

As the executive director for the Republican Study Committee of Colorado, I am working to keep this organization a powerful voice for conservative values in the Colorado legislature. We are a non-profit 501(c)4 organization, relying on contributions (which are not tax-deductible).

Donations can be sent to:

The Republican Study Committee of Colorado,P.O. Box 378, Berthoud, CO 80513.

The Republican Study Committee of Colorado(RSCC) is composed of conservative leaders within the Republican caucus of the Colorado legislature.

December 16, 2023

Special Report

The Four Grinches Who Are Stealing Our Vote and Our Constitution

The Colorado Supreme Court, in a not very surprising Christmas week decision, have once again proven they are not much more than political hacks.

I say this because they have been pulling these hard-left political stunts for decades.

In 2001, when Colorado had a reapportionment commission to redraw the state legislative maps, the eleven member commission was dominated by the four appointees from the Chief Justice. I attended many of those meetings and, unlike the appointees from the legislature and governor Owens, those four members always voted as a block and only supported the hard-left decisions that helped craft a lopsided legislative map which favored their party. 

That same court then drew the congressional districts in a similar, highly partisan fashion (this was made possible because the Democrat legislators stonewalled the constitutional mandate that the legislature design the maps).

In 2003 the legislature finally did draw the congressional maps and the Colorado Supreme Court rejected that action, arguing that since the Court drew the maps in 2001, the legislature had already acted, because the Court declared they (the Court) were the legislature for that action. No kidding, they explicitly said that in their decision to reject the legislature’s map. This was despite the Colorado constitution’s clear division of the powers of the three branches of government in Article III.

The only legitimate indictment in yesterday’s ruling against Trump’s name being included on Colorado’s primary ballot is that of the Colorado Supreme Court themselves. Finally, before the whole world, they have shown themselves to be nothing more than political hacks. 

As a former member the Colorado General Assembly it is unfortunate that I have such a low view of the Court, but I assure you, it is richly deserved because this court has long been known for their disregard for constitutional principles, whenever it gets in the way of pushing their extreme political agenda.

For Life and Liberty!

Kevin Lundberg
fmr Colorado State Senator

December 16, 2023

1. Global Warming Fearmongers Never Give Up

2. Marches On

3. Final Breakfast Club Zoom Call for 2023 is Monday Morning

1. Global Warming Fearmongers Never Give Up

Last week I reported on a recently published report that showed some big cracks to the whole global warming narrative. In the last several months I have given several stories along this line, including highlighting the very informative documentary, A Climate Conversation, but the political world continues hurl us all down the dangerous rathole of trying to abandon our world’s primary sources of energy.

And just this week, when it might have seemed safe to engage in a rational discussion, most of the nations of the world decided to recommit themselves to this devil’s errand of chasing after a “net zero” goal. Do not buy it. Real science does not support the Global warming narrative. Thirty years ago Al Gore assured us that by now the ice caps would be melted, and the environment would be one big catastrophe. It hasn’t happen AL, and that is because the fearmongers in the 90’s were no closer to the truth then than they are today. Much more careful scientific observations show a slow warming trend that is not catastrophic, but manageable and quite possibly more desirable than a static or cooling trend.

Quite unfortunately current Colorado state policies are rushing with most the world political leaders down this dangerous road, with plans to shut down power plants, choke off reasonable heat and energy systems for buildings and cripple our transportation systems. This has got to stop and the only political way I see out of it is through overwhelming changes on election day in 2024…

2. Marches On

Have you watched my documentary, Art Club? We are well over 8,000 views on the several platforms we have for it at After watching it for yourself please pass it on to others and set up special showings at your church or other organizations. Please visit for more information about this important issue that everyone needs to better understand.

In the coming few weeks I will be sharing more developments on dealing with this issue here in Colorado.

3. Final Breakfast Club Zoom Call for 2023 is Monday Morning

Every Monday morning at 7:30 AM we gather via Zoom to discuss the latest issues here in Colorado and beyond. With your computer or phone please be a part of the discussion. However, Christmas and New Year’s day are on Monday, so after this coming Monday the Monday morning call will not happen until January 8. Please note that and the Zoom link will be a new link beginning in 2024.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 851 6789 1314
Passcode: 123456
One tap mobile
+17193594580,,85167891314#,,,,*123456# US

For Life and Liberty!

Kevin Lundberg
fmr Colorado State Senator

As the executive director for the Republican Study Committee of Colorado, I am working to keep this organization a powerful voice for conservative values in the Colorado legislature. We are a non-profit 501(c)4 organization, relying on contributions (which are not tax-deductible).

Donations can be sent to:

The Republican Study Committee of Colorado,P.O. Box 378, Berthoud, CO 80513.

The Republican Study Committee of Colorado(RSCC) is composed of conservative leaders within the Republican caucus of the Colorado legislature.

COLORADO NATIVE   |   P.O. Box 378, Berthoud, CO 80513
